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How do I write a bash script to restart a process if it dies?

I have a python script that'll be checking a queue and performing an action on each item:

while True:

How do I write a bash script that will check if it's running, and if not, start it. Roughly the following pseudo code (or maybe it should do something like ps | grep?):

if processidfile exists:
  if processid is running:
     exit, all ok

write processid to processidfile

I'll call that from a crontab:

# crontab
*/5 * * * * /path/to/
Just to add this for 2017. Use supervisord. crontab is not mean to do this kind of task. A bash script is terrible on emitting the real error.…
How about using inittab and respawn instead of other non-system solutions? See


Avoid PID-files, crons, or anything else that tries to evaluate processes that aren't their children.

There is a very good reason why in UNIX, you can ONLY wait on your children. Any method (ps parsing, pgrep, storing a PID, ...) that tries to work around that is flawed and has gaping holes in it. Just say no.

Instead you need the process that monitors your process to be the process' parent. What does this mean? It means only the process that starts your process can reliably wait for it to end. In bash, this is absolutely trivial.

until myserver; do
    echo "Server 'myserver' crashed with exit code $?.  Respawning.." >&2
    sleep 1

The above piece of bash code runs myserver in an until loop. The first line starts myserver and waits for it to end. When it ends, until checks its exit status. If the exit status is 0, it means it ended gracefully (which means you asked it to shut down somehow, and it did so successfully). In that case we don't want to restart it (we just asked it to shut down!). If the exit status is not 0, until will run the loop body, which emits an error message on STDERR and restarts the loop (back to line 1) after 1 second.

Why do we wait a second? Because if something's wrong with the startup sequence of myserver and it crashes immediately, you'll have a very intensive loop of constant restarting and crashing on your hands. The sleep 1 takes away the strain from that.

Now all you need to do is start this bash script (asynchronously, probably), and it will monitor myserver and restart it as necessary. If you want to start the monitor on boot (making the server "survive" reboots), you can schedule it in your user's cron(1) with an @reboot rule. Open your cron rules with crontab:

crontab -e

Then add a rule to start your monitor script:

@reboot /usr/local/bin/myservermonitor

Alternatively; look at inittab(5) and /etc/inittab. You can add a line in there to have myserver start at a certain init level and be respawned automatically.


Let me add some information on why not to use PID files. While they are very popular; they are also very flawed and there's no reason why you wouldn't just do it the correct way.

Consider this:

PID recycling (killing the wrong process): /etc/init.d/foo start: start foo, write foo's PID to /var/run/ A while later: foo dies somehow. A while later: any random process that starts (call it bar) takes a random PID, imagine it taking foo's old PID. You notice foo's gone: /etc/init.d/foo/restart reads /var/run/, checks to see if it's still alive, finds bar, thinks it's foo, kills it, starts a new foo. PID files go stale. You need over-complicated (or should I say, non-trivial) logic to check whether the PID file is stale, and any such logic is again vulnerable to 1.. What if you don't even have write access or are in a read-only environment? It's pointless overcomplication; see how simple my example above is. No need to complicate that, at all.

See also: Are PID-files still flawed when doing it 'right'?

By the way; even worse than PID files is parsing ps! Don't ever do this.

ps is very unportable. While you find it on almost every UNIX system; its arguments vary greatly if you want non-standard output. And standard output is ONLY for human consumption, not for scripted parsing! Parsing ps leads to a LOT of false positives. Take the ps aux | grep PID example, and now imagine someone starting a process with a number somewhere as argument that happens to be the same as the PID you stared your daemon with! Imagine two people starting an X session and you grepping for X to kill yours. It's just all kinds of bad.

If you don't want to manage the process yourself; there are some perfectly good systems out there that will act as monitor for your processes. Look into runit, for example.

@Chas. Ownes: I don't think that's necessary. It would just complicate the implementation for no good reason. Simplicity is always more important; and if it restarts often, the sleep will keep it from having any bad impact on your system resources. There is already a message anyway.
@orschiro There is no resource consumption when the program behaves. If it exists immediately on launch, continuously, the resource consumption with a sleep 1 is still utterly negligible.
Can believe I'm just seeing this answer. Thanks so much!
@TomášZato you can do the above loop without testing the process' exit code while true; do myprocess; done but note that there is now no way to stop the process.
@SergeyP.akaazure The only way to force the parent to kill the child on exit in bash is to turn the child into a job and signal it: trap 'kill $(jobs -p)' EXIT; until myserver & wait; do sleep 1; done

Have a look at monit ( It handles start, stop and restart of your script and can do health checks plus restarts if necessary.

Or do a simple script:

while true
sleep 1

Monit is exactly what you are looking for.
"while 1" does not work. You need "while [ 1 ]" or "while true" or "while :". See
Teddy Markov

The easiest way to do it is using flock on file. In Python script you'd do

lf = open('/tmp/script.lock','w')
if(fcntl.flock(lf, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) != 0): 
   sys.exit('other instance already running')

In shell you can actually test if it's running:

if [ `flock -xn /tmp/script.lock -c 'echo 1'` ]; then 
   echo 'it's not running'
   echo -n 'it's already running with PID '
   cat /tmp/script.lock

But of course you don't have to test, because if it's already running and you restart it, it'll exit with 'other instance already running'

When process dies, all it's file descriptors are closed and all locks are automatically removed.

that could conceivably simplify it a bit by removing the bash script. what happens if the python script crashes? is the file unlocked?
File lock is released as soon as the application stops, either by killing, naturally or crashing.
@Tom be a little more precise -- the lock is no longer active as soon as the file handle it's on closes. If the Python script never closes the file handle by intent, and makes sure it doesn't get closed automatically via the file object being garbage-collected, then it closing probably means the script exited / was killed. This works even for reboots and such.
There are much better ways to use flock... in fact, the man page explicitly demonstrates how! exec {lock_fd}>/tmp/script.lock; flock -x "$lock_fd" is the bash equivalent to your Python, and leaves the lock held (so if you then exec a process, the lock will stay held until that process exits).
I downvoted you because your code is wrong. Using flock is the correct way, but your scripts are wrong. The only command you need to set in crontab is: flock -n /tmp/script.lock -c '/path/to/my/'
Josh Correia


while true; do <your-bash-snippet> && break; done

e.g. #1

while true; do openconnect x.x.x.x:xxxx && break; done

e.g. #2

while true; do docker logs -f container-name; sleep 2; done

This is my favorite answer, in-line works great, no extra software dependency, I want this in command form, let's call it jafari Here is what I used it for while true; do ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 30 -video_size 1920x1080 -i :10.0 -f mpegts srt://:6666?mode=listener && break; done there should be jafari ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 30 -video_size 1920x1080 -i :10.0 -f mpegts srt://:6666?mode=listener

You should use monit, a standard unix tool that can monitor different things on the system and react accordingly.

From the docs:

check process with pidfile /var/run/
       if changed pid then exec ""

You can also configure monit to email you when it does do a restart.

Monit is a great tool, but it is not standard in the formal sense of being specified in either POSIX or SUSV.
if ! test -f $PIDFILE || ! psgrep `cat $PIDFILE`; then
    # Write PIDFILE
    echo $! >$PIDFILE

cool, that's fleshing out some of my pseudo code pretty well. two qns: 1) how do I generate PIDFILE? 2) what's psgrep? it's not on ubuntu server.
ps grep is just a small app that does the same as ps ax|grep .... You can just install it or write a function for that: function psgrep() {ps ax|grep -v grep|grep -q "$1"}
Just noticed that I hadn't answered your first question.
On really busy server it's possible that PID will get recycled before you check.
watch "yourcommand"

It will restart the process if/when it stops (after a 2s delay).

watch -n 0.1 "yourcommand"

To restart it after 0.1s instead of the default 2 seconds

watch -e "yourcommand"

To stop restarts if the program exits with an error.


built-in command

one line

easy to use and remember.


Only display the result of the command on the screen once it's finished

This doesn't seem accurate, "watch - execute a program periodically", meaning it will execute every xx seconds, not if/when the process stops.
@smartins the delay is an interval, per the doc. So with -n 5 it will run the command again 5 seconds after the last one stopped. You can test it with watch -n 5 "sleep 5" and see that it's updated every 10 seconds.
Daniel Bradley

I'm not sure how portable it is across operating systems, but you might check if your system contains the 'run-one' command, i.e. "man run-one". Specifically, this set of commands includes 'run-one-constantly', which seems to be exactly what is needed.

From man page:

run-one-constantly COMMAND [ARGS]

Note: obviously this could be called from within your script, but also it removes the need for having a script at all.

Does this offer any advantage over the accepted answer?
Yes, I think it is preferable to use a built-in command than to write a shell script that does the same thing that will have to be maintained as a part of system codebase. Even if the functionality is required as part of a shell script the above command could also be used so it is relevant to a shell scripting question.
This is not "built in"; if it's installed by default on some distro, your answer should probably specify the distro (and ideally include a pointer for where to download it if yours isn't one of them).
Looks like it's an Ubuntu utility; but it's optional even on Ubuntu.
Worth noting: the run-one utilities do exactly what their name says - you can only run one instance of any command that is run with run-one-nnnnn. Other answers here are more executable agnostic - thay don't care about the content of the command at all.
Kevin Wright

I've used the following script with great success on numerous servers:

pid=`jps -v | grep $INSTALLATION | awk '{print $1}'`
echo $INSTALLATION found at PID $pid 
while [ -e /proc/$pid ]; do sleep 0.1; done


It's looking for a java process, so I can use jps, this is much more consistent across distributions than ps

$INSTALLATION contains enough of the process path that's it's totally unambiguous

Use sleep while waiting for the process to die, avoid hogging resources :)

This script is actually used to shut down a running instance of tomcat, which I want to shut down (and wait for) at the command line, so launching it as a child process simply isn't an option for me.

grep | awk is still an antipattern - you want awk "/$INSTALLATION/ { print \$1 }" to conflate the useless grep into the Awk script, which can find lines by regular expression itself very well, thank you very much.

I use this for my npm Process

for (( ; ; ))
date +"%T"
echo Start Process
cd /toFolder
sudo process
date +"%T"
echo Crash
sleep 1