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How to get the last element of a slice?

What is the Go way for extracting the last element of a slice?

var slice []int

slice = append(slice, 2)
slice = append(slice, 7)

slice[len(slice)-1:][0] // Retrieves the last element

The solution above works, but seems awkward.

Benjamin W.

For just reading the last element of a slice:


For removing it:

sl = sl[:len(sl)-1]

See this page about slice tricks

Thanks a bunch! Even though it does seem silly they didn't add the -1 index Python has...
I do like the -1 from Python, although it often lead to hard-to-debug errors.
They left it outside consciously. It was non-obvious and prone to errors. Go overall is circumspect about 'too much meaning'; it also doesn't feature method/operator overloading, default values for function params, etc. which IMHO goes in a similar philosophical vein. See this discussion and others:!topic/golang-nuts/yn9Q6HhgWi0
I am not sure but I got panic: runtime error: index out of range for profiles[len(profiles)-1].UserId, I guess the length of the slice is 0 so it panics?
@tom10271 Yes, you can't get the last element of a slice if there's no such element, ie. if there are no elements at all.

If you can use Go 1.18 or above and you often need to access the last element of a slice of some arbitrary element type, the use of a small custom function can improve readability at call sites:

package main

import "fmt"

func Last[E any](s []E) (E, bool) {
    if len(s) == 0 {
        var zero E
        return zero, false
    return s[len(s)-1], true

func main() {
    var numbers []int
    fmt.Println(Last(numbers)) // 0 false
    numbers = []int{4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42}
    fmt.Println(Last(numbers)) // 42 true


No need to create a library for that Last function, though; a little copying is better than a little dependency.

and now there's a proposal to add that to x/exp/slices

You can use the len(arr) function, although it will return the length of the slice starting from 1, and as Go arrays/slices start from index 0 the last element is effectively len(arr)-1


arr := []int{1,2,3,4,5,6} // 6 elements, last element at index 5
fmt.Println(len(arr)) // 6
fmt.Println(len(arr)-1) // 5
fmt.Println(arr[len(arr)-1]) // 6 <- element at index 5 (last element)


What is even more awkward is your program crashing on empty slices!

To contend with empty slices -- zero length causing panic: runtime error, you could have an if/then/else sequence, or you can use a temporary slice to solve the problem.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // test when slice is not empty
    itemsTest1 := []string{"apple", "grape", "orange", "peach", "mango"}

    tmpitems := append([]string{"none"},itemsTest1...)
    lastitem := tmpitems[len(tmpitems)-1]
    fmt.Printf("lastitem: %v\n", lastitem)

    // test when slice is empty
    itemsTest2 := []string{}

    tmpitems = append([]string{"none"},itemsTest2...) // <--- put a "default" first
    lastitem = tmpitems[len(tmpitems)-1]
    fmt.Printf("lastitem: %v\n", lastitem)

which will give you this output:

lastitem: mango
lastitem: none

For []int slices you might want a -1 or 0 for the default value.

Thinking at a higher level, if your slice always carries a default value then the "tmp" slice can be eliminated.