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How to install a previous exact version of a NPM package?

I used nvm to download node v0.4.10 and installed npm to work with that version of node.

I am trying to install express using

npm install express -g

and I get an error that express requires node version >= 0.5.0.

Well, this is odd, since I am following the directions for a node+express+mongodb tutorial here that used node v0.4.10, so I am assuming express is/was available to node v0.4.10. If my assumption is correct, how do I tell npm to fetch a version that would work with my setup?

Why don't you just update your Node version? Pretty sure there should be many more good additions than broken behavior that you will find.
Sometimes that's not an option. If he used nvm to downgrade, there might be a reason, such as some other group controls the executable node version he has to use.

Bret Copeland

If you have to install an older version of a package, just specify it

npm install <package>@<version>

For example: npm install express@3.0.0

You can also add the --save flag to that command to add it to your package.json dependencies, or --save --save-exact flags if you want that exact version specified in your package.json dependencies.

The install command is documented here:

If you're not sure what versions of a package are available, you can use:

npm view <package> versions

And npm view can be used for viewing other things about a package too.

I believe this will install the nearest major version that matches, so it might not be what you expect
@AakilFernandes if you specify an exact version, an exact version will be installed. If you specify a semantic version range, then you might get a non-exact match. There's nothing unique about the install command in that respect.
npm view <package> versions -json to see every single version, avoiding the ellipsis at the end of a list with many versions.
If you use npm install express@3.0.0, you won't get the exact version 3.0.0, you'll get the latest 3.x.x version. To get the specific version, you have to use npm install express@3.0.0 --save-exact. See this blog post:
@PatrickHund no, npm install express@3.0.0 will get you exactly version 3.0.0. npm install express@^3.0.0 would get you the latest 3.x.x. --save-exact affects how it's written to packages.json, which I already covered in my answer. Also note, --save-exact has to be used in combination with either --save or --save-dev - it's not enough to use it on its own.

It's quite easy. Just write this, for example:

npm install -g npm@4.6.1


npm install -g npm@latest    // For the last stable version
npm install -g npm@next      // For the most recent release

Thanks for the latest and next version tags!
@inaps you might add a note that the -g flag is specifically for packages you want installed globally as a lot of users will get to this page and merely copy/paste without realizing how they are about to impact their package ecosystem. We've all been "that guy"
this will install the exact version locally but will put '^4.6.1' in package.json which means other developers or build tools may get another subversion which may not be what you want and cause a build to fail.
Saurabh Chandra Patel

First remove old version, then run literally the following:

npm install express@3.X


npm install express@4.X

and for stable or recent

npm install -g npm@latest    // For the last stable version
npm install -g npm@next      // For the most recent release

Is that a literal X or a stand-in for some numeric version number?
That was an either/or question, not a yes/no question. I tried npm install express@3.X, and it seemed to work. Is that a feature or an accident of the way npm parses the version number?
@KeithThompson Yes, it is! Hehe, just kidding... It's the way npm parses it, see:
@gonz: So it's a literal X.
I just wanted to address why did that work for you. I don't know Saurabh's original intention or what you are trying to do. 3.X would mean >= 3.0 and < 4.0.
Oleg Bezkorovaynyi

In my opinion that is easiest and fastest way:

$ npm -v


$ npm install -g npm@latest-3


$ npm -v



npm install -g npm@version

in which you want to downgrade

npm install -g npm@3.10.10

but if i need it localy? do i need to put --save?
Yes you have will download the package locally.
@AlexNikonov ommit the -g (for global install, then it lands in your current project dir/node_modules) and yes, --save or --save-dev to get an entry in package.json

you can update your npm package by using this command:

npm install <package_name>@<version_number>

example: npm install yargs@12.0.2

Grant Miller

You can use the following command to install a previous version of an npm package:

npm install packagename@version

Alejandro Araujo

I have a general way to solve this type of problems, which could be helpful too, especially when cloning repositories to run them locally, but requires a little more analysis of the versions.

With the package npm-check-updates I verify the versions of the packages (according to the package.json file) that are not declared in their latest available versions, as shown in the figure (

With this information we can verify the update status of the different packages and make decisions as to which packages to upgrade / degrade and which ones do not.

Assuming that we decided to update all the packages as they are listed, we can use the ncu -u command which only modifies your package.json file. Run npm install to update your installed packages and package-lock.json.

Then, depending on the requirements of the repository, we can refine what is needed, installing the specific versions with npm view <package> versions and npm install <package>@<version>

abhishek singh

If you have to install an older version of a package, just specify it

npm install @ For example: npm install express@3.0.0

You can also add the --save flag to that command to add it to your package.json dependencies, or --save --save-exact flags if you want that exact version specified in your package.json dependencies.

The install command is documented here:

If you're not sure what versions of a package are available, you can use:

npm view versions And npm view can be used for viewing other things about a package too.

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Osama Ahmed Tahir

If you are using a mac, you can always use nvm and if windows, then you can use nodist

For window:

For Mac:


The easiest way I found: add package name with the version in package.json and then run npm install

"next-seo": "^5.4.0",
"next-themes": "^0.1.1",
"nextjs-progressbar": "^0.0.14",

Arbër Hyseni

Use npm config set save-exact=true if you want to install the exact version

Peter Moses

For yarn users:

yarn add package_name@version_number

Deepti Gehlot

On Ubuntu you can try this command.

sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable 

Specific version : sudo n 8.11.3 instead of sudo n stable