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Twitter Bootstrap Form File Element Upload Button

Why isn't there a fancy file element upload button for twitter bootstrap? It would be sweet if the blue primary button was implemented for the upload button. Is it even possible to finesse the upload button using CSS? (seems like a native browser element that can't be manipulated)


Here's a solution for Bootstrap 3, 4, and 5.

To make a functional file input control that looks like a button, you only need HTML:


<label class="btn btn-default">
    Browse <input type="file" hidden>

This works in all modern browsers, including IE9+. If you need support for old IE as well, please use the legacy approach shown below.

This techniques relies on the HTML5 hidden attribute. Bootstrap 4 uses the following CSS to shim this feature in unsupportive browsers. You may need to add if you're using Bootstrap 3.

[hidden] {
  display: none !important;

Legacy approach for old IE

If you need support for IE8 and below, use the following HTML/CSS:


<span class="btn btn-default btn-file">
    Browse <input type="file">


.btn-file {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;
.btn-file input[type=file] {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    min-width: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;
    font-size: 100px;
    text-align: right;
    filter: alpha(opacity=0);
    opacity: 0;
    outline: none;
    background: white;
    cursor: inherit;
    display: block;

Note that old IE doesn't trigger the file input when you click on a <label>, so the The CSS "bloat" does a couple things to work around that:

Makes the file input span the full width/height of the surrounding

Makes the file input invisible

Feedback & Additional Reading

I've posted more details about this method, as well as examples for how to show the user which/how many files are selected:

+ 1 For me this is by far the best answer. Very concise solution using the latest version of bootstrap.
@Ulises @JaredEitnier @IvanWang I respectfully disagree. And offer a shameless plug to my answer which simply uses the <label> element. As the best solution :)
I have to agree with @KirillFuchs; label would be better. Plus - the user can't see if they selected the right file because the button doesn't show the selected file name:
Label would be semantically better. Check out the article for a method of showing which files are selected. (Some apps auto-upload when a file is selected, so in those cases filename feedback isn't critical.)
I couldn't get this to work on IE11 together with a FormData object. Somehow IE is ignoring the input field when it is inside a label element, and as a result the file data is not available from the FormData object.
Pēteris Caune

Im surprised there was no mention of the <label> element.


<label class="btn btn-primary" for="my-file-selector">
    <input id="my-file-selector" type="file" class="d-none">
    Button Text Here

No need for any JS, or funky css...

Solution for including the filename:

<label class="btn btn-primary" for="my-file-selector">
    <input id="my-file-selector" type="file" style="display:none" 
    Button Text Here
<span class='label label-info' id="upload-file-info"></span>

The solution above requires jQuery.

Note: use $.text() when displaying user-supplied content on the page. An earlier version of this answer used $.html() which is not safe – filenames can contain HTML markup.

This answer should be the accepted one. It's even better than @claviska's answer
Can't quite understand why this isn't the accepted answer. Clean, simple and stable (unless you're targetting < IE9, that is...)
I couldn't get this to work on IE11 together with a FormData object. Somehow IE is ignoring the input field when it is inside a label element, and as a result the file data is not available from the FormData object.
well, it doesn't display which file is choosed(
You don't need to use for if you're wrapping the target element with the label.

With no additional plugin required, this bootstrap solution works great for me:

<div style="position:relative;">
        <a class='btn btn-primary' href='javascript:;'>
            Choose File...
            <input type="file" style='position:absolute;z-index:2;top:0;left:0;filter: alpha(opacity=0);-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)";opacity:0;background-color:transparent;color:transparent;' name="file_source" size="40"  onchange='$("#upload-file-info").html($(this).val());'>
        <span class='label label-info' id="upload-file-info"></span>

demo: (bootstrap 2) (bootstrap 3)

I had some issues with the bottom area of the button not clickable. This answer helped me in bootstrap 3:
This is an excellent solution as it shows the file name of the attached file!
Could someone please explain the need for the href='javascript:;' ? I don't need the onchange='$("#upload-file-info").html($(this).val());' to update the upload-file-info element, but the file upload dialog won't trigger without the href.
Where is 'C:\fakepath' coming from and how do I get rid of it?
@Ya. C:\fakepath is html5 security feature and is prefixed to file path if we manipulate it with javascript. See this blog post for details.
Arnold Daniels

It's included in Jasny's fork of bootstrap.

A simple upload button can be created using

<span class="btn btn-file">Upload<input type="file" /></span>

With the fileupload plugin you can create more advanced widgets. Have a look at

Does this work ok in IE9? I'm asking because I assume the solution makes use of Javascript, and, at the same time, "the IE doesn’t allow manipulation of the type=”file” input element from javascript due to security reasons."
Yes it works in IE9 as well. It sets the opacity of the input element to 0, which luckily works in all browsers :). It's explained in the quirksmode article.
it does not work with jQuery 1.9.0, because they dropped $.browser support
Looks terrible with regular bootstrap -

Upload buttons are a pain to style because it styles the input and not the button.

but you can use this trick:


Take a normal and put it in an element with position: relative. To this same parent element, add a normal and an image, which have the correct styles. Position these elements absolutely, so that they occupy the same place as the . Set the z-index of the to 2 so that it lies on top of the styled input/image. Finally, set the opacity of the to 0. The now becomes effectively invisible, and the styles input/image shines through, but you can still click on the "Browse" button. If the button is positioned on top of the image, the user appears to click on the image and gets the normal file selection window. (Note that you can't use visibility: hidden, because a truly invisible element is unclickable, too, and we need the to remain clickable)

This is way too much work for these days. Using something ready like Jasny's solution in next answer makes a lot more sense.
If your example includes support for supporting netscape, it's probably not up to date.

Works for me:

Pretty file input field in Bootstrap


jQuery plugin style:

// Based in:
// Version: 0.0.3
// Compatibility with: Bootstrap 3.2.0 and jQuery 2.1.1
// Use:
//     <input class="nice_file_field" type="file" data-label="Choose Document">
//     <script> $(".nice_file_field").niceFileField(); </script>
(function( $ ) {
  $.fn.niceFileField = function() {
    this.each(function(index, file_field) {
      file_field = $(file_field);
      var label = file_field.attr("data-label") || "Choose File";

      file_field.css({"display": "none"});

      nice_file_block_text  = '<div class="input-group nice_file_block">';
      nice_file_block_text += '  <input type="text" class="form-control">';
      nice_file_block_text += '  <span class="input-group-btn">';
      nice_file_block_text += '   <button class="btn btn-default nice_file_field_button" type="button">' + label + '</button>';
      nice_file_block_text += '  </span>';
      nice_file_block_text += '</div>';


      var nice_file_field_button = file_field.parent().find(".nice_file_field_button");
      var nice_file_block_element = file_field.parent().find(".nice_file_block");

      nice_file_field_button.on("click", function(){ console.log("click"); } );
      file_field.change( function(){
})( jQuery );


Simplified answer using parts from other answers, primarily user2309766 and dotcomsuperstar.


Uses Bootstrap button addon for button and field.

Only one input; multiple inputs would be picked up by a form.

No extra css except "display: none;" to hide the file input.

Visible button fires click event for hidden file input.

split to remove file path uses regex and delimiters '\' and '/'.




With some inspiration from other posts above, here is a full solution that combines what looks like a form-control field with an input-group-addon for a clean file input widget that includes a link to the current file.

.input-file { position: relative; margin: 60px 60px 0 } /* Remove margin, it is just for stackoverflow viewing */ .input-file .input-group-addon { border: 0px; padding: 0px; } .input-file .input-group-addon .btn { border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0 } .input-file .input-group-addon input { cursor: pointer; position:absolute; width: 72px; z-index:2;top:0;right:0;filter: alpha(opacity=0);-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)";opacity:0; background-color:transparent; color:transparent; }


This works perfectly for me

    <input  type="file" 
            style="visibility:hidden; width: 1px;" 
            id='${multipartFilePath}' name='${multipartFilePath}'  
            onchange="$(this).parent().find('span').html($(this).val().replace('C:\\fakepath\\', ''))"  /> <!-- Chrome security returns 'C:\fakepath\'  -->
    <input class="btn btn-primary" type="button" value="Upload File.." onclick="$(this).parent().find('input[type=file]').click();"/> <!-- on button click fire the file click event -->
    <span  class="badge badge-important" ></span>


Please check out Twitter Bootstrap File Input. It use very simple solution, just add one javascript file and and paste following code:


Link is broken (July 2019)
@Yetti99 yes, it's broken now
@Yetti99, I changed the link. Please check now.

A simple solution with acceptable outcome:

<input type="file" class="form-control">

And the style:

input[type=file].form-control {
    height: auto;


Solution for multiple upload

I tweaked two previous answers to include multiple uploads. In this way the label shows the file name, if only one is selected, or x files in the opposite case.

<label class="btn btn-primary" for="my-file-selector">
    <input id="my-file-selector" type="file" multiple="multiple" style="display:none"
            (this.files.length > 1) ? this.files.length + ' files' : this.files[0].name)">                     
<span class='label label-info' id="upload-file-info"></span>

It may also apply to change the button text and class.

<label class="btn btn-primary" for="multfile">
    <input id="multfile" type="file" multiple="multiple" style="display:none"
            (this.files.length == 1) ? this.files[0].name : this.files.length + ' files');
    <span id="multfile-label">Files&hellip;</span>


I have Created a Custom upload button to accept only images, which can be modified as per your requirement.

Hope this helps!! :)

(Used Bootstrap framework)



 <br />
 <br />
 <span class="head">Upload Button Re-Imagined</span>
 <br />
 <br />
 <div class="fileUpload blue-btn btn width100">
   <span>Upload your Organizations logo</span>
   <input type="file" class="uploadlogo" />


 .head {
   font-size: 25px;
   font-weight: 200;

 .blue-btn {
   background: transparent;
   border: solid 1px #27a9e0;
   border-radius: 3px;
   color: #27a9e0;
   font-size: 16px;
   margin-bottom: 20px;
   outline: none !important;
   padding: 10px 20px;

 .fileUpload {
   position: relative;
   overflow: hidden;
   height: 43px;
   margin-top: 0;

 .fileUpload input.uploadlogo {
   position: absolute;
   top: 0;
   right: 0;
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   font-size: 20px;
   cursor: pointer;
   opacity: 0;
   filter: alpha(opacity=0);
   width: 100%;
   height: 42px;

 /*Chrome fix*/

 input::-webkit-file-upload-button {
   cursor: pointer !important;


// You can modify the upload files to pdf's, docs etc
//Currently it will upload only images
$(document).ready(function($) {

  // Upload btn
  $(".uploadlogo").change(function() {

  function readURL(input) {
    var url = input.value;
    var ext = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
    if (input.files && input.files[0] && (ext == "png" || ext == "jpeg" || ext == "jpg" || ext == "gif" || ext == "svg")) {
      var path = $('.uploadlogo').val();
      var filename = path.replace(/^.*\\/, "");
      $('.fileUpload span').html('Uploaded logo : ' + filename);
      // console.log(filename);
    } else {
      $('.fileUpload span').html('Only Images Are Allowed!');


this is the best file upload style I like:

<div class="fileupload fileupload-new" data-provides="fileupload">
  <div class="input-append">
    <div class="uneditable-input span3"><i class="icon-file fileupload-exists"></i> <span class="fileupload-preview"></span></div><span class="btn btn-file"><span class="fileupload-new">Select file</span><span class="fileupload-exists">Change</span><input type="file" /></span><a href="#" class="btn fileupload-exists" data-dismiss="fileupload">Remove</a>

you can get demo and more styles at:

but using this, you should replace twitter bootstrap with jasny bootstrap files..



Based on the absolutely brilliant @claviska solution, to whom all the credit is owed.

Full featured Bootstrap 4 file input with validation and help text.

Based on the input group example we have a dummy input text field used for displaying the filename to the user, which gets populated from the onchange event on the actual input file field hidden behind the label button. Aside from including the bootstrap 4 validation support we've also made it possible to click anywhere on the input to open the file dialog.

Three states of the file input

The three possible states are un-validated, valid and invalid with the dummy html input tag attribute required set.

Html markup for the input

We introduce only 2 custom classes input-file-dummy and input-file-btn to properly style and wire the desired behaviour. Everything else is standard Bootstrap 4 markup.

<div class="input-group">
  <input type="text" class="form-control input-file-dummy" placeholder="Choose file" aria-describedby="fileHelp" required>
  <div class="valid-feedback order-last">File is valid</div>
  <div class="invalid-feedback order-last">File is required</div>
  <label class="input-group-append mb-0">
    <span class="btn btn-primary input-file-btn">
      Browse… <input type="file" hidden>
<small id="fileHelp" class="form-text text-muted">Choose any file you like</small>

JavaScript behavioural provisions

The dummy input needs to be read only, as per the original example, to prevent the user from changing the input which may only be changed via the open file dialog. Unfortunately validation does not occur on readonly fields so we toggle the editability of the input on focus and blur ( jquery events onfocusin and onfocusout) and ensure that it becomes validatable again once a file is selected.

Aside from also making the text field clickable, by triggering the button's click event, the rest of the functionality of populating the dummy field was envisioned by @claviska.

$(function () {
  $('.input-file-dummy').each(function () {
    $($(this).parent().find('.input-file-btn input')).on('change', {dummy: this}, function(ev) {
        .val($(this).val().replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/.*\//, ''))
    $(this).on('focusin', function () {
        $(this).attr('readonly', '');
      }).on('focusout', function () {
      }).on('click', function () {

Custom style tweaks

Most importantly we don't want the readonly field to jump between grey background and white so we ensure it stays white. The span button doesn't have a pointer cursor but we need to add one for the input anyway.

.input-file-dummy, .input-file-btn {
  cursor: pointer;
.input-file-dummy[readonly] {
  background-color: white;



I use




Use comments for tiny answers or suggestions.
Matteo Ferla

I thought I'd add my threepence worth, just to say how the default .custom-file-label and custom-file-input BS4 file input and how that can be used.

The latter class is on the input group and is not visible. While the former is the visible label and has a :after pseudoelement that looks like a button.

<div class="custom-file">
<input type="file" class="custom-file-input" id="upload">
<label class="custom-file-label" for="upload">Choose file</label>

You cannot add classes to psuedoelements, but you can style them in CSS (or SASS).

.custom-file-label:after {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #1e7e34;
    border-color: #1c7430;
    pointer: cursor;

Ondrej Janacek

/* * Bootstrap 3 filestyle * * * Copyright (c) 2013 Markus Vinicius da Silva Lima * Update bootstrap 3 by Paulo Henrique Foxer * Version 2.0.0 * Licensed under the MIT license. * */

(function ($) {
"use strict";

var Filestyle = function (element, options) {
    this.options = options;
    this.$elementFilestyle = [];
    this.$element = $(element);

Filestyle.prototype = {
    clear: function () {

    destroy: function () {

    icon: function (value) {
        if (value === true) {
            if (!this.options.icon) {
                this.options.icon = true;
        } else if (value === false) {
            if (this.options.icon) {
                this.options.icon = false;
        } else {
            return this.options.icon;

    input: function (value) {
        if (value === true) {
            if (!this.options.input) {
                this.options.input = true;

                var content = '',
                    files = [];
                if (this.$element[0].files === undefined) {
                    files[0] = {'name': this.$element[0].value};
                } else {
                    files = this.$element[0].files;

                for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                    content += files[i].name.split("\\").pop() + ', ';
                if (content !== '') {
                    this.$elementFilestyle.find(':text').val(content.replace(/\, $/g, ''));
        } else if (value === false) {
            if (this.options.input) {
                this.options.input = false;
        } else {
            return this.options.input;

    buttonText: function (value) {
        if (value !== undefined) {
            this.options.buttonText = value;
            this.$elementFilestyle.find('label span').html(this.options.buttonText);
        } else {
            return this.options.buttonText;

    classButton: function (value) {
        if (value !== undefined) {
            this.options.classButton = value;
            this.$elementFilestyle.find('label').attr({'class': this.options.classButton});
            if (|btn-primary|btn-danger|btn-warning|btn-success/i) !== -1) {
                this.$elementFilestyle.find('label i').addClass('icon-white');
            } else {
                this.$elementFilestyle.find('label i').removeClass('icon-white');
        } else {
            return this.options.classButton;

    classIcon: function (value) {
        if (value !== undefined) {
            this.options.classIcon = value;
            if (|btn-primary|btn-danger|btn-warning|btn-success/i) !== -1) {
                this.$elementFilestyle.find('label').find('i').attr({'class': 'icon-white '+this.options.classIcon});
            } else {
                this.$elementFilestyle.find('label').find('i').attr({'class': this.options.classIcon});
        } else {
            return this.options.classIcon;

    classInput: function (value) {
        if (value !== undefined) {
            this.options.classInput = value;
        } else {
            return this.options.classInput;

    htmlIcon: function () {
        if (this.options.icon) {
            var colorIcon = '';
            if (|btn-primary|btn-danger|btn-warning|btn-success/i) !== -1) {
                colorIcon = ' icon-white ';

            return '<i class="'+colorIcon+this.options.classIcon+'"></i> ';
        } else {
            return '';

    htmlInput: function () {
        if (this.options.input) {
            return '<input type="text" class="'+this.options.classInput+'" style="width: '+this.options.inputWidthPorcent+'% !important;display: inline !important;" disabled> ';
        } else {
            return '';

    constructor: function () {
        var _self = this,
            html = '',
            id = this.$element.attr('id'),
            files = [];

        if (id === '' || !id) {
            id = 'filestyle-'+$('.bootstrap-filestyle').length;
            this.$element.attr({'id': id});

        html = this.htmlInput()+
             '<label for="'+id+'" class="'+this.options.classButton+'">'+

        this.$elementFilestyle = $('<div class="bootstrap-filestyle" style="display: inline;">'+html+'</div>');

        var $label = this.$elementFilestyle.find('label');
        var $labelFocusableContainer = $label.parent();

            .attr('tabindex', "0")
            .keypress(function(e) {
                if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.charCode === 32) {

        // hidding input file and add filestyle
            .attr('tabindex', "-1")

        // Getting input file value
        this.$element.change(function () {
            var content = '';
            if (this.files === undefined) {
                files[0] = {'name': this.value};
            } else {
                files = this.files;

            for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                content += files[i].name.split("\\").pop() + ', ';

            if (content !== '') {
                _self.$elementFilestyle.find(':text').val(content.replace(/\, $/g, ''));

        // Check if browser is Firefox
        if ( > -1) {
            // Simulating choose file for firefox
            this.$elementFilestyle.find('label').click(function () {
                return false;

var old = $.fn.filestyle;

$.fn.filestyle = function (option, value) {
    var get = '',
        element = this.each(function () {
            if ($(this).attr('type') === 'file') {
                var $this = $(this),
                    data = $'filestyle'),
                    options = $.extend({}, $.fn.filestyle.defaults, option, typeof option === 'object' && option);

                if (!data) {
                    $'filestyle', (data = new Filestyle(this, options)));

                if (typeof option === 'string') {
                    get = data[option](value);

    if (typeof get !== undefined) {
        return get;
    } else {
        return element;

$.fn.filestyle.defaults = {
    'buttonText': 'Escolher arquivo',
    'input': true,
    'icon': true,
    'inputWidthPorcent': 65,
    'classButton': 'btn btn-primary',
    'classInput': 'form-control file-input-button',
    'classIcon': 'icon-folder-open'

$.fn.filestyle.noConflict = function () {
    $.fn.filestyle = old;
    return this;

// Data attributes register
$('.filestyle').each(function () {
    var $this = $(this),
        options = {
            'buttonText': $this.attr('data-buttonText'),
            'input': $this.attr('data-input') === 'false' ? false : true,
            'icon': $this.attr('data-icon') === 'false' ? false : true,
            'classButton': $this.attr('data-classButton'),
            'classInput': $this.attr('data-classInput'),
            'classIcon': $this.attr('data-classIcon')



I modified @claviska answer and works as i like (Bootstrap 3, 4 not tested):

<label class="btn btn-default">
    <input type="file" style="display: none;" onchange="$(this).prev('span').text($(this).val()!=''?$(this).val():'Browse')">

Naveen DA

The following code makes as above the picture


<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<label for="file">
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="btn btn-default" type="button">Browse</button>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="info" readonly="" style="background: #fff;" placeholder="Search for...">
</div><!-- /input-group -->
</div><!-- /.col-lg-6 -->

<input type="file" style="display: none;" onchange="$('#info').val($(this).val().split(/[\\|/]/).pop()); " name="file" id="file">


<script type="text/javascript">

$(function() {
    $("label[for=file]").click(function(event) {


Esgi Dendyanri

I have the same problem, and i try it like this.

<button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-file'>Browse</button>
<input type='file' name='image'/>


.btn-file {

The JS


Note : The button .btn-file must in the same tag as the input file

Hope you found the best solution...

Siyavash Hamdi

Try following in the Bootstrap v.3.3.4

    <input id="uplFile" type="file" style="display: none;">

    <div class="input-group" style="width: 300px;">
        <div  id="btnBrowse"  class="btn btn-default input-group-addon">Select a file...</div>
        <span id="photoCover" class="form-control">

<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#uplFile').change(function() {


Somwang Souksavatd

Here is alternate trick, it's not the best solution but it just give you a choice

HTML code:

<button clss="btn btn-primary" id="btn_upload">Choose File</button>
<input id="fileupload" class="hide" type="file" name="files[]">



Michał Stochmal

In respect of claviska answer - if you want to show uploaded file name in a basic file upload you can do it in inputs' onchange event. Just use this code:

 <label class="btn btn-default">
                    <span id="uploaded-file-name" style="font-style: italic"></span>
                    <input id="file-upload" type="file" name="file"
                           onchange="$('#uploaded-file-name').text($('#file-upload')[0].value);" hidden>

This jquery JS code is responsible will retrieving uploaded file name:


Or with vanilla JS:



No fancy shiz required:


<form method="post" action="/api/admin/image" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="url" value="<%= boxes[i].url %>" />
    <input class="image-file-chosen" type="text" />
    <br />
    <input class="btn image-file-button" value="Choose Image" />
    <input class="image-file hide" type="file" name="image"/> <!-- Hidden -->
    <br />
    <br />
    <input class="btn" type="submit" name="image" value="Upload" />
    <br />


$('.image-file-button').each(function() {
      $(this).off('click').on('click', function() {
$('.image-file').each(function() {
      $(this).change(function () {

CAUTION: The three form elements in question MUST be siblings of each other (.image-file-chosen, .image-file-button, .image-file)




<input type="file" class="filestyle" data-input="false">