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Missing visible-** and hidden-** in Bootstrap v4

In Bootstrap v3 I often use the hidden-** classes combined with clearfix to control multi column layouts at different screen widths. For example,

I could combine multiple hidden-** in one DIV to make my multi columns appear correctly at different screen widths.

As an example if I wanted to display rows of product photos, 4 per row on larger screen sizes, 3 on smaller screens, then 2 on very small screens. The product photos might be different heights so I need the clearfix to ensure the row breaks properly.

Here's an example in v3...,css,output

Now that v4 has done away with these classes, and replaced them with the visible/hidden-**-up/down classes I seem to have to do the same thing with multiple DIVs instead.

Here's a similar example in v4...,css,output

So I've gone from single DIVs to having to add multiple DIVs with lots of up/down classes to achieve the same thing.


<div class="clearfix visible-xs-block visible-sm-block"></div>


<div class="clearfix hidden-sm-up"></div>
<div class="clearfix hidden-md-up hidden-xs-down"></div>
<div class="clearfix hidden-md-down"></div>

Is there a better way of doing this in v4 that I have overlooked?


Update for Bootstrap 5 (2020)

Bootstrap 5 (currently alpha) has a new xxl breakpoint. Therefore display classes have a new tier to support this:

Hidden only on xxl: d-xxl-none
Visible only on xxl: d-none d-xxl-block

Bootstrap 4 (2018)

The hidden-* and visible-* classes no longer exist in Bootstrap 4. If you want to hide an element on specific tiers or breakpoints in Bootstrap 4, use the d-* display classes accordingly.

Remember that extra-small/mobile (formerly xs) is the default (implied) breakpoint, unless overridden by a larger breakpoint. Therefore, the -xs infix no longer exists in Bootstrap 4.

Show/hide for breakpoint and down:

hidden-xs-down (hidden-xs) = d-none d-sm-block

hidden-sm-down (hidden-sm hidden-xs) = d-none d-md-block

hidden-md-down (hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs) = d-none d-lg-block

hidden-lg-down = d-none d-xl-block

hidden-xl-down (n/a 3.x) = d-none (same as hidden)

Show/hide for breakpoint and up:

hidden-xs-up = d-none (same as hidden)

hidden-sm-up = d-sm-none

hidden-md-up = d-md-none

hidden-lg-up = d-lg-none

hidden-xl-up (n/a 3.x) = d-xl-none

Show/hide only for a single breakpoint:

hidden-xs (only) = d-none d-sm-block (same as hidden-xs-down)

hidden-sm (only) = d-block d-sm-none d-md-block

hidden-md (only) = d-block d-md-none d-lg-block

hidden-lg (only) = d-block d-lg-none d-xl-block

hidden-xl (n/a 3.x) = d-block d-xl-none

visible-xs (only) = d-block d-sm-none

visible-sm (only) = d-none d-sm-block d-md-none

visible-md (only) = d-none d-md-block d-lg-none

visible-lg (only) = d-none d-lg-block d-xl-none

visible-xl (n/a 3.x) = d-none d-xl-block

Demo of the responsive display classes in Bootstrap 4

Also, note that d-*-block can be replaced with d-*-inline, d-*-flex, d-*-table-cell, d-*-table etc.. depending on the display type of the element. Read more on the display classes

I spotted this change when the beta was released and I think this is much better than how it was in the alpha releases. Thanks for adding the answer - I will mark as the solution.
@johna it's worse - though. There is no d-initial so you can no longer override the d-<breakpoint>-hidden and set it to its initial value. If I want to hide an element on smaller screens yet show it on medium and larger ones without knowing the initial display (which could be dynamic) then I can't restore its value. They didn't think of any of this.
@ThomasYates I don't really understand that use case. The initial display prop value is based on HTML/CSS defaults for the element (block, inline, table, etc..).
Worst update ever. How does one go from a super-intuitive "speaking" concept to something that cryptic? Opening an issue for this. They could have at least let the old classes co-exist.
I'm actually surprised at how hard it was to find this answer.

Unfortunately all classes hidden-*-up and hidden-*-down were removed from Bootstrap (as of Bootstrap Version 4 Beta, in Version 4 Alpha and Version 3 these classes still existed).

Instead, new classes d-* should be used, as mentioned here:

I found out that the new approach is less useful under some circumstances. The old approach was to HIDE elements while the new approach is to SHOW elements. Showing elements is not that easy with CSS since you need to know if the element is displayed as block, inline, inline-block, table etc.

You might want to restore the former "hidden-*" styles known from Bootstrap 3 with this CSS:

 * Restore Bootstrap 3 "hidden" utility classes.

/* Breakpoint XS */
@media (max-width: 575px)
    .hidden-xs-down, .hidden-sm-down, .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;


/* Breakpoint SM */
@media (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 767px)
    .hidden-sm-down, .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint MD */
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)
    .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint LG */
@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)
    .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, .hidden-lg-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint XL */
@media (min-width: 1200px)
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, .hidden-lg-up, .hidden-xl-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg
        display: none !important;

The classes hidden-unless-* were not included in Bootstrap 3, but they are useful as well and should be self-explanatory.

Does this still work with current version of B4? This visibility crap up is one of the main reasons I have not bothered moving. I get very befuddled sometimes when programming and this was just doing my head in. (I am 64 so give me a break!) Also (don't mean to be cheeky) but do you have an equivalent for visible? V useful to have both IMHO (or the way I code anyway :-) ) ATB Steve

Bootstrap v4.1 uses new classnames for hiding columns on their grid system.

For hiding columns depending on the screen width, use d-none class or any of the d-{sm,md,lg,xl}-none classes. To show columns on certain screen sizes, combine the above mentioned classes with d-block or d-{sm,md,lg,xl}-block classes.

Examples are:

hide on screens wider than lg
hide on screens smaller than lg

More of these here.


Source : Meduim : Bootstrap 4 Hidden & Visible

Here is a live link from the Medium article on Codeply:…
Navid Naseri


Hiding elements:

To hide elements simply use the .d-none class or one of the .d-{sm,md,lg,xl,xxl}-none classes for any responsive screen variation.

To show an element only on a given interval of screen sizes you can combine one .d-*-none class with a .d-*-* class, for example .d-none .d-md-block .d-xl-none .d-xxl-none will hide the element for all screen sizes except on medium and large devices.

Screen size Class Hidden on all .d-none Hidden only on xs .d-none .d-sm-block Hidden only on sm .d-sm-none .d-md-block Hidden only on md .d-md-none .d-lg-block Hidden only on lg .d-lg-none .d-xl-block Hidden only on xl .d-xl-none .d-xxl-block Hidden only on xxl .d-xxl-none Visible on all .d-block Visible only on xs .d-block .d-sm-none Visible only on sm .d-none .d-sm-block .d-md-none Visible only on md .d-none .d-md-block .d-lg-none Visible only on lg .d-none .d-lg-block .d-xl-none Visible only on xl .d-none .d-xl-block .d-xxl-none Visible only on xxl .d-none .d-xxl-block

Display in print:

Change the display value of elements when printing with our print display utility classes. Includes support for the same display values as our responsive .d-* utilities.











Bass Jobsen

I do no expect that multiple div's is a good solution.

I also think you can replace .visible-sm-block with .hidden-xs-down and .hidden-md-up (or .hidden-sm-down and .hidden-lg-up to act on the same media queries).

hidden-sm-up compiles into:

.visible-sm-block {
  display: none !important;
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
  .visible-sm-block {
    display: block !important;

.hidden-sm-down and .hidden-lg-up compiles into:

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  .hidden-xs-down {
    display: none !important;
@media (min-width: 991px) {
  .hidden-lg-up {
    display: none !important;

Both situation should act the same.

You situation become different when you try to replace .visible-sm-block and .visible-lg-block. Bootstrap v4 docs tell you:

These classes don’t attempt to accommodate less common cases where an element’s visibility can’t be expressed as a single contiguous range of viewport breakpoint sizes; you will instead need to use custom CSS in such cases.

.visible-sm-and-lg {
  display: none !important;
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
  .visible-sm-and-lg {
    display: block !important;
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
  .visible-sm-and-lg {
    display: block !important;

Michael Walter

The user Klaro suggested to restore the old visibility classes, which is a good idea. Unfortunately, their solution did not work in my project.

I think that it is a better idea to restore the old mixin of bootstrap, because it is covering all breakpoints which can be individually defined by the user.

Here is the code:

// Restore Bootstrap 3 "hidden" utility classes.
@each $bp in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
  .hidden-#{$bp}-up {
    @include media-breakpoint-up($bp) {
      display: none !important;
  .hidden-#{$bp}-down {
    @include media-breakpoint-down($bp) {
      display: none !important;
    @include media-breakpoint-only($bp){
      display:none !important;

In my case, I have inserted this part in a _custom.scss file which is included at this point in the bootstrap.scss:

 * Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta (
 * Copyright 2011-2017 The Bootstrap Authors
 * Copyright 2011-2017 Twitter, Inc.
 * Licensed under MIT (

@import "functions";
@import "variables";
@import "mixins";
@import "custom"; // <-- my custom file for overwriting default vars and adding the snippet from above
@import "print";
@import "reboot";

Very helpful! The Bootstrap 4 way seems to be a bit of a puzzle, plus that it's adding display: block which breaks flow in certain scenarios.
Kyle Selman

You now have to define the size of what is being hidden as so


Will hide anythinging from xs and smaller, only xs


Will hide everything

Yes, I have used these in my v4 example, but the issue is I now need multiple DIVs where in v3 I could do with one...
This solution is out of date and is only valid for Bootstrap V4 Alpha, For Beta and after, unfortunately these need to be replaced as specified in above ocmments

Bootstrap 4 to hide whole content use this class '.d-none' it will be hide everything regardless of breakpoints same like previous bootstrap version class '.hidden'

Scotty G

Unfortunately these new bootstrap 4 classes do not work like the old ones on a div using collapse as they set the visible div to block which starts out visible rather than hidden and if you add an extra div around the collapse functionality no longer works.

Creak Meng
i like the bootstrap3 style as the device width of bootstrap4
so i modify the css as below
.visible-xs, .visible-sm, .visible-md, .visible-lg { display:none !important; }
.visible-xs-block, .visible-xs-inline, .visible-xs-inline-block,
.visible-sm-block, .visible-sm-inline, .visible-sm-inline-block,
.visible-md-block, .visible-md-inline, .visible-md-inline-block,
.visible-lg-block, .visible-lg-inline, .visible-lg-inline-block { display:none !important; }
@media (max-width:575px) {
table.visible-xs                { display:table !important; }
tr.visible-xs                   { display:table-row !important; }
th.visible-xs, td.visible-xs    { display:table-cell !important; }

.visible-xs                 { display:block !important; }
.visible-xs-block { display:block !important; }
.visible-xs-inline { display:inline !important; }
.visible-xs-inline-block { display:inline-block !important; }

@media (min-width:576px) and (max-width:767px) {
table.visible-sm { display:table !important; }
tr.visible-sm { display:table-row !important; }
td.visible-sm { display:table-cell !important; }

.visible-sm { display:block !important; }
.visible-sm-block { display:block !important; }
.visible-sm-inline { display:inline !important; }
.visible-sm-inline-block { display:inline-block !important; }

@media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) {
table.visible-md { display:table !important; }
tr.visible-md { display:table-row !important; }
td.visible-md { display:table-cell !important; }

.visible-md { display:block !important; }
.visible-md-block { display:block !important; }
.visible-md-inline { display:inline !important; }
.visible-md-inline-block { display:inline-block !important; }

@media (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1199px) {
table.visible-lg { display:table !important; }
tr.visible-lg { display:table-row !important; }
td.visible-lg { display:table-cell !important; }

.visible-lg { display:block !important; }
.visible-lg-block { display:block !important; }
.visible-lg-inline { display:inline !important; }
.visible-lg-inline-block { display:inline-block !important; }

@media (min-width:1200px) {
table.visible-xl { display:table !important; }
tr.visible-xl { display:table-row !important; }
td.visible-xl { display:table-cell !important; }

.visible-xl { display:block !important; }
.visible-xl-block { display:block !important; }
.visible-xl-inline { display:inline !important; }
.visible-xl-inline-block { display:inline-block !important; }

@media (max-width:575px)                        { .hidden-xs{display:none !important;} }
@media (min-width:576px) and (max-width:767px)  { .hidden-sm{display:none !important;} }
@media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px)  { .hidden-md{display:none !important;} }
@media (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1199px) { .hidden-lg{display:none !important;} }
@media (min-width:1200px)                       { .hidden-xl{display:none !important;} }

Scott C Wilson

The hidden-* and visible-* classes no longer exist in Bootstrap 4. The same function can be achieved in Bootstrap 4 by using the d-* for the specific tiers.