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Regular Expression: Any character that is not a letter or number

I need a regular expression that will match any character that is not a letter or a number. Once found I want to replace it with a blank space.

Darin Dimitrov

To match anything other than letter or number you could try this:


And to replace:

var str = 'dfj,dsf7lfsd .sdklfj';
str = str.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ' ');

\w is for Word characters and is exactly the same as [a-zA-Z0-9_] (notice that underscore is considered a word character.) the shorthand would be str.replace(/[^\w]/g, ' ')
but it will include many unicode letters, too! is there any way to exclude unicode letters?
To include unicode characters, you can use [^\p{L}0-9]
@Dave: As of 2018 you can't without a polyfill, apparently...
is there a way, instead of repalce with a space... replace with "\" followed by the character that was been identified? Like this: make this dfj,dsf7lfsd .sdklfj into this dfj\,dsf7lfsd \.sdklfj?
Boris Verkhovskiy

This regular expression matches anything that isn't a letter, digit, or an underscore (_) character.


For example in JavaScript:

"(,,@,£,() asdf 345345".replace(/\W/g, ' '); // Output: "          asdf 345345"

I believe he is looking for /(_|\W)/g, to match anything not a digit or letter (english language)
@sbmaxx I want to replace all except &, (, ) these characters. how could i add this condition in the current regex.
Sean Kendle

You are looking for:

var yourVar = '1324567890abc§$)%';
yourVar = yourVar.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ' ');

This replaces all non-alphanumeric characters with a space.

The "g" on the end replaces all occurrences.

Instead of specifying a-z (lowercase) and A-Z (uppercase) you can also use the in-case-sensitive option: /[^a-z0-9]/gi.

Will it match spaces aswell? I need spaces to be kept. Thanks.
Space characters would match, but then would be replaced by space characters, so in effect it would leave them alone (a space will stay a space).

This is way way too late, but since there is no accepted answer I'd like to provide what I think is the simplest one: \D - matches all non digit characters.

var x = "123 235-25%"; x.replace(/\D/g, '');

Results in x: "12323525"


Youssef AbouEgla

Match letters only /[A-Z]/ig

Match anything not letters /[^A-Z]/ig

Match number only /[0-9]/g or /\d+/g

Match anything not number /[^0-9]/g or /\D+/g

Match anything not number or letter /[^A-Z0-9]/ig

There are other possible patterns


try doing str.replace(/[^\w]/); It will replace all the non-alphabets and numbers from your string!

Edit 1: str.replace(/[^\w]/g, ' ')

A working answer would be str.replace(/[^\w]/g, ' '). If you don't include /g flag it will only replace the first occurence. And if you don't define a replacement string, here a blank space ' ', it will replace by undefined all over the place. Finally, underscores will not be replaced because they match \w. This answer is not a perfect fit.

Just for others to see:

someString.replaceAll("([^\\p{L}\\p{N}])", " ");

will remove any non-letter and non-number unicode characters.


I'm not sure where the two upvotes came from, but in JavaScript (which this question is about) there's no replaceAll, and the \p{..} property escapes are not widely implemented.

To match anything other than letter or number or letter with diacritics like é you could try this:


And to replace:

var str = 'dfj,dsf7é@lfsd .sdklfàj1';
str = str.replace(/[^\wÀ-úÀ-ÿ]/g, '_');

Inspired by the top post with support for diacritics



Have you tried str = str.replace(/\W|_/g,''); it will return a string without any character and you can specify if any especial character after the pipe bar | to catch them as well.

var str = "1324567890abc§$)% John Doe #$@'.replace(/\W|_/g, ''); it will return str = 1324567890abcJohnDoe

or look for digits and letters and replace them for empty string (""):

var str = "1324567890abc§$)% John Doe #$@".replace(/\w|_/g, ''); it will return str = '§$)% #$@';