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Eloquent get only one column as an array

How to get only one column as one dimentional array in laravel 5.2 using eloquent?

I have tried:

$array = Word_relation::select('word_two')->where('word_one', $word_id)->get()->toArray();

but this one gives it as 2 dimentional array like:

array(2) {
      array(1) {
      array(1) {

but I want to get it as:

array(2) {


You can use the pluck method:

Word_relation::where('word_one', $word_id)->pluck('word_two')->toArray();

For more info on what methods are available for using with collection, you can you can check out the Laravel Documentation.

Thanks, that was the function I saw somewhere but didn't find it anymore, also for the record, for the answer to be presice, then maybe add ->toArray() since it returns colletion at the moment and select can be left out from the query for laravel 5.2 at least.
True about the select being redundant, but I don't see a problem with having a collection as a result, because a collection is just a fancy array that can be iterated over the same as an array. I rarely use arrays instead of collections since the memory footprint is generally not a problem, and collections can be easily cast to arrays where needed because they implement the toArray method. However, for consistency with your question, I modified the answer to do convert the result.
At the moment I am quite new to laravel and eloquent, so I needed these as array of numbers to later merge the array with similar one and use it in another query
Thank you for sharing this!
While a Collection also has a pluck() method - What you are using is a method of QueryBuilder.

If you receive multiple entries the correct method is called lists.

    Word_relation::select('word_two')->where('word_one', $word_id)->lists('word_one')->toArray();

Awesome! The lists() works fine by it self. Thank you.
Boom! This works perfectly. But don't need to use toArray() function because lists() returns an array.
lists() is deprecated in Laravel Ver.5.2 and later, where pluck() as in the tagged answer is the way.

That can be done in short as:


where model is the Model such as User model & column as column name like id

if you do

User::pluck('id') // [1,2,3, ...]

& of course you can have any other clauses like where clause before pluck


I came across this question and thought I would clarify that the lists() method of a eloquent builder object was depreciated in Laravel 5.2 and replaced with pluck().

// <= Laravel 5.1
Word_relation::where('word_one', $word_id)->lists('word_one')->toArray();
// >= Laravel 5.2
Word_relation::where('word_one', $word_id)->pluck('word_one')->toArray();

These methods can also be called on a Collection for example

// <= Laravel 5.1
  $collection = Word_relation::where('word_one', $word_id)->get();
  $array = $collection->lists('word_one');

// >= Laravel 5.2
  $collection = Word_relation::where('word_one', $word_id)->get();
  $array = $collection->pluck('word_one');

Salman Zafar

I think you can achieve it by using the below code


Can you please explain that.
As far as I am aware doing Model::get(['ColumnName'])->toArray(); is equivalent of doing Model::select('ColumnName')->get()->toArray() which results in a multi dimensional array.