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Make .gitignore ignore everything except a few files

I understand that a .gitignore file cloaks specified files from Git's version control. I have a project (LaTeX) that generates lots of extra files (.auth, .dvi, .pdf, logs, etc) as it runs, but I don't want those to be tracked.

I'm aware that I could (maybe should) make it so all those files are put in an separate subfolder in the project, since I could then just ignore the folder.

However, is there any feasible way to keep the output files in the root of the project tree and use .gitignore to ignore everything except the files I'm tracking with Git? Something like

# Ignore everything

# But not these files...
# etc...
Duplicate of (I know that's newer, but the answer there is more correct). Actually this answer is probably the best


An optional prefix ! which negates the pattern; any matching file excluded by a previous pattern will become included again. If a negated pattern matches, this will override lower precedence patterns sources.

# Ignore everything

# But not these files...
# etc...

# ...even if they are in subdirectories

# if the files to be tracked are in subdirectories

It looks like this also 'ignores' subfolders, such that any files named '' in anything other than the root dir won't be found anyway. I'm using this now (with *.pl) and all *.pl files are being ignored even though there are many in the subdirectories below the .gitignore file
@PandaWood That issue was brought up here ( It's caused by the first expression matching everything including directories, which you never negate. To fix, add (!*/), which matches any subdirectories (recursively) in current directory. This won't help the parent answer, which is whitelisting specific files (if they're in subdirectories, you'd probably want to manually specify the full path, or use directory-specific .gitignore files).
I couldn't get this to work. I am ignoring a folder (e.g. wp/) but I want to NOT ignore some files deep in that folder (e.g. wp/path/to/some/location/*). The only way I could get it to work was by doing git add -f wp/path/to/some/location/*
@trusktr Use simont's !*/ exception
Geez that last rule: !*/ makes all the difference in my futile attempts to wrangle a .gitignore file to work. Thank you very much.
Ken Williams

If you want to ignore the whole content of a directory except one file inside it, you could write a pair of rules for each directory in the file path. E.g. .gitignore to ignore the pippo folder except from pippo/pluto/paperino.xml


Note that if you simply had written above:


It wouldn't work because the intermediary pluto folder would not exist to Git, so paperino.xml could not find a place in which to exist.

Excellent answer, but It's worth noting for anyone coming across this later that foo and foo/* are not the same. For this to work, you need to use foo/* for the base folder
@Mayank Pippo is Goofy in italian while Paperino is Donald Duck and Pluto is the same as in english. They used to be a very common triplet of variable names for programming samples back in the days. It was nice to read them again.. :)
doesn't work for me: node_modules/* !node_modules/bootstrap
you must include !.gitignore or else this wont work. .gitignore file will also untracked by git
@simple_human That would be true if he was ignoring everything in repository root, or if he had .gitignore file to care about, inside mentioned directories.
Elijah Lynn

You want to use /* instead of * or */ in most cases

Using * is valid, but it works recursively. It won't look into directories from then on out. People recommend using !*/ to includelist directories again, but it's actually better to blocklist the highest level folder with /*

# Blocklist files/folders in same directory as the .gitignore file

# Includelist some files

# Ignore all files named .DS_Store or ending with .log

# Includelist folder/a/b1/ and folder/a/b2/
# trailing "/" is optional for folders, may match file though.
# "/" is NOT optional when followed by a *

# Adding to the above, this also works...

The above code would ignore all files except for .gitignore,, folder/a/file.txt, folder/a/b1/ and folder/a/b2/ and everything contained in those last two folders. (And .DS_Store and *.log files would be ignored in those folders.)

Obviously I could do e.g. !/folder or !/.gitignore too.

More info:

Very clever, thanks. IMO, this is the best way to go about it for WordPress sites with the minimum number of inclusion rules. Also, any new plugins, themes or WP updates aren't removed or added without your express permission. When using GitHub Desktop I find .DS_Store files are not ignored, but via command line this is not an issue. To get around this I had to move the **/.DS_Store below all other rules.
My inner syntax highlighter is having a strange reaction to the title of your post.
Gracias! you can also whitelist a file in a folder.. !/some/folder/file.txt
@dallin there is no difference. One whitelists a folder and the other whitelists the children of that folder, which does the same thing. The only problem is a folder or files's parent has to be whitelisted before it can be whitelisted, so you can't do /* then !/nested/folder/* (or the equivalent !/nested/folder) without doing !/nested/ or !/nested first! (and probably /nested/* in between). A trick to remember is if you're whitelisting a deeply nested subfolder you need to black the children in each subfolder all the way up, and those blacklists will end with the "slash star"...
Why there's backslash with **/.DS_Store but not with **.log?
Toby Allen

A little more specific:

Example: Ignore everything in webroot/cache - but keep webroot/cache/.htaccess.

Notice the slash (/) after the cache folder:





If you're using VS Code, careful not to misread the file coloring after applying this to a folder with .gitkeep because the folder name will turn green but the .gitkeep file will turn gray just like all the other ignored files; .gitkeep will look like its ignored but you should see that there is a 'U' on the right side, indicating that it's been detected
# ignore these
# except foo


Let's toolify!

As @Joakim said, to ignore a file, you can use something like below.

# Ignore everything

# But not these files...

but if the file is in nested directories, it's a little difficult to write those rules.

For example, if we want to skip all files but not a.txt, located in aDir/anotherDir/someOtherDir/aDir/bDir/cDir. Then, our .gitignore will be something like this

# Skip all files

# But not `aDir/anotherDir/someOtherDir/aDir/bDir/cDir/a.txt`

This is quite hard to write by hand.

To solve this hurdle, I've created a web app named git-do-not-ignore which will generate the rules for you.



Sample Input


Sample Output


Good job, great tool! it saved me a lot of work.
For some reason I am not allowed to copy the results from that page...
Perfect, works now!
the tool is brilliant. thanks for sharing.
Exactly what I was looking for. Time, Effort are saved, plus this makes it error free! great app! Thanks for creating it!

To ignore some files in a directory, you have to do this in the correct order:

For example, ignore everything in folder "application" except index.php and folder "config" pay attention to the order.

You must negate want you want first.









Wrong. You negate after the "ignore everything".
Don't get fooled by git status to check if your changes to .gitignore work as expected
If git status is not going to tell you what it is looking at and what is ignored, then how can you know if this is working?
@kris Clear the git cache first. Do a "git rm --cached *" first then you can do a "git add --all" then a "git status" will show you all the new gitignore changes.
you can also use **

Had the similar issue as OP but none of top 10 upvoted answer actually worked. I finally found out the following

Wrong syntax :


Correct syntax :


Explanation from gitignore man page :

An optional prefix "!" which negates the pattern; any matching file excluded by a previous pattern will become included again. It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded. Git doesn’t list excluded directories for performance reasons, so any patterns on contained files have no effect, no matter where they are defined.

Which means that "Wrong syntax" above is wrong because bin/ cannot be reincluded as bin/ is ignored. That's all.

Extended example :

$ tree .

├── .gitignore
└── bin
    ├── ignore.txt
    └── sub
        └── folder
            └── path

$ cat .gitignore


$ git status --untracked-files --ignored

On branch master

No commits yet

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

Ignored files:
  (use "git add -f <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Thanks man this should be the accepted answer ! Way prettier and easier to read than the other posts

This is how I keep the structure of folders while ignoring everything else. You have to have a file in each directory (or .gitkeep).




This one was what I was looking for. But is this really the easiest way to allow one file in an otherwise ignored nested directory? Mine is several levels deep...
I think you just have to create an exception for that file and parent directories have to follow.
Unfortunately, I think this is the easiest way, and yes, parent directory has to follow if that makes things easier.
Robert Munteanu

You can use git config status.showUntrackedFiles no and all untracked files will be hidden from you. See man git-config for details.

This is great if you only want to commit a few files out of many!

To exclude folder from .gitignore, the following can be done.




This will ignore all files/subfolders inside bower_components except for /highcharts.


There are a bunch of similar questions about this, so I'll post what I wrote before:

The only way I got this to work on my machine was to do it this way:

# Ignore all directories, and all sub-directories, and it's contents:

#Now ignore all files in the current directory 
#(This fails to ignore files without a ".", for example 
#'file.txt' works, but 
#'file' doesn't):

#Only Include these specific directories and subdirectories and files if you wish:

Notice how you have to explicitly allow content for each level you want to include. So if I have subdirectories 5 deep under themes, I still need to spell that out.

This is from @Yarin's comment here:

These were useful topics:

How do negated patterns work in .gitignore?

How do gitignore exclusion rules actually work?

I also tried


and **/wp-content/themes/**

or /wp-content/themes/**/*

None of that worked for me, either. Lots of trail and error!

This is the only method that works to exclusively-include certain file extensions. Even better, it makes great ASCII art:
The above gist link is not working, but for extensions, this works -

This is how I did it:

# Ignore everything

# Whitelist anything that's a directory

# Whitelist some files

# Whitelist this folder and everything inside of it

# Ignore this folder inside that folder

# Ignore this file recursively

Use gig status -u to view individual files in untracked directories recursively - with git status you'd only see folders, which could fool you into thinking that everything inside them was tracked

Thank you very much for the tip regarding the -u parameter.. I was already using git status and could not get my head around the ignore rules as I got wrong untracked folders and files list..

I had a problem with subfolder.

Does not work:




Tim B.

I tried all answers as given here above, but none worked for me. After reading the gitignore documentation (here) i found out that if you exclude a folder first that the filenames in the subfolder are not being indexed. So if you use the exclamation mark afterwards to include a file, it is not found in the index and thus not being included in your git client.

That was the way to finding the solution. I started with adding exceptions for all subfolders in my folder tree to get it working, which is a hell of a job. Afterwards i was able to compact the detailed configuration to the configuration below, which is a bit contrary to the documentation..

Working .gitignore:

# Ignore the 'Pro' folder, except for the '3rdparty' subfolder 

# Ignore the '3rdparty' folder, except for the 'domain' subfolder

# Ignore the 'domain' folder, except for the 'modulename' subfolder

As result i see in my git client that only the two files inside the Pro/3rdparty/domain/modulename/ folder are being staged for the next commit, and that was exactly what i was looking for.

And if you need to whitelist several subfolders of the same folder then group the exclamation mark lines below the exclude statement like this:

# Ignore the 'Pro' folder, except for the '3rdparty' subfolder 

# Ignore the '3rdparty' folder, except for the 'domain' & 'hosting' subfolders

# Ignore the 'domain' folder, except for the 'modulename' subfolder

# Ignore the 'hosting' folder, except for the 'modulename' subfolder

Else it wont work as expected.

Finally an answer that worked. I wonder when I will understand how .gitignore actually works
Dmitry Sokurenko

That's what have worked for me, I wanted to commit only one Cordova plugin to the repo:



a lot of complex answers here... here's something pretty simple that I don't see above and works well in many scenarios:

# ignore all files that have an extension

# except for these extensions

this doesn't ignore any extensionless files, but if you have a bunch that all have the same or similar name, you can add exclusions for those


This is exactly what I was looking for and it worked great. I wanted to include files with only one extension and ignore everything else in any sub path inside a specific directory.
Mario Legenda

I have Jquery and Angular from bower. Bower installed them in


The minimized jquery is inside the dist directory and angular is inside angular directory. I only needed minimized files to be commited to github. Some tampering with .gitignore and this is what I managed to conjure...


Hope someone could find this useful.


Simple solution if you need to ignore everything except few files and few root folders:


The magic is in /* (as described above) it ignores everything in the (root) folder BUT NOT recursively.

Up-voted: to get the directory added, !directory/* did not work like many previous examples. It had to be !directory without the slash or * at the end.
@FrankForte do you see the last line of my example, how is this contradicting with what you said ?

The simplest way that I go about this is to force add a file. It will be accounted for in git even if it is buried or nested inside a git-ignored subdirectory tree.

For example:

x64 folder is excluded in .gitignore:


But you want to include the file located in x64/Release/ directory. Then you have to:

git add -f x64/Release/

You can do this for multiple files of files that match a pattern e.g.

git add -f x64/Release/myFile*.py

and so on.


I got this working

# Vendor


Nothing worked for me so far because I was trying to add one jar from lib.

This did not worked:


This worked:



I also had some issues with the negation of single files. I was able to commit them, but my IDE (IntelliJ) always complained about ignored files, which are tracked.

git ls-files -i --exclude-from .gitignore

Displayed the two files, which I've excluded this way:


In the end, this worked for me:


The key was the negation of the folder typo3conf/ first.

Also, it seems that the order of the statements doesn't matter. Instead, you need to explicitly negate all subfolders, before you can negate single files in it.

The folder !public/typo3conf/ and the folder contents public/typo3conf/* are two different things for .gitignore.

Great thread! This issue bothered me for a while ;)

Didier A.

I seem to have found something that worked for me which no one else mentioned.

# Ignore everything

# But not these files...
# etc...

# And if you want to include a sub-directory and all sub-directory and files under it, but not all sub-directories

Basically, it seems to negate a sub-directory from being ignored, you have to have two entries, one for the sub-directory itself !subdir/ and then another one which expands to all files and folders under it !subdir/**/*


It's a disaster that after 16 years (2005) of using git, there is no simple and obvious way to exclude one file when located deep in a directory hierarchy, that should otherwise be ignored. Instead we need to resort to crazy things like repeatedly digging down the structure and excluding and including directories in the correct order. Something which is darn right impossible to remember those 4 times a year you need to do it.

The only smart, but very weird alternative, is to use the git add --force. Something which is bound to fail at some point, when you're not working on the gitted repo alone.

So I wrote a small bash function to fix this for you, for easy copy paste. Let me first explain the one liner:

f=0; y='';for x in $(echo "uploads/rubbish/stuff/KEEP_ME/" | tr '\/' '\n'); do y="$y/$x"; if [ $(($f)) -eq 0 ]; then y="$x"; f=1; fi; echo -e '!'"$y/\n$y/*"; done | sed '$d' |sed -z 's/..$//'; echo;

# output:


There is an if statement to adjust for the 1st item not getting a /.

tr '\/' '\n' - translate the / to \n in standard POSIX paths (to get a list)

y="$y/$x" - add the next sub-dirctory (in list) after the previous directory.

echo -e '!'"$y/\n$y/*" - print the 2 lines of sub-directory item, 1st with ! prefix, and 2nd with /* postfix.

sed '$d' - remove last line

sed -z 's/..$//' - remove last 2 characters /* from last line

Then we create the function:

function gitkeep () { f=0; y='';for x in $(echo "$1" | tr '\/' '\n'); do y="$y/$x"; if [[ f -eq 0 ]]; then y="$x"; f=1; fi; echo -e '!'"$y/\n$y/*"; done | sed '$d' |sed -z 's/..$//'; echo; }

# gitkeep "uploads/rubbish/stuff/KEEP_ME/a"


Here I simplified the arithmetic if statement to if [[ f -eq 0 ]];.


This is quite promising and thanks for sharing. I have to point out that the answer here allows specification of multiple folders: e.g. KEEP_ME1/ and KEEP_ME2/ without repetition of the lines that may be common to these subfolders since they share the same parent folder. I suspect, that in the approach you have provided, one would have to separately list each folder KEEP_ME1/ and KEEP_ME2/


# Ignore everything

# But not these files...

And probably include:




An optional prefix "!" which negates the pattern; any matching file excluded by a previous pattern will become included again. It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded. Git doesn’t list excluded directories for performance reasons, so any patterns on contained files have no effect, no matter where they are defined. Put a backslash ("\") in front of the first "!" for patterns that begin with a literal "!", for example, "\!important!.txt". ... Example to exclude everything except a specific directory foo/bar (note the /* - without the slash, the wildcard would also exclude everything within foo/bar): $ cat .gitignore # exclude everything except directory foo/bar /* !/foo /foo/* !/foo/bar


Via your can download a command line tool (for windows, linux and osx) for including deeply nested sets of files.

Define the file sets in a .gitinclude and execute the tool (via double click or command line). Your .gitignore is now updated.