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How to run a shell script at startup

On an Amazon S3 Linux instance, I have two scripts called start_my_app and stop_my_app which start and stop forever (which in turn runs my Node.js application). I use these scripts to manually start and stop my Node.js application. So far so good.

My problem: I also want to set it up such that start_my_app is run whenever the system boots up. I know that I need to add a file inside init.d and I know how to symlink it to the proper directory within rc.d, but I can't figure out what actually needs to go inside the file that I place in init.d. I'm thinking it should be just one line, like, start_my_app, but that hasn't been working for me.

I'm no experte in this kind of stuff, but I think the init.d solution (here) should be preferred to the rc.local solution because the latter one is the old tooling which is only still usable because the new tooling is backward compatible.
pm2 start my_app; pm2 startup; pm2 save
In Raspbian there is a .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart which worked better for me - is there an equivalent in other operating systems? The reason it worked better for me was that not everything (in my case apache) is initialized when rc.local exectutes, whereas autostart is the start of the user session, so pretty much everything should initialized by then.


First create your startup script @ /home/user/, and make it executable

chmod +x /home/user/

Then set a crontab for it:

$ crontab -e
@reboot  /home/user/

Now your your script will run at every start.

This is the only solution that worked for me hassle free! thank you
This is the best solution, @reboot sh $HOME/ in the crontab is even cleaner
@user3667089 actually, it's not working. I open the terminal, enter "crontab -e", a window appears, where I write in "@reboot sh /home/user/" but it doesn't run at startup. Where am i doing it wrong?
@MycrofD your crontab -l should show @reboot sh $HOME/ to confirm that it is actually been set.
In ubuntu you have to: @reboot root sh
Jonathan Muller

The file you put in /etc/init.d/ have to be set to executable with:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/start_my_app

As pointed out by @meetamit, if it still does not run you might have to create a symbolic link to the file in /etc/rc.d/

ln -s /etc/init.d/start_my_app /etc/rc.d/

Please note that on the latest versions of Debian, this will not work as your script will have to be LSB compliant (provide at least the following actions: start, stop, restart, force-reload, and status):

As a note, you should always use the absolute path to files in your scripts instead of the relative one, it may solve unexpected issues:


Finally, make sure that you included the shebang on top of the file:


i did this and it didn't run. will it run automatically just because it is in /etc/init.d or do i need to do something on top to schedule it to run when the system starts?
@amphibient Not quite enough... You also need to create a symlink to this file (using ln command) to a directory within rc.d
there is no rc.d directory in my root's etc folder.. this has me dumbfounded isn't this a crucial directory Linux needs to start up? It's just missing an my OS seems to run fine. Do I have to create it? I see a bunch of similarly named files like "rc1.d" all the way to "rc5.d"
I haven't any /etc/rc.d folder, but I have /etc/rcX.d folders (I.e. /etc/rc0.d, /etc/rc1.d, /etc/rcS.d), also there's a file /etc/rc.local. I think that you should create symlinks in custom folder like /etc/rc9.d or in one of existing ... ( Ubuntu Server 14.04 )
This question helped me with this:…
Gilles Quenot

A simple approach is to add a line in /etc/rc.local :


or if you want to run the command as a special user :


(the trailing ampersand backgrounds the process and allows the rc.local to continue executing)

If you want a full init script, debian distro have a template file, so :

cp /etc/init.d/skeleton /etc/init.d/your_app

and adapt it a bit.

Thanks! This approach turned out to work best given the simple requirements. I'm pretty sure I DID need to specify the user, otherwise when needing to manually stop the app (by running stop_my_app) I'd have to do so with sudo, no? Also, I'm wondering what exactly is the function of the trailing ampersand(?).
The user depends of your app. But if not absolutely needed to run as root, avoid it. & run the process in background
sputnick, sorry, but I gotta mark Koren's as the accepted answer, mainly because of what @erikb85 pointed out, but also because my original question asked for the init.d way of doing things (your answer was just a simpler workaround for me at the time). This post gets a lot of views and votes, so it's important to keep accurate.
It dosnt seem to be mentioned that the trailing ampersand backgrounds the process and allows the rc.local to continue executing.
Thanks for this! Spend last few hours hitting my head against the wall while I was trying to make a service, but nothing worked. Tried this, works like a charm!
Peter Mortensen

This is the way I do it on Red Hat Linux systems.

Put your script in /etc/init.d, owned by root and executable. At the top of the script, you can give a directive for chkconfig. Example, the following script is used to start a Java application as user oracle.

The name of the script is /etc/init.d/apex

# chkconfig: 345 99 10
# Description: auto start apex listener
case "$1" in
   su - oracle -c "cd /opt/apex ; java -jar apex.war > logs/apex.log 2>logs/apex_error.log &";;
   echo "put something to shutdown or kill the process here";;

This says that the script must run at levels 3, 4, and 5, and the priority for start/stop is 99 and 10.

Then, as user root you can use chkconfig to enable or disable the script at startup:

chkconfig --list apex
chkconfig --add apex

And you can use service start/stop apex.

In the meantime I have experimented with a package called supervisord ( which is available in the epel repository. It can be used to start programs and to monitor them, restarting them on failure.
Instead of typing: "chkconfig --add service_name" after putting script to /etc/init.d/ folder you can type: "chkconfig service_name on"
Omar Ali

Enter cron using sudo:

sudo crontab -e

Add a command to run upon start up, in this case a script:

@reboot sh /home/user/


Press ESC then :x to save and exit, or hit ESC then ZZ (that's shift+zz)

Test Test Test:

Run your test script without cron to make sure it actually works. Make sure you saved your command in cron, use sudo crontab -e Reboot the server to confirm it all works sudo @reboot

I like this very much. Thanks! Ps. don't use sudo if you want to run a certain command during start-up by using the current user.
Where is this information supposed to stored? Not in /tmp??
According to Wikipedia, @reboot is not widely supported.
it worked on ubuntu 18 !!!!!!!!!
Patrick Q

Just have a line added to your crontab..

Make sure the file is executable:

chmod +x /path_to_you_file/your_file

To edit crontab file:

crontab -e

Line you have to add:

@reboot  /path_to_you_file/your_file

That simple!

This doesn't work for me, anything I am missing? # uname -a Linux accton-xp70a0-26-a1 3.11.10-301.fc20.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 5 14:01:17 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
This worked for me on CentOs 7. For those with issues, I did need to create a shell script, make it executable (chmod +x file_name), and call the shell script from the cron which in turn calls node path_to_file/index.js

Another option is to have an @reboot command in your crontab.

Not every version of cron supports this, but if your instance is based on the Amazon Linux AMI then it will work.


Edit the rc.local file using nano or gedit editor and add your scripts in it. File path could be /etc/rc.local or /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

This is the edit:


once done press ctrl+o to update, pressEnter then ctrl+x.

Make the file executable.

sudo chmod 755 /etc/rc.local

Then initiate the rc-local service to run script during boot.

sudo systemctl start rc-local


You can do it :

chmod +x PATH_TO_YOUR_SCRIPT/start_my_app 

then use this command

update-rc.d start_my_app defaults 100

Please see this page on Cyberciti.

I have a pretty barebone setup, built on yocto and this was the only way to make my script thingie work. Thanks.

The absolute easiest method if all you want to run is a simple script, (or anything) is if you have a gui to use system > preferences then startup apps.

just browse to the script you want and there you go. (make script executable)

This doesn't actually run on startup, but on login, which is a pretty big difference. It also depends on a certain setup since you won't have "System > Preferences" on every system (especially not servers).
the search term 'linux execute at startup' led me to this answer, for which I was looking. Even though it does not answer the question by OP, this might help linux (ubuntu) noobs like me, so it deserves an upvote. I don't like it either, but that's pragmatism.

Ciro Santilli Путлер Капут 六四事

Create your own /init executable

This is not what you want, but it is fun!

Just pick an arbitrary executable file, even a shell script, and boot the kernel with the command line parameter:


Towards the end of boot, the Linux kernel runs the first userspace executable at the given path.

Several projects provide popular init executables used by major distros, e.g. systemd, and in most distros init will fork a bunch of processes used in normal system operation.

But we can hijack /init it to run our own minimal scripts to better understand our system.

Here is a minimal reproducible setup:


Many answers on starting something at boot, but often you want to start it just a little later, because your script depends on e.g. networking. Use at to just add this delay, e.g.:

at now + 1 min -f /path/yourscript

You may add this in /etc/rc.local, but also in cron like:

# crontab -e
@reboot at now + 1 min -f /path/yourscript

Isn't it fun to combine cron and at? Info is in the man page man at.

As for the comments that @reboot may not be widely supported, just try it. I found out that /etc/rc.local has become obsolete on distros that support systemd, such as ubuntu and raspbian.

@cregox I tested on a Raspberry Pi model 3 B+ and a Pi Zero W, both with Raspbian, linux 5.4.51

multi ways to finish it:

crontab rc.local init.d systemd

Please note that linked content is not considered part of the answer here. So your post is seen as "multi ways to do it; unexplained keywords". That is unlikely to be perceived as a helpful answer. Please take the tour and read How to Answer.

I refered to this blog, always sound a good choice

vim /lib/systemd/system/gosite.service

Description=A simple go website



systemctl enable gosite.service


For Debian 9 see It is helped me. Short version for Debian 9: add commands (as root) to /etc/rc.local

/path_to_file/ ||  exit 1   # Added by me
exit 0

Probably, /path_to_file/ should be executable (I think so).


In Lubuntu I had to deal with the opposite situation. Skype start running after booting and I found in ~/.config/autostart/ the file skypeforlinux.desktop. The content of the file is as follows:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Skype for Linux
Comment=Skype Internet Telephony

Deleting this file helped me.

akbar ali

Here is a simpler method!

First: write a shell script and save it a .sh here is an example

echo "disabled" > $fconfig
xinput float $id
notify-send -i $Icoff "Internal Keyboard disabled";

this script will disable the internal keyboard at startup.

Second: Open the application " Startup Application Preferences"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Third: click Add. fourth: in the NAME section give a name. fifth: In the command section browse to your .sh . sixth: edit your command section to:

bash <space> path/to/file/<filename>.sh <space> --start

seventh: click Add. Thats it! Finished!

Now confirm by rebooting your pc.


This is only applicable to some desktop environments
Kibrom Gebre

Add your script to /etc/init.d/ directory

Update your rc run-levels: $ update-rc.d defaults NN where NN is the order in which it should be executed. 99 for example will mean it would be run after 98 and before 100.


Painless, easiest and the most universal method is simply executing it with ~.bash_profile or ~.profile (if you don't have bash_profile file).

Just add the execution command at the bottom of that file and it will be executed when system started.

I have this one at the bottom an example; ~\Desktop\

That's inaccurate. ~/.bash_profile executes when the user logs in -- not when the system boots up. In the original question, the intent is to run a Node.js app server upon startup of the machine. Your solution would require a human user to first log into the machine before the Node.js server runs. And, if some kind of issue causes a server reboot overnight, the app will never come back to life until the human logs back in.
Peter Mortensen

Working with Python 3 microservices or shell; using Ubuntu Server 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) or Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) or Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) I always do like these steps, and it worked always too:

Creating a microservice called p example "brain_microservice1.service" in my case: $ nano /lib/systemd/system/brain_microservice1.service Inside this new service that you are in: [Unit] Description=brain_microservice_1 [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3.7 /root/scriptsPython/RUN_SERVICES/microservices / -k start -DFOREGROUND ExecStop=/usr/bin/python3.7 /root/scriptsPython/RUN_SERVICES/microservices/ -k graceful-stop ExecReload=/usr/bin/python3.7 /root/scriptsPython/RUN_SERVICES/microservices/ -k graceful PrivateTmp=true LimitNOFILE=infinity KillMode=mixed Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5s [Install] Give the permissions: $ chmod -X /lib/systemd/system/brain_microservice* $ chmod -R 775 /lib/systemd/system/brain_microservice* Give the execution permission then: $ systemctl daemon-reload Enable then, this will make then always start on startup $ systemctl enable brain_microservice1.service Then you can test it; $ sudo reboot now Finish = SUCCESS!!

This can be done with the same body script to run shell, react ... database startup script ... any kind os code ... hope this help u...


Peter Mortensen

For some people, this will work:

You could simply add the following command into System → Preferences → Startup Applications:

bash /full/path/to/your/

I don't see this in the system preferences menu. But I do see it when I search in the application launcher.
This doesn't actually run on startup, but on login, which is a pretty big difference. It also depends on a certain setup since you won't have "System > Preferences" on every system (especially not servers).
This answer seems more for Ubuntu/Linux desktop, but the user is actually requesting help for an AWS EC2 Linux instance, which as far as I know, have no GUI.