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How can I escape a double quote inside double quotes?

How can I escape double quotes inside a double string in Bash?

For example, in my shell script


dbload="load data local infile \"'gfpoint.csv'\" into table $dbtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY \"'\n'\" IGNORE 1 LINES"

I can't get the ENCLOSED BY '\"' with double quote to escape correctly. I can't use single quotes for my variable, because I want to use variable $dbtable.

@kenorb Doesn't look like a duplicate of that question...
@Daenyth This isn't the type of command you'd expect end users to have any access to. Bulk load scripts are usually run on the server by trusted users (such as system admins or developers). Yes, if end users control the value of $dbtable, there's a risk. This would be very uncommon, though, as end users don't typically SSH into a machine to load their data.


Use a backslash:

echo "\""     # Prints one " character.

Not working. x=ls; if [ -f "$(which "\""$x"\"")" ]; then echo exists; else echo broken; fi; gives broken whereas ... [ -f "$(which $x)" ]; ... or ... [ -f $(which "$x") ]; ... work just fine. Issues would arise when either $x or the result of $(which "$x") gives anything with a space or other special character. A workaround is using a variable to hold the result of which, but is bash really incapable of escaping a quote or am I doing something wrong?
I am trying to use the following grep -oh "\"\""$counter"\""\w*" as part of a bash syntax where in $counter is a variable. it doesn't like it any thoughts
Hi, your method doesn't work. Please delete your answer as it might have already wasted so much useful time. The correct answer is posted by @kenorb your answer only work while terminal invocation but not with bash file. Did you even try this yourself before posting(probably a cut paste solution) here :( ?
Peter Mortensen

A simple example of escaping quotes in the shell:

$ echo 'abc'\''abc'
$ echo "abc"\""abc"

It's done by finishing an already-opened one ('), placing the escaped one (\'), and then opening another one (').


$ echo 'abc'"'"'abc'
$ echo "abc"'"'"abc"

It's done by finishing already opened one ('), placing a quote in another quote ("'"), and then opening another one (').

More examples: Escaping single-quotes within single-quoted strings

I tried sh -c "echo '{"key":"value"}'" and even sh -c "echo '{''"''key''"'':''"''value''"''}'" in an effort to enclose the words key and value in double quotes, but in both cases I got {key:value}
This seems unnecessarily complicated for double quotes: echo "abc\"abc" is sufficient to produce abc"abc as in Peter answer.
In this simple example indeed, but in complex cases of nested quotes, it can be necessary to do this and @kenorb's example helped me figure out how to deal with those cases.
Peter Mortensen

Keep in mind that you can avoid escaping by using ASCII codes of the characters you need to echo.


echo -e "This is \x22\x27\x22\x27\x22text\x22\x27\x22\x27\x22"
This is "'"'"text"'"'"

\x22 is the ASCII code (in hex) for double quotes and \x27 for single quotes. Similarly you can echo any character.

I suppose if we try to echo the above string with backslashes, we will need a messy two rows backslashed echo... :)

For variable assignment this is the equivalent:

a=$'This is \x22text\x22'
echo "$a"

# Output:
This is "text"

If the variable is already set by another program, you can still apply double/single quotes with sed or similar tools.


b="Just another text here"
echo "$b"

 Just another text here

sed 's/text/"'\0'"/' <<<"$b" #\0 is a special sed operator
 Just another "0" here #this is not what i wanted to be

sed 's/text/\x22\x27\0\x27\x22/' <<<"$b"

 Just another "'text'" here #now we are talking. You would normally need a dozen of backslashes to achieve the same result in the normal way.

+1 because it solved a problem of adding a PS1 variable to ~/.profile echo 'export PS1='\[\033[00;31m\]${?##0}$([ $? -ne 0 ] && echo \x22 \x22)\[\033[00;32m\]\u\[\033[00m\]@\[\033[00;36m\]\h\[\033[00m\][\[\033[01;33m\]\d \t\[\033[00m\]] \[\033[01;34m\]\w\n\[\033[00m\]$( [ ${EUID} -ne 0 ] && echo \x22$\x22 || echo \x22#\x22 ) '' >> ~/.profile
This is THE answer! I love u Sir.
Peter Mortensen

Bash allows you to place strings adjacently, and they'll just end up being glued together.

So this:

echo "Hello"', world!'


Hello, world!

The trick is to alternate between single and double-quoted strings as required. Unfortunately, it quickly gets very messy. For example:

echo "I like to use" '"double quotes"' "sometimes"


I like to use "double quotes" sometimes

In your example, I would do it something like this:

dbload='load data local infile "'"'gfpoint.csv'"'" into '"table $dbtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"'"'"' LINES "'TERMINATED BY "'"'\n'"'" IGNORE 1 LINES'
echo $dbload

which produces the following output:

load data local infile "'gfpoint.csv'" into table example FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY "'\n'" IGNORE 1 LINES

It's difficult to see what's going on here, but I can annotate it using Unicode quotes. The following won't work in Bash – it's just for illustration:

dbload=load data local infile "’“'gfpoint.csv'”‘" into ’“table $dbtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '”‘"’“' LINES ”‘TERMINATED BY "’“'\n'”‘" IGNORE 1 LINES

The quotes like “ ‘ ’ ” in the above will be interpreted by bash. The quotes like " ' will end up in the resulting variable.

If I give the same treatment to the earlier example, it looks like this:

echo I like to use "double quotes" sometimes

a subtlety of my second echo example, that I've not bothered to explain, is that here I'm actually giving echo three separate arguments, because the strings aren't touching. but the echo command prints all three, separated by spaces, so it sort of does what you'd expect. The difference is, if you type echo a b c it will output a b c, whereas if you type echo 'a b c' it will print a b c.
Peter Mortensen

Store the double quote character in a variable:

echo "Double quotes ${dqt}X${dqt} inside a double quoted string"


Double quotes "X" inside a double quoted string

Bash truly is the worst language
@12oclocker, your answer is foolproof :D! specially when using with "sed" command it saved my day!
Peter Mortensen

Check out printf...

mystr="say \"hi\""

Without using printf

echo -e $mystr

Output: say "hi"

Using printf

echo -e $(printf '%q' $mystr)

Output: say \"hi\"

Note that printf escapes more characters as well, such as ', ( and )
printf %q generates strings ready for eval, not formatted for echo -e.
There is no reason to wrap the printf with a useless use of echo. Both your examples have broken quoting. The proper fix is to double-quote the variable.
Peter Mortensen

Make use of $"string".

In this example, it would be,

dbload=$"load data local infile \"'gfpoint.csv'\" into table $dbtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY \"'\n'\" IGNORE 1 LINES"

Note (from the man page):

A double-quoted string preceded by a dollar sign ($"string") will cause the string to be translated according to the current locale. If the current locale is C or POSIX, the dollar sign is ignored. If the string is translated and replaced, the replacement is double-quoted.

Nice, didn't know that one.

For use with variables that might contain spaces in you Bash script, use triple quotes inside the main quote, e.g.:

[ "$(date -r """$touchfile""" +%Y%m%d)" -eq "$(date +%Y%m%d)" ]

Peter Mortensen

Add "\" before double quote to escape it, instead of \

#! /bin/csh -f

set dbtable = balabala

set dbload = "load data local infile "\""'gfpoint.csv'"\"" into table $dbtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"\""' LINES TERMINATED BY "\""'\n'"\"" IGNORE 1 LINES"

echo $dbload
# load data local infile "'gfpoint.csv'" into table balabala FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY "''" IGNORE 1 LINES

Downvote: Why are you posting a csh answer to a bash question? The two are completely distinct and incompatible.