I'm developing a multilanguage software. As far as the application code goes, localizability is not an issue. We can use language specific resources and have all kinds of tools that work well with them.
But what is the best approach in defining a multilanguage database schema? Let's say we have a lot of tables (100 or more), and each table can have multiple columns that can be localized (most of nvarchar columns should be localizable). For instance one of the tables might hold product information:
I can think of three approaches to support multilingual text in NAME and DESCRIPTION columns:
Separate column for each language When we add a new language to the system, we must create additional columns to store the translated text, like this: CREATE TABLE T_PRODUCT ( NAME_EN NVARCHAR(50), NAME_DE NVARCHAR(50), NAME_SP NVARCHAR(50), DESCRIPTION_EN NTEXT, DESCRIPTION_DE NTEXT, DESCRIPTION_SP NTEXT, PRICE NUMBER(18,2) ) Translation table with columns for each language Instead of storing translated text, only a foreign key to the translations table is stored. The translations table contains a column for each language. CREATE TABLE T_PRODUCT ( NAME_FK int, DESCRIPTION_FK int, PRICE NUMBER(18, 2) ) CREATE TABLE T_TRANSLATION ( TRANSLATION_ID, TEXT_EN NTEXT, TEXT_DE NTEXT, TEXT_SP NTEXT ) Translation tables with rows for each language Instead of storing translated text, only a foreign key to the translations table is stored. The translations table contains only a key, and a separate table contains a row for each translation to a language. CREATE TABLE T_PRODUCT ( NAME_FK int, DESCRIPTION_FK int, PRICE NUMBER(18, 2) ) CREATE TABLE T_TRANSLATION ( TRANSLATION_ID ) CREATE TABLE T_TRANSLATION_ENTRY ( TRANSLATION_FK, LANGUAGE_FK, TRANSLATED_TEXT NTEXT ) CREATE TABLE T_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGE ( LANGUAGE_ID, LANGUAGE_CODE CHAR(2) )
There are pros and cons to each solution, and I would like to know what are your experiences with these approaches, what do you recommend and how would you go about designing a multilanguage database schema.
are natural key, avoid LANGUAGE_ID
What do you think about having a related translation table for each translatable table?
CREATE TABLE T_PRODUCT (pr_id int, PRICE NUMBER(18, 2)) CREATE TABLE T_PRODUCT_tr (pr_id INT FK, languagecode varchar, pr_name text, pr_descr text)
This way if you have multiple translatable column it would only require a single join to get it + since you are not autogenerating a translationid it may be easier to import items together with their related translations.
The negative side of this is that if you have a complex language fallback mechanism you may need to implement that for each translation table - if you are relying on some stored procedure to do that. If you do that from the app this will probably not be a problem.
Let me know what you think - I am also about to make a decision on this for our next application. So far we have used your 3rd type.
This is an interesting issue, so let's necromance.
Let's start by the problems of method 1: Problem: You're denormalizing to save speed. In SQL (except PostGreSQL with hstore), you can't pass a parameter language, and say:
SELECT ['DESCRIPTION_' + @in_language] FROM T_Products
So you have to do this:
CASE @in_language
FROM T_Products
Which means you have to alter ALL your queries if you add a new language. This naturally leads to using "dynamic SQL", so you don't have to alter all your queries.
This usually results in something like this (and it can't be used in views or table-valued functions by the way, which really is a problem if you actually need to filter the reporting date)
@in_mandant varchar(3)
,@in_language varchar(2)
,@in_building varchar(36)
,@in_wing varchar(36)
,@in_reportingdate varchar(50)
DECLARE @sql varchar(MAX), @reportingdate datetime
-- Abrunden des Eingabedatums auf 00:00:00 Uhr
SET @reportingdate = CONVERT( datetime, @in_reportingdate)
SET @reportingdate = CAST(FLOOR(CAST(@reportingdate AS float)) AS datetime)
SET @in_reportingdate = CONVERT(varchar(50), @reportingdate)
Building_Nr AS RPT_Building_Number
,Building_Name AS RPT_Building_Name
,FloorType_Lang_' + @in_language + ' AS RPT_FloorType
,Wing_No AS RPT_Wing_Number
,Wing_Name AS RPT_Wing_Name
,Room_No AS RPT_Room_Number
,Room_Name AS RPT_Room_Name
FROM V_Whatever
WHERE SO_MDT_ID = ''' + @in_mandant + '''
''' + @in_reportingdate + ''' BETWEEN CAST(FLOOR(CAST(Room_DateFrom AS float)) AS datetime) AND Room_DateTo
OR Room_DateFrom IS NULL
OR Room_DateTo IS NULL
IF @in_building <> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' SET @sql=@sql + 'AND (Building_UID = ''' + @in_building + ''') '
IF @in_wing <> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' SET @sql=@sql + 'AND (Wing_UID = ''' + @in_wing + ''') '
EXECUTE (@sql)
The problem with this is
a) Date-formatting is very language-specific, so you get a problem there, if you don't input in ISO format (which the average garden-variety programmer usually doesn't do, and in case of a report the user sure as hell won't do for you, even if explicitly instructed to do so).
b) most significantly, you loose any kind of syntax checking. If <insert name of your "favourite" person here>
alters the schema because suddenly the requirements for wing change, and a a new table is created, the old one left but the reference field renamed, you don't get any kind of warning. A report even works when you run it without selecting the wing parameter (==> guid.empty). But suddenly, when an actual user actually selects a wing ==> boom. This method completely breaks any kind of testing.
Method 2: In a nutshell: "Great" idea (warning - sarcasm), let's combine the disadvantages of method 3 (slow speed when many entries) with the rather horrible disadvantages of method 1. The only advantage of this method is that you keep all translation in one table, and therefore make maintenance simple. However, the same thing can be achieved with method 1 and a dynamic SQL stored procedure, and a (possibly temporary) table containing the translations, and the name of the target table (and is quite simple assuming you named all your text-fields the same).
Method 3: One table for all translations: Disadvantage: You have to store n Foreign Keys in the products table for n fields you want to translate. Therefore, you have to do n joins for n fields. When the translation table is global, it has many entries, and joins become slow. Also, you always have to join the T_TRANSLATION table n times for n fields. This is quite an overhead. Now, what do you do when you must accommodate custom translations per customer ? You'll have to add another 2x n joins onto an additional table. If you have to join , say 10 tables, with 2x2xn = 4n additional joins, what a mess ! Also, this design makes it possible to use the same translation with 2 tables. If I change the item name in one table, do I really want to change an entry in another table as well EVERY SINGLE TIME ?
Plus you can't delete and re-insert the table anymore, because there are now foreign keys IN THE PRODUCT TABLE(s)... you can of course omit setting the FKs, and then <insert name of your "favourite" person here>
can delete the table, and re-insert all entries with newid() [or by specifying the id in the insert, but having identity-insert OFF], and that would (and will) lead to data-garbage (and null-reference exceptions) really soon.
-- CREATE TABLE MyTable(myfilename nvarchar(100) NULL, filemeta xml NULL )
-- INSERT INTO MyTable(myfilename, filemeta)
'test.mp3' AS myfilename
--,CONVERT(XML, N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><body>Hello</body>', 2)
--,CONVERT(XML, N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><body><de>Hello</de></body>', 2)
, N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
, 2
) AS filemeta
--,filemeta.value('body', 'nvarchar')
--, filemeta.value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)')
,filemeta.value('(/lang//de/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(MAX)') AS DE
,filemeta.value('(/lang//fr/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(MAX)') AS FR
,filemeta.value('(/lang//it/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(MAX)') AS IT
,filemeta.value('(/lang//en/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(MAX)') AS EN
Then you can get the value by XPath-Query in SQL, where you can put the string-variable in
filemeta.value('(/lang//' + @in_language + '/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(MAX)') AS bla
And you can update the value like this:
SET YOUR_XML_FIELD_NAME.modify('replace value of (/lang/de/text())[1] with ""I am a ''value ""')
WHERE id = 1
Where you can replace /lang/de/...
with '.../' + @in_language + '/...'
Kind of like the PostGre hstore, except that due to the overhead of parsing XML (instead of reading an entry from an associative array in PG hstore) it becomes far too slow plus the xml encoding makes it too painful to be useful.
Let's make an example to see this WORKS:
First, create the tables:
CREATE TABLE dbo.T_Languages
Lang_ID int NOT NULL
,Lang_NativeName national character varying(200) NULL
,Lang_EnglishName national character varying(200) NULL
,Lang_ISO_TwoLetterName character varying(10) NULL
CREATE TABLE dbo.T_Products
,PROD_InternalName national character varying(255) NULL
CREATE TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n
,PROD_i18n_Lang_Id int NOT NULL
,PROD_i18n_Text national character varying(200) NULL
,CONSTRAINT PK_T_Products_i18n PRIMARY KEY (PROD_i18n_PROD_Id, PROD_i18n_Lang_Id)
-- ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT FK_T_Products_i18n_T_Products FOREIGN KEY(PROD_i18n_PROD_Id)
ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_T_Products_i18n_T_Products
REFERENCES dbo.T_Products (PROD_Id)
ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n CHECK CONSTRAINT FK_T_Products_i18n_T_Products
ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_T_Products_i18n_T_Languages
FOREIGN KEY( PROD_i18n_Lang_Id )
REFERENCES dbo.T_Languages( Lang_ID )
ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n CHECK CONSTRAINT FK_T_Products_i18n_T_Products
CREATE TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n_Cust
PROD_i18n_Cust_PROD_Id int NOT NULL
,PROD_i18n_Cust_Lang_Id int NOT NULL
,PROD_i18n_Cust_Text national character varying(200) NULL
,CONSTRAINT PK_T_Products_i18n_Cust PRIMARY KEY ( PROD_i18n_Cust_PROD_Id, PROD_i18n_Cust_Lang_Id )
ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n_Cust
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_T_Products_i18n_Cust_T_Languages
FOREIGN KEY(PROD_i18n_Cust_Lang_Id)
REFERENCES dbo.T_Languages (Lang_ID)
ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n_Cust CHECK CONSTRAINT FK_T_Products_i18n_Cust_T_Languages
ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n_Cust
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_T_Products_i18n_Cust_T_Products
REFERENCES dbo.T_Products (PROD_Id)
ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Products_i18n_Cust CHECK CONSTRAINT FK_T_Products_i18n_Cust_T_Products
Then fill in the data
DELETE FROM T_Languages;
INSERT INTO T_Languages (Lang_ID, Lang_NativeName, Lang_EnglishName, Lang_ISO_TwoLetterName) VALUES (1, N'English', N'English', N'EN');
INSERT INTO T_Languages (Lang_ID, Lang_NativeName, Lang_EnglishName, Lang_ISO_TwoLetterName) VALUES (2, N'Deutsch', N'German', N'DE');
INSERT INTO T_Languages (Lang_ID, Lang_NativeName, Lang_EnglishName, Lang_ISO_TwoLetterName) VALUES (3, N'Français', N'French', N'FR');
INSERT INTO T_Languages (Lang_ID, Lang_NativeName, Lang_EnglishName, Lang_ISO_TwoLetterName) VALUES (4, N'Italiano', N'Italian', N'IT');
INSERT INTO T_Languages (Lang_ID, Lang_NativeName, Lang_EnglishName, Lang_ISO_TwoLetterName) VALUES (5, N'Russki', N'Russian', N'RU');
INSERT INTO T_Languages (Lang_ID, Lang_NativeName, Lang_EnglishName, Lang_ISO_TwoLetterName) VALUES (6, N'Zhungwen', N'Chinese', N'ZH');
INSERT INTO T_Products (PROD_Id, PROD_InternalName) VALUES (1, N'Orange Juice');
INSERT INTO T_Products (PROD_Id, PROD_InternalName) VALUES (2, N'Apple Juice');
INSERT INTO T_Products (PROD_Id, PROD_InternalName) VALUES (3, N'Banana Juice');
INSERT INTO T_Products (PROD_Id, PROD_InternalName) VALUES (4, N'Tomato Juice');
INSERT INTO T_Products (PROD_Id, PROD_InternalName) VALUES (5, N'Generic Fruit Juice');
DELETE FROM T_Products_i18n;
INSERT INTO T_Products_i18n (PROD_i18n_PROD_Id, PROD_i18n_Lang_Id, PROD_i18n_Text) VALUES (1, 1, N'Orange Juice');
INSERT INTO T_Products_i18n (PROD_i18n_PROD_Id, PROD_i18n_Lang_Id, PROD_i18n_Text) VALUES (1, 2, N'Orangensaft');
INSERT INTO T_Products_i18n (PROD_i18n_PROD_Id, PROD_i18n_Lang_Id, PROD_i18n_Text) VALUES (1, 3, N'Jus d''Orange');
INSERT INTO T_Products_i18n (PROD_i18n_PROD_Id, PROD_i18n_Lang_Id, PROD_i18n_Text) VALUES (1, 4, N'Succo d''arancia');
INSERT INTO T_Products_i18n (PROD_i18n_PROD_Id, PROD_i18n_Lang_Id, PROD_i18n_Text) VALUES (2, 1, N'Apple Juice');
INSERT INTO T_Products_i18n (PROD_i18n_PROD_Id, PROD_i18n_Lang_Id, PROD_i18n_Text) VALUES (2, 2, N'Apfelsaft');
DELETE FROM T_Products_i18n_Cust;
INSERT INTO T_Products_i18n_Cust (PROD_i18n_Cust_PROD_Id, PROD_i18n_Cust_Lang_Id, PROD_i18n_Cust_Text) VALUES (1, 2, N'Orangäsaft'); -- Swiss German, if you wonder
And then query the data:
DECLARE @__in_lang_id int
SET @__in_lang_id = (
FROM T_Languages
WHERE Lang_ISO_TwoLetterName = 'DE'
,PROD_InternalName -- Default Fallback field (internal name/one language only setup), just in ResultSet for demo-purposes
,PROD_i18n_Text -- Translation text, just in ResultSet for demo-purposes
,PROD_i18n_Cust_Text -- Custom Translations (e.g. per customer) Just in ResultSet for demo-purposes
,COALESCE(PROD_i18n_Cust_Text, PROD_i18n_Text, PROD_InternalName) AS DisplayText -- What we actually want to show
FROM T_Products
LEFT JOIN T_Products_i18n
ON PROD_i18n_PROD_Id = T_Products.PROD_Id
AND PROD_i18n_Lang_Id = @__in_lang_id
LEFT JOIN T_Products_i18n_Cust
ON PROD_i18n_Cust_PROD_Id = T_Products.PROD_Id
AND PROD_i18n_Cust_Lang_Id = @__in_lang_id
If you're lazy, then you can also use the ISO-TwoLetterName ('DE', 'EN', etc.) as primary-key of the language table, then you don't have to lookup the language id. But if you do so, you maybe want to use the IETF-language tag instead, which is better, because you get de-CH and de-DE, which is really not the same ortography-wise (double s instead of ß everywhere), although it's the same base-language. That just as a tiny little detail that may be important to you, especially considering that en-US and en-GB/en-CA/en-AU or fr-FR/fr-CA has similar issues.
Quote: we don't need it, we only do our software in English.
Answer: Yes - but which one ??
Anyway, if you use an integer ID, you're flexible, and can change your method at any later time. And you should use that integer, because there's nothing more annoying, destructive and troublesome than a botched Db design.
And, if you're still saying "we" only make our application for "only one culture" (like en-US usually)- therefore I don't need that extra integer, this would be a good time and place to mention the IANA language tags, wouldn't it ?
Because they go like this:
(there was an orthography reform in 1996...) Try finding a word in a dictionary if it is misspelled; this becomes very important in applications dealing with legal and public service portals. More importantly, there are regions that are changing from cyrillic to latin alphabets, which may just be more troublesome than the superficial nuisance of some obscure orthography reform, which is why this might be an important consideration too, depending on which country you live in. One way or the other, it's better to have that integer in there, just in case...
REFERENCES dbo.T_Products( PROD_Id )
you can simply say: DELETE FROM T_Products
, and get no foreign key violation.
As for collation, I'd do it like this:
A) Have your own DAL B) Save the desired collation name in the language table
You might want to put the collations in their own table, e.g.:
SELECT * FROM sys.fn_helpcollations()
WHERE description LIKE '%insensitive%'
AND name LIKE '%german%'
C) Have the collation name available in your auth.user.language information
D) Write your SQL like this:
COALESCE(GRP_Name_i18n_cust, GRP_Name_i18n, GRP_Name) AS GroupName
FROM T_Groups
E) Then, you can do this in your DAL:
cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText.Replace("{#COLLATION}", auth.user.language.collation)
Which will then give you this perfectly composed SQL-Query
COALESCE(GRP_Name_i18n_cust, GRP_Name_i18n, GRP_Name) AS GroupName
FROM T_Groups
ORDER BY GroupName COLLATE German_PhoneBook_CI_AI
The third option is the best, for a few reasons:
Doesn't require altering the database schema for new languages (and thus limiting code changes)
Doesn't require a lot of space for unimplemented languages or translations of a a particular item
Provides the most flexibility
You don't end up with sparse tables
You don't have to worry about null keys and checking that you're displaying an existing translation instead of some null entry.
If you change or expand your database to encompass other translatable items/things/etc you can use the same tables and system - this is very uncoupled from the rest of the data.
Take a look for this example:
id (// id of translation, UNIQUE)
language_id (// id of desired language)
table_name (// any table, in this case PRODUCTS)
item_id (// id of item in PRODUCTS)
field_name (// fields to be translated)
translation (// translation text goes here)
I think there's no need to explain, the structure describes itself.
I usually would go for this approach (not actual sql), this corresponds with your last option.
table Product
productid INT PK, price DECIMAL, translationid INT FK
table Translation
translationid INT PK
table TranslationItem
translationitemid INT PK, translationid INT FK, text VARCHAR, languagecode CHAR(2)
view ProductView
select * from Product
inner join Translation
inner join TranslationItem
where languagecode='en'
Because having all translatable texts in one place makes maintenance so much easier. Sometimes translations are outsourced to translation bureaus, this way you can send them just one big export file, and import it back just as easily.
table or the TranslationItem.translationitemid
column serve?
Before going to technical details and solutions, you should stop for a minute and ask a few questions about the requirements. The answers can have a huge impact on the technical solution. Examples of such questions would be: - Will all languages be used all the time? - Who and when will fill the columns with the different language versions? - What happens when a user will need a certain language of a text and there is none in the system? - Only the texts are to be localized or there are also other items (for example PRICE can be stored in $ and € because they might be different)
I was looking for some tips for localization and found this topic. I was wondering why this is used:
So you get something like user39603 suggests:
table Product
productid INT PK, price DECIMAL, translationid INT FK
table Translation
translationid INT PK
table TranslationItem
translationitemid INT PK, translationid INT FK, text VARCHAR, languagecode CHAR(2)
view ProductView
select * from Product
inner join Translation
inner join TranslationItem
where languagecode='en'
Can't you just leave the table Translation out so you get this:
table Product
productid INT PK, price DECIMAL
table ProductItem
productitemid INT PK, productid INT FK, text VARCHAR, languagecode CHAR(2)
view ProductView
select * from Product
inner join ProductItem
where languagecode='en'
table something like ProductTexts
or ProductL10n
though. Makes more sense.
I agree with randomizer. I don't see why you need a table "translation".
I think, this is enough:
TA_product: ProductID, ProductPrice
TA_Language: LanguageID, Language
TA_Productname: ProductnameID, ProductID, LanguageID, ProductName
Would the below approach be viable? Say you have tables where more than 1 column needs translating. So for product you could have both product name & product description that need translating. Could you do the following:
CREATE TABLE translation_entry (
translation_id int,
language_id int,
table_name nvarchar(200),
table_column_name nvarchar(200),
table_row_id bigint,
translated_text ntext
CREATE TABLE translation_language (
id int,
language_code CHAR(2)
This document describes the possible solutions and the advantages and disadvantages of each method. I prefer the "row localization" because you do not have to modify the DB schema when adding a new language.
You need to remember that when you create a multilanguage database you are cutting off the fields like name or description from the product table and move it to translated resource.
The translated resource may be another table, like here in my example which is designed to work with SQL views for query simplicity and friendly development of the underlying app
I separated LabelTranslations since this is a table with global translations for field labels on the web page. You may call it however you want, they are stateless and don't depend on the specific product or category.
The CategoryTranslations of ProductTranslations are the one that are stateful, this mean that the descriptor of "name" will be the actual product name.
Use materialized views for better performance over simple SQL views (with the cost of storage space and more effort into underlying app development to refresh them), or just go with more heavy SQL Views if you want to.
To create categories materialized view in Postgres:
SELECT cat.id, lng.iso_639_1_code, ct.descriptor, ct.value
FROM Categories cat
JOIN CategoryTranslations ct ON ct.category_id = cat.id
JOIN Languages lng ON lng.id = ct.language_id
To query every translation of a category with ID 120
SELECT * FROM VCategories WHERE id = 120 AND iso_639_1_code = 'en'
I feel it convenient while working with the code of the application, you are able to write a very simple code to query the translations and search for the records
"Which one is best" is based on the project situation. The first one is easy to select and maintain, and also the performance is best since it don't need to join tables when select entity. If you confirmed that your poject is just only support 2 or 3 languages, and it will not increase, you can use it.
The second one is okey but is hard to understand and maintain. And the performance is worse than first one.
The last one is good at scalability but bad at performance. The T_TRANSLATION_ENTRY table will become larger and larger, it's terrible when you want to retrieve a list of entities from some tables.
Success story sharing
has 1 million rows,T_PRODUCT_tr
would have 2 million.Would it reduce sql efficiency much?