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TypeScript - use correct version of setTimeout (node vs window)

I am working on upgrading some old TypeScript code to use the latest compiler version, and I'm having trouble with a call to setTimeout. The code expects to call the browser's setTimeout function which returns a number:

setTimeout(handler: (...args: any[]) => void, timeout: number): number;

However, the compiler is resolving this to the node implementation instead, which returns a NodeJS.Timer:

setTimeout(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): NodeJS.Timer;

This code does not run in node, but the node typings are getting pulled in as a dependency to something else (not sure what).

How can I instruct the compiler to pick the version of setTimeout that I want?

Here is the code in question:

let n: number;
n = setTimeout(function () { /* snip */  }, 500);

This produces the compiler error:

TS2322: Type 'Timer' is not assignable to type 'number'.

Do you have a types:["node"] in your tsconfig.json? See…
@koe No, i don't have the types:["node"] option in the tsconfig file. But the node types are getting pulled in as an npm dependency to something else.
You could also explicitly define "types" in tsconfig.json - when you omit "node" it isn't used in compilation. e.g. "types": ["jQuery"]
It is surprising that the answer of @koe (use "types" option) doesn't have any votes, being the only true correct answer.
@KevinTighe's types doesn't include node but setTimeout still gets its Node type rather than its browser type. types defaults to all the types in node_modules/@types, as explained in, but even if you do specify types and don't include "node", why does setTimeout still get its Node type and how can you get the browser type? @Axke's solution is a bit of a hack, basically saying it returns what it returns. TypeScript may still be finding the wrong type, but at least it will be consistently wrong.

let timer: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> = setTimeout(() => { ... });


By using ReturnType<fn> you are getting independence from platform. You won't be forced to use neither any nor window.setTimeout which will break if you run the code on nodeJS server (eg. server-side rendered page).

Good news, this is also compatible with Deno!

My understanding is that this is the right answer and should be the accepted one, since it provides the right type definition for every platform supporting setTimeout / clearTimeout and does not use any.
This is the solution if you are writing a library that runs on both NodeJS and browser.
The return type is NodeJS.Timeout if using setTimeout directly and number if using window.setTimeout. Shouldn't need to use ReturnType.
@cchamberlain You need it as you run the setTimeout function and are expecting its result to be stored in the variable. Try it yourself in TS playground.
This solution works correctly for me. Without using this, my node app compiles correctly with TS, but when using Jest unit tests it chooses the incorrect window.setTimeout definition

2021 update

Akxe's answer suggests ReturnType<Type> technique introduced in Typescript 2.3:

let n: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;
n = setTimeout(cb, 500);

It is nice and seems to be preferred over explicit casting. But the result type of "n" in this case is "NodeJS.Timeout", and it is possible to use it as follows:

let n: NodeJS.Timeout;
n = setTimeout(cb, 500);

The only problem with ReturnType/NodeJS.Timeout approach is that numeric operations in browser-specific environment still require casting:

if ((n as unknown as number) % 2 === 0) {

Original answer

A workaround that does not affect variable declaration:

let n: number;
n = setTimeout(function () { /* snip */  }, 500) as unknown as number;

Also, in browser-specific environment it is possible to use window object with no casting:

let n: number;
n = window.setTimeout(function () { /* snip */  }, 500);

I think the other one (window.setTimeout) should be the correct answer for this question as it is the clearest solution.
If you are using the any type, you aren't really giving a TypeScript answer.
likewise the number type will lead to TypeScript specific lint errors, as the setTimeout function requires more than that.
window.setTimeout may cause issues with unit test frameworks (node.js). The best solution is to use let n: NodeJS.Timeout and n = setTimeout.
@AntonOfTheWoods you should be able to scope it again, but with self instead of window… . Hopefully properly set up typescript will assign a proper type to it, but I have no experience with it.

I guess it depends on where you will be running your code.

If your runtime target is server side Node JS, use:

let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout;

If your runtime target is a browser, use:

let timeout: number;

Nick Bernard

This will likely work with older versions, but with TypeScript version ^3.5.3 and Node.js version ^10.15.3, you should be able to import the Node-specific functions from the Timers module, i.e.:

import { setTimeout } from 'timers';

That will return an instance of Timeout of type NodeJS.Timeout that you can pass to clearTimeout:

import { clearTimeout, setTimeout } from 'timers';

const timeout: NodeJS.Timeout = setTimeout(function () { /* snip */  }, 500);


Similarly, if you want the browser version of setTimeout, something like const { setTimeout } = window will clear up those errors.

This works perfectly well for me.

type Timer = ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>

const timer: Timer = setTimeout(() => {}, 1000)


If you're targeting setInterval of window. Then you can also write it as

let timerId: number = setInterval((()=>{
  }) as TimerHandler, 5*1000)

M Miller

Wanted to mention as well that the spec for NodeJS.Timeout includes [Symbol.toPrimitive](): number:

interface Timeout extends Timer {
     * If true, the `Timeout` object will keep the Node.js event loop active.
     * @since v11.0.0
    hasRef(): boolean;
     * Sets the timer's start time to the current time, and reschedules the timer to
     * call its callback at the previously specified duration adjusted to the current
     * time. This is useful for refreshing a timer without allocating a new
     * JavaScript object.
     * Using this on a timer that has already called its callback will reactivate the
     * timer.
     * @since v10.2.0
     * @return a reference to `timeout`
    refresh(): this;
    [Symbol.toPrimitive](): number;

And for compatibility, the other timeout APIs in Node work just fine with the plain integer ids, they don't need to accept the object. The objects are used "server"-side to allow some finer control over keeping the process alive and garbage collection stuff. For example:

function clearTimeout(timeoutId: NodeJS.Timeout | string | number | undefined): void;

This means you can use a primitive cast on the result of setTimeout and setInterval:

let timeoutId: number | undefined;
timeoutId = Number(setTimeout(callback, ms));

function clear() {

Doesn't conflict with either API, while not running you into type trouble later on if you needed to depend on it being a primitive value for some other API contract.


I solved this problem by setting


  "compilerOptions": {
    "skipLibCheck": true,

And create .d.ts


declare namespace NodeJS {
    type Timeout = number;
    type Timer = number;

typescript version 4.2.3


I was using React and had a similar issue as well and solved it as follows:

import React, { useRef, useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import { Alert } from '../types/alerts';

const AlertComponent: React.FC<{alert: Alert}> = ({alert}) => {
  const intervalRef = useRef<NodeJS.Timeout>();
  const [count, setCount] = useState(alert.timeLimit)

  useEffect(() => {
    intervalRef.current = setInterval(
      () => {setCount((count) => count - 1)},

    return () => {
      clearInterval(intervalRef.current as NodeJS.Timeout)
  }, [])

  return (

export default AlertComponent;

In my useEffect() hook, I have clearInterval(intervalRef.current as NodeJS.Timeout) because clearInterval is explicitly looking for NodeJS.Timeout | undefined, so I had to get rid of the undefined portion.

Danniel Hansel

I was testing my Counter app using RTL and specifically was testing an element to be removed if count reaches 15. Since the component gets destroyed after running the test, setTimeout would still run after that and throw the error saying that React can't perform a state update on unmounted component. So, based on dhilt's answer, I was able to fix my useEffect cleanup function this way:

const [count, setCount] = useState(initialCount);
const [bigSize, setBigSize] = useState(initialCount >= 15);

useEffect(() => {
    let id: NodeJS.Timeout;

    if(count >= 15) {
        id = setTimeout(() => setBigSize(true), 300);

    return function cleanup() {

And here's the test suite:

describe('when the incrementor changes to 5 and "add" button is clicked', () => {
        beforeEach(async () => {
            userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/Incrementor/), '{selectall}5');
  'button', {name: "Add to Counter"}));
            await screen.findByText('Current Count: 15');
        it('renders Current Count: 15', () => {
            expect(screen.getByText('Current Count: 15')).toBeInTheDocument();
        it('renders too big and will dissapear after 300ms',async() => {
            await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.queryByText(/size: small/i))

Mark Dolbyrev

I faced the same problem and the workaround our team decided to use, was just to use "any" for the timer type. E.g.:

let n: any;
n = setTimeout(function () { /* snip */  }, 500);

It will work with both implementations of setTimeout/setInterval/clearTimeout/clearInterval methods.

Yeah, that does work. I also realized that I can just specify the method on the window object directly: window.setTimeout(...). Not sure if that's the best way to go but I'll stick with it for now.
You can import the NodeJS namespace properly in typescript, see this answer.
use of any is generally not the way to go.
Yes but properly typed and and working is the best yet.
@avalanche1 I kind of agree, but this is the case when I prefer avoiding "perfect theoretical" solutions and do "working practical" things. So instead of spending a lot of time figuring out the right typings and / or making the code hard to read by using complex Unions or similar approaches, we just make it work and go forward. If at any point in time there is a simple and easy-to-use solution, we just replace the "not-perfect-but-working" solution with the new better one.