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How to place and center text in an SVG rectangle

I have the following rectangle:

<rect x="0px" y="0px" width="60px" height="20px"/>

I would like to center the word "Fiction" inside of it. For other rectangles, does SVG word wrap to stay within them? I can't seem to find anything specifically about inserting text within shapes that are centered both horizontally and vertically and word wrap. Also, the text can not leave the rectangle.

Looking at the example doesn't help since the text element's x and y are different from the rectangle's x and y. There doesn't seem to be width and height for text elements. I am not sure of the math here.

(My HTML table is just not going to work.)

Lance U. Matthews

An easy solution to center text horizontally and vertically in SVG:

Set the position of the text to the absolute center of the element in which you want to center it: If it's the parent, you could just do x="50%" y ="50%". If it's another element, x would be the x of that element + half its width (and similar for y but with the height). Use the text-anchor property to center the text horizontally with the value middle: middle The rendered characters are aligned such that the geometric middle of the resulting rendered text is at the initial current text position. Use the dominant-baseline property to center the text vertically with the value middle (or depending on how you want it to look like, you may want to do central)

Here is a simple demo:


You can also use this with CSS if you want to apply it to many elements. For example:

svg text{
  text-anchor: middle;
  dominant-baseline: middle;

I have been looking everywhere for a solution this simple - nothing else was working for me I used this for centering a number inside a radial progress bar
In my case, it is the dominant-baseline property that does the job, not the alignment-baseline.
If you’re going to do this regularly, you can also add the following: <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[ text { alignment-baseline: middle; text-anchor:middle; } ]]></style>. Thanks for the solution.
@RegisMay thanks for pointing it out. I am on Chrome on Mac and it worked fine with alignment-baseline, but it seems that it may be a quirky thing because reviewing the specs, it should be dominant-baseline for text, and alignment-baseline for tspan, tref, altGlyph, and textPath. I updated the answer accordingly.
dominant-baseline="central" gave the look I wanted, FWIW

If you are creating the SVG programmatically you can simplify it and do something like this:

      <rect x={x} y={y} width={width} height={height} />
          x={x + width / 2}
          y={y + height / 2}

Shouldsn't it be dominant-baseline and text-anchor, not dominantBaseline and textAnchor?
@NathanielM.Beaver Yes, it should be. Good catch. The above code is from React which unfortunately requires attributes to be renamed using camelCase.
I just could not get this to work, although changing the Y to use 1.5* instead of 2* yields perfectly centered text for me: y={y + height / 1.5}

SVG 1.2 Tiny added text wrapping, but most implementations of SVG that you will find in the browser (with the exception of Opera) have not implemented this feature. It's typically up to you, the developer, to position text manually.

The SVG 1.1 specification provides a good overview of this limitation, and the possible solutions to overcome it:

Each ‘text’ element causes a single string of text to be rendered. SVG performs no automatic line breaking or word wrapping. To achieve the effect of multiple lines of text, use one of the following methods: The author or authoring package needs to pre-compute the line breaks and use multiple ‘text’ elements (one for each line of text). The author or authoring package needs to pre-compute the line breaks and use a single ‘text’ element with one or more ‘tspan’ child elements with appropriate values for attributes ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘dx’ and ‘dy’ to set new start positions for those characters who start new lines. (This approach allows user text selection across multiple lines of text -- see Text selection and clipboard operations.) Express the text to be rendered in another XML namespace such as XHTML [XHTML] embedded inline within a ‘foreignObject’ element. (Note: the exact semantics of this approach are not completely defined at this time.)

As a primitive, text wrapping can be simulated by using the dy attribute and tspan elements, and as mentioned in the spec, some tools can automate this. For example, in Inkscape, select the shape you want, and the text you want, and use Text -> Flow into Frame. This will allow you to write your text, with wrapping, which will wrap based on the bounds of the shape. Also, make sure you follow these instructions to tell Inkscape to maintain compatibility with SVG 1.1:

Furthermore, there are some JavaScript libraries that can be used to dynamically automate text wrapping:

It's interesting to note CSVG's solution to wrapping a shape to a text element (e.g. see their "button" example), although it's important to mention that their implementation is not usable in a browser:

I'm mentioning this because I have developed a CSVG-inspired library that allows you to do similar things and does work in web browsers, although I haven't released it yet.

Thanks for the reply...but ACK! It appears that I will have to dump svg then. One of the first things the developers should have thought of was attaching text (formatted as the users wish) to shapes! I will wait until they get their act together before I do anymore with it. I will try to redraw it in Windows Paint and see if that will do it. (If only I could get the browsers to display the table correctly.)
About editable text in svg, Opera supports the editable attribute from SVG 1.2 Tiny, which makes it possible to get editable text by simply adding an attribute editable="true" to the text or textArea element.
@Erik, once again Opera is ahead of the curve.
@Lady Aleena, why not just use the Inkscape solution I mentinoed? If it's just a static image (e.g. no dynamic behaviour, no updating text content dynamically), then this should work fine. Plus, it will be scalable, which Paint will not, as Paint produces raster graphics. Finally, I don't believe that Paint supports text wrapping on any level.
@echo-flow I lost all trust in code producing programs a long time ago since I used (and subsequently dumped) Microsoft Front Page to generate html. I am always wary of programs adding their own proprietary code to what I am writing. Front Page really messed up my html. If you are an Inkscape user, can you tell me if Inkscape places its own proprietary code in the svg that I would have to go into and strip out after svg creation?

The previous answers gave poor results when using rounded corners or stroke-width that's >1 . For example, you would expect the following code to produce a rounded rectangle, but the corners are clipped by the parent svg component:


Instead, I recommend wrapping the text in a svg and then nesting that new svg and the rect together inside a g element, as in the following example:


This fixes the clipping problem that occurs in the answers above. I also translated the rect/text group using the transform="translate(x,y)" attribute to demonstrate that this provides a more intuitive approach to positioning the rect/text on-screen.

... and if you just want to center a text (without a rect), this works as well.
Jonathon Reinhart

You can directly use text-anchor = "middle" property. I advise to create a wrapper svg element over your rectangle and text. That way you can use the whole element using one css selector. Make sure you place 'x' and 'y' property of text as 50%.


Regis May

alignment-baseline is not the right attribute to use here. The correct answer is to use a combination of dominant-baseline="central" and text-anchor="middle":


central worked for me were middle wasn't centerd

Full detail blog:

HueLink HueLink HueLink

Not centered in firefox while other solutions are.
I tested on Firefox 58.0.1 (64-bit), it's working. Can you mention the version for which it's not working it out for you?
Firefox 58.0.2 64bit. The text is slightly higher than it should be. It might not be easily noticeable at first, but if your box fits very closely it's more obvious; try reducing the height.

I had a bugger of a time getting anything centered using SVG, so I rolled my own little function. hopefully it should help you. Note that it only works for SVG elements.

function centerinparent(element) { //only works for SVG elements
    var bbox = element.getBBox();
    var parentwidth = element.parentNode.width.baseVal.value;
    var parentheight = element.parentNode.height.baseVal.value;
    var newwidth = ((parentwidth / 2) - (bbox.width / 2)) - 2; //i start everything off by 2 to account for line thickness
    var newheight = ((parentheight / 2) - (bbox.height / 2)) - 2;
    //need to adjust for line thickness??

    if (element.classList.contains("textclass")) { //text is origined from bottom left, whereas everything else origin is top left
        newheight += bbox.height; //move it down by its height

    element.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(" + newwidth + "," + newheight + ")");
    // console.log("centering BOXES:  between width:"+element.parentNode.width.baseVal.value + "   height:"+parentheight);
    // console.log(bbox);

Danny '365CSI' Engelman

11 years too late for the party... use pathLength

x="50%" y ="50%" won't work in complex SVGs

No one mentioning pathLength (make it 2 here, so 1 is the half) and textPath:

aligned in middle

Bruno Bastos

One way to insert text inside a rectangle is to insert a foreign object, wich is a DIV, inside rect object.

This way, the text will respct the limits of the DIV.

var g ="svg"); g.append("rect") .attr("x", 0) .attr("y", 0) .attr("width","100%") .attr("height","100%") .attr("fill","#000"); var fo = g.append("foreignObject") .attr("width","100%"); fo.append("xhtml:div") .attr("style","width:80%;color:#FFF;margin-right: auto;margin-left: auto;margin-top:40px") .text("Mussum Ipsum, cacilds vidis litro abertis Mussum Ipsum, cacilds vidis litro abertis Mussum Ipsum, cacilds vidis litro abertis");

Adam Chalcraft

For horizontal and vertical alignment of text in graphics, you might want to use the following CSS styles. In particular, note that dominant-baseline:middle is probably wrong, since this is (usually) half way between the top and the baseline, rather than half way between the top and the bottom. Also, some some sources (e.g. Mozilla) use dominant-baseline:hanging instead of dominant-baseline:text-before-edge. This is also probably wrong, since hanging is designed for Indic scripts. Of course, if you're using a mixture of Latin, Indic, ideographs or whatever, you'll probably need to read the documentation.

/* Horizontal alignment */
/* Vertical alignment */

Edit: I've just noticed that Mozilla also uses dominant-baseline:baseline which is definitely wrong: it's not even a recognized value! I assume it's defaulting to the font default, which is alphabetic, so they got lucky.

More edit: Safari (11.1.2) understands text-before-edge but not text-after-edge. It also fails on ideographic. Great stuff, Apple. So you might be forced to use alphabetic and allow for descenders after all. Sorry.