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How can I reverse the order of lines in a file?

I'd like to reverse the order of lines in a text file (or stdin), preserving the contents of each line.

So, i.e., starting with:


I'd like to end up with


Is there a standard UNIX commandline utility for this?

Important note about reversing the lines: make sure your file has a trailing newline first. Otherwise, the last two lines of an input file will be merged into one line in an output file (at least using the perl -e 'print reverse <>' but it probably applies to other methods too).
possible duplicate of How to reverse lines of a text file?
Also pretty nearly a duplicate (though older) of… . As in that case, migration to is probably appropriate.


Also worth mentioning: tac (the, ahem, reverse of cat). Part of coreutils.

Flipping one file into another

tac a.txt > b.txt

Especially worth mentioning to those using a version of tail with no -r option! (Most Linux folks have GNU tail, which has no -r, so we have GNU tac).
Just a note, because people have mentioned tac before, but tac doesn't appear to be installed on OS X. Not that it'd be difficult to write a substitute in Perl, but I don't have the real one.
You can get GNU tac for OS X from Fink. You might wish to get GNU tail as well, as it does some things that BSD tail does not.
If you use OS X with homebrew, you can install tac using brew install coreutils (installs as gtac by default).
One of the problems is if the file doesn't have a trailing new line, the first 2 lines may be conjoined as 1 line. echo -n "abc\ndee" > test; tac test.
Cristian Ciupitu

BSD tail:

tail -r myfile.txt

Reference: FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and OS X manual pages.

Just remember that the '-r' option isn't POSIX-compliant. The sed and awk solutions below are going to work even in the wonkiest systems.
Just tried this on Ubuntu 12.04, and discovered there is no -r option for my version of tail (8.13). Use 'tac' instead (see Mihai's answer below).
The checkmark should move below to tac. tail -r fails on Ubuntu 12/13, Fedora 20, Suse 11.
tail -r ~/1 ~ tail: invalid option -- r Try `tail --help' for more information. look like its new option
The answer should certainly mention that this is BSD-only, particularly since the OP asked for a "standard UNIX" utility. This isn't in GNU tail so it's not even a de facto standard.

There's the well-known sed tricks:

# reverse order of lines (emulates "tac")
# bug/feature in HHsed v1.5 causes blank lines to be deleted
sed '1!G;h;$!d'               # method 1
sed -n '1!G;h;$p'             # method 2

(Explanation: prepend non-initial line to hold buffer, swap line and hold buffer, print out line at end)

Alternatively (with faster execution) from the awk one-liners:

awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' file*

If you can't remember that,

perl -e 'print reverse <>'

On a system with GNU utilities, the other answers are simpler, but not all the world is GNU/Linux...

From the same source: awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' file* Both the sed and awk versions work on my busybox router. 'tac' and 'tail -r' do not.
I wish this one is the accepted answer. coz sed is always available, but not tail -r and tac.
@ryenus: tac is expected to handle arbitrary large files that do not fit in memory (line length is still limited though). It is unclear whether sed solution works for such files.
Only problem though : be prepared to wait :-)
More precisely: the sed code is in O(n^2), and can be VERY slow for big files. Hence my upvote for the awk alternative, linear. I didn't try the perl option, less piping-friendly.

at the end of your command put: | tac

tac does exactly what you're asking for, it "Write each FILE to standard output, last line first."

tac is the opposite of cat :-).

Why should he? Please explain the value of the tac command, this is useful for new users who might end up searching the same subject.
This really should be the accepted answer. Shame the above has so many votes.
BTW: You don't have to pipe to tac if it's coming from a file. You can simply tac filename.ext (reverse of cat filename.ext)

If you happen to be in vim use


I'd vote that up if you briefly explained what it did.
Yeah, I get that bit, but I meant breaking down what the various bits of the vim command are doing. I've now looked at the answer @kenorb linked, which provides the explanation.
g means "do this globally. ^ means "the beginning of a line". m means "move the line to a new line number. 0 is which line to move to. 0 means "top of the file, before the current line 1". So: "Find every line that has a beginning, and move it to line number 0." You find line 1, and move it to the top. Does nothing. Then find line 2 and move it above line 1, to the top of the file. Now find line 3 and move it to the top. Repeat this for every line. At the end you finish by moving the last line to the top. When you are done, you've reversed all the lines.
It should be noted that the :g global command behaves in a very particular way vs simply using ranges. For example, the command ":%m0" will not reverse the order of the lines, while ":%normal ddggP" will (as will ":g/^/normal ddggP"). Nice trick and explanation... Oh yea, forgot the token "see :help :g for more information"...
Daniel Alder
tac <file_name>


$ cat file1.txt

$ tac file1.txt

$ (tac 2> /dev/null || tail -r)

Try tac, which works on Linux, and if that doesn't work use tail -r, which works on BSD and OSX.

Why not tac myfile.txt - what am I missing?
@sage, to fall back to tail -r in case tac is not available. tac is not POSIX compliant. Neither is tail -r. Still not foolproof, but this improves the odds of things working.
I see - for instances when you are not able to manually/interactively change the command when it fails. Good enough for me.
You need a proper test to see if tac is available. What happens if tac is available, but runs out of RAM and swap half way through consuming a giant input stream. It fails, and then tail -r succeeds in processing the remainder of the stream giving an incorrect result.
@PetrPeller See answer above comment by Robert for OSX use homebrew. brew install coreutils and use gtac in place of tac and if your prefer add tac as an alias to gtac if for example you wanted a shell script that used it cross platform (Linux, OSX)

Try the following command:

grep -n "" myfile.txt | sort -r -n | gawk -F : "{ print $2 }"

instead of the gawk statement, I'd do something like this: sed 's/^[0-9]*://g'
why not use "nl" instead of grep -n ?
@GoodPerson, nl by default will fail to number empty lines. The -ba option is available on some systems, not is not universal (HP/UX comes to mind, though I wish it wouldn't) whereas grep -n will always number every line that matches the (in this case empty) regex.
Instead of gawk I use cut -d: -f2-

Just Bash :) (4.0+)

function print_reversed {
    local lines i
    readarray -t lines

    for (( i = ${#lines[@]}; i--; )); do
        printf '%s\n' "${lines[i]}"

print_reversed < file

+1 for answer in bash and for O(n) and for not using recursion (+3 if I could)
Try this with a file containing the line -nenenenenenene and witness the reason why people recommend always using printf '%s\n' instead of echo.
@mtraceur I would agree with that this time since this one's a general function.

For cross OS (i.e. OSX, Linux) solution that may use tac inside a shell script use homebrew as others have mentioned above, then just alias tac like so:

Install lib

For MacOS

brew install coreutils

For linux debian

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install coreutils 

Then add alias

echo "alias tac='gtac'" >> ~/.bash_aliases (or wherever you load aliases)
source ~/.bash_aliases
tac myfile.txt

Kalle Richter

The simplest method is using the tac command. tac is cat's inverse. Example:

$ cat order.txt
roger shah 
armin van buuren
fpga vhdl arduino c++ java gridgain
$ tac order.txt > inverted_file.txt
$ cat inverted_file.txt
fpga vhdl arduino c++ java gridgain
armin van buuren
roger shah 

not sure why this answer shows up before the one below, but it's a dupe of - which was posted years before.

I really like the "tail -r" answer, but my favorite gawk answer is....

gawk '{ L[n++] = $0 } 
  END { while(n--) 
        print L[n] }' file

Tested with mawk on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - works, so it is not GNU awk specific. +1
n++ can be replaced with NR

If you want to modify the file in place, you can run

sed -i '1!G;h;$!d' filename

This removes the need to create a temporary file and then delete or rename the original and has the same result. For example:

$tac file > file2
$sed -i '1!G;h;$!d' file
$diff file file2

Based on the answer by ephemient, which did almost, but not quite, what I wanted.

Yauhen Yakimovich

EDIT the following generates a randomly sorted list of numbers from 1 to 10:

seq 1 10 | sort -R | tee /tmp/lst |cat <(cat /tmp/lst) <(echo '-------') **...**

where dots are replaced with actual command which reverses the list


seq 1 10 | sort -R | tee /tmp/lst |cat <(cat /tmp/lst) <(echo '-------') \

python: using [::-1] on sys.stdin

seq 1 10 | sort -R | tee /tmp/lst |cat <(cat /tmp/lst) <(echo '-------') \
<(python -c "import sys; print(''.join(([line for line in sys.stdin])[::-1]))")

Vadim Kotov

This will work on both BSD and GNU.

awk '{arr[i++]=$0} END {while (i>0) print arr[--i] }' filename


I see lots of interesting ideas. But try my idea. Pipe your text into this:

rev | tr '\n' '~' | rev | tr '~' '\n'

which assumes that the character '~' is not in the file. This should work on every UNIX shell going back to 1961. Or something like that.

Thanks, this worked great on my MacOS. cat foo.txt | rev | tr '\n' '~' | rev | tr '~' '\n' > bar.txt
Marius Hofert

For Emacs users: C-x h (select the whole file) and then M-x reverse-region. Also works for only selecting parts or the lines and reverting those.


It happens to me that I want to get the last n lines of a very large text file efficiently.

The first thing I tried is tail -n 10000000 file.txt > ans.txt, but I found it very slow, for tail has to seek to the location and then moves back to print the results.

When I realize it, I switch to another solution: tac file.txt | head -n 10000000 > ans.txt. This time, the seek position just needs to move from the end to the desired location and it saves 50% time!

Take home message:

Use tac file.txt | head -n n if your tail does not have the -r option.

Georg Fischer

You may use Perl on the commandline:

perl -e 'my @b=(); while(<>) {push(@b, $_);}; print join("", reverse(@b));' orig > rev


Best solution:

tail -n20 file.txt | tac

Welcome to Stack Overflow! While this code snippet may solve the question, including an explanation really helps to improve the quality of your post. Remember that you are answering the question for readers in the future, and those people might not know the reasons for your code suggestion. Please also try not to crowd your code with explanatory comments, this reduces the readability of both the code and the explanations!

You can do it with vim stdin and stdout. You can also use ex to be POSIX compliant. vim is just the visual mode for ex. In fact, you can use ex with vim -e or vim -E (improved ex mode). vim is useful because unlike tools like sed it buffers the file for editing, while sed is used for streams. You might be able to use awk, but you would have to manually buffer everything in a variable.

The idea is to do the following:

Read from stdin For each line move it to line 1 (to reverse). Command is g/^/m0. This means globally, for each line g; match the start of the line, which matches anything ^; move it after address 0, which is line 1 m0. Print everything. Command is %p. This means for the range of all lines %; print the line p. Forcefully quit without saving the file. Command is q!. This means quit q; forcefully !.

# Generate a newline delimited sequence of 1 to 10
$ seq 10

# Use - to read from stdin.
# vim has a delay and annoying 'Vim: Reading from stdin...' output
# if you use - to read from stdin. Use --not-a-term to hide output.
# --not-a-term requires vim 8.0.1308 (Nov 2017)
# Use -E for improved ex mode. -e would work here too since I'm not
# using any improved ex mode features.
# each of the commands I explained above are specified with a + sign
# and are run sequentially.
$ seq 10 | vim - --not-a-term -Es +'g/^/m0' +'%p' +'q!'
# non improved ex mode works here too, -e.
$ seq 10 | vim - --not-a-term -es +'g/^/m0' +'%p' +'q!'

# If you don't have --not-a-term, use /dev/stdin
seq 10 | vim -E +'g/^/m0' +'%p' +'q!' /dev/stdin

# POSIX compliant (maybe)
# POSIX compliant ex doesn't allow using + sign to specify commands.
# It also might not allow running multiple commands sequentially.
# The docs say "Implementations may support more than a single -c"
# If yours does support multiple -c
$ seq 10 | ex -c "execute -c 'g/^/m0' -c '%p' -c 'q!' /dev/stdin

# If not, you can chain them with the bar, |. This is same as shell
# piping. It's more like shell semi-colon, ;.
# The g command consumes the |, so you can use execute to prevent that.
# Not sure if execute and | is POSIX compliant.
seq 10 | ex -c "execute 'g/^/m0' | %p | q!" /dev/stdin

How to make this reusable

I use a script I call ved (vim editor like sed) to use vim to edit stdin. Add this to a file called ved in your path:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

vim - --not-a-term -Es "$@" +'%p | q!'

I am using one + command instead of +'%p' +'q!', because vim limits you to 10 commands. So merging them allows the "$@" to have 9 + commands instead of 8.

Then you can do:

seq 10 | ved +'g/^/m0'

If you don't have vim 8, put this in ved instead:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

vim -E "$@" +'%p | q!' /dev/stdin

text here


rev <file>


rev texthere

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Esp. new answers to old, well-answered questions need ample justification for adding yet another answer.
rev will flip the text horizontally as well which is not the desired behavior.

tail -r works in most Linux and MacOS systems

seq 1 20 | tail -r

This duplicates the accepted answer from 2009.
Paul Roub
sort -r < filename


rev < filename

sort -r only works if the input is already sorted, which is not the case here. rev reverses the characters per line but keeps the line order intact which is also not what Scotty asked for. So this answer is actually no answer at all.