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How to hide a navigation bar from first ViewController in Swift?

How can I hide a navigation bar from first ViewController or a particular ViewController in swift?

I used the following code in viewDidLoad():

override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true

and also on viewWillAppear:

override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
    self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true

Both methods hide the navigation controller from all ViewControllers.

you need to manage it manually for all viewcontrollers.. you can't do it for any one..


If you know that all other views should have the bar visible, you could use viewWillDisappear to set it to visible again.

In Swift:

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: animated)

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
    navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: animated)

This answer is more efficient . Think of the repetitive code with each new ViewController you add.
Amr ElAdawy

Swift 3

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

    // Hide the navigation bar on the this view controller
    self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: animated)

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

    // Show the navigation bar on other view controllers
    self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: animated)

With overriding don't forget to call the super methods: super.viewWillAppear(animated) and super.viewWillDisappear(animated)
Does it remove the link that says back?
I was convinced that it would not work well with the "swipe back" on the visual level, but everything is fine. Thanks!
Side note: self. not needed.
On the swipe back, from the view with the navigation bar to the view with the hidden navigation bar, how do we reimplement the navigation bar fading?

You can unhide navigationController in viewWillDisappear

override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool)
    self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = false

Swift 3

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

    self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: animated)


You could also create an extension for this so you will be able to reuse the extension without implementing this again and again in every view controller.

import UIKit

extension UIViewController {
    func hideNavigationBar(animated: Bool){
        // Hide the navigation bar on the this view controller
        self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: animated)


    func showNavigationBar(animated: Bool) {
        // Show the navigation bar on other view controllers
        self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: animated)


So you can use the extension methods as below

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        hideNavigationBar(animated: animated)

    override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
        showNavigationBar(animated: animated)

Not really worth the extension, is it? :)
Depends on how many views you are hiding/showing the nav bars. I feel like most cases you only hide the first one but if you do it a lot the extension is nice.
Definitely, it doesn't worth it. Don't invent something already exists.
Matt Clark

In Swift 3, you can use isNavigationBarHidden Property also to show or hide navigation bar

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    // Hide the navigation bar for current view controller
    self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true;

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
    // Show the navigation bar on other view controllers
   self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = false;

Eric Aya

Ways to hide Navigation Bar in Swift:

self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: true)
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.isHidden = true
self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true

self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: true) worked for me
Eric Aya

Ways to show Navigation Bar in Swift:

self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: true)
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.isHidden = false
self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = false

     private func setupView() {
            view.backgroundColor = .white
            navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: false)


in viewDidLoad use this settings

title = "Madman"
navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = false
navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .always

Check the constraints of Collectionview, scrollview or tableView

            tableView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor),
            tableView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor),
            tableView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor),
            tableView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor)

Mirza Q Ali
    /*.  Swift 5  */     
    let controller =  self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "sc_userNavigation") as! UserNavigationViewController
    let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: controller)
    navigationController.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: false)
    navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
    self.present(navigationController, animated: false, completion: nil)

Zar E Ahmer

In IOS 8 do it like

navigationController?.hidesBarsOnTap = true

but only when it's part of a UINavigationController

make it false when you want it back


I use a variant of the above, and isolate sections of my app to be embedded in differing NavControllers. This way, i don't have to reset visibility. Very useful in startup sequences, for example.

Talha Rasool

Call the set hide method in view Will appear and Disappear. if you will not call the method in view will disappear with status false.It will hide the navigation bar in complete navigation hierarchy

 override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: true)

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
    self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated:true)

This is a copy/paste response. What is the difference between your response and the other 2 or 3 equal responses here??
Pedro Luz

You can do it from the window controller (Swift3)

class WindowController: NSWindowController {

    override func windowDidLoad() {

        window?.titleVisibility = .hidden

what is the Window Controller ?
This is for macOS, not iOS