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System.out.println() shortcut on Intellij IDEA

I know I can print System.out.println() with "sout" + tab. Is there a way I can do it with "Syso" + ctrl + space like in eclipse?


In Idea 17eap:

sout: Prints


soutm: Prints current class and method names to System.out


soutp: Prints method parameter names and values to System.out


soutv: Prints a value to System.out

System.out.println("$EXPR_COPY$ = " + $EXPR$);

Is there any shortcut to call soutm for all functions in a file in one go? This is useful when you want to trace the function call flow with the help of logs.
Irrelevant answer regarding to question
One important thing to highlight is that Don't start with capital S. It should be small 's' then code suggestion will actually suggest sout which on selection will do it.
Konstantin Labun

Yeah, you can do it. Just open Settings -> Live Templates. Create new one with syso as abbreviation and System.out.println($END$); as Template text.

This does not answer his wish to auto complete with ctrl+space.
Well, if he makes this setting, can't he just type syso and press Tab to complete the statement? We do something similar while defining the main method: we type in psvm and press Tab which automatically makes it public static void main(String[] args).
ctrl+space expands live templates as well
ctrl+space does not expand sout the same way tab does, it pulls up a menu with sout listed in it though--so pretty close (And that may be only because I turned on the Eclipse keymap). Leo's answer helps
Along with this answer, make sure you select the below, "Applicable in Java: statement" by making the selection in the dropdown. Also, the Shortcut to use Eclipse shortcuts in IntelliJ Idea, follow the below steps Shortcut to use Eclipse shortcuts in IntelliJ Idea: Press ctrl+`(also have tilde~ on it, button at the left side of digit 1). Then press 3 (Keymap) and select 2 (Eclipse). Done!
Kristijan Iliev

If you want to know all the shortcut in intellij hit Ctrl + J. This shows all the shortcuts. For System.out.println() type sout and press Tab.


Open up Settings (By default is Alt + Ctrl + S) and search for Live Templates. In the upper part there's an option that says "By default expand with TAB" (TAB is the default), choose "Custom" and then hit "change" and add the keymap "ctrl+spacebar" to the option "Expand Live Template/Emmet Abbreviation".

Now you can hit ctrl + spacebar and expand the live templates. Now, to change it to "syso" instead of "sout", in the Live Templates option, theres a list of tons of options checked, go to "other" and expand it, there you wil find "sout", just rename it to "syso" and hit aply.

Hope this can help you.


On MAC you can do sout + return or ⌘+j (cmd+j) opens live template suggestions, enter sout to choose System.out.println();

Supun Sandaruwan

Type sout and press Tab, it will generate System.out.println();

Type sou and press Tab, It will generate System.out.printf("");

Oleg Svechkarenko

If using scala, try priv + tab