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Group by in LINQ

Let's suppose if we have a class like:

class Person { 
    internal int PersonID; 
    internal string car; 

I have a list of this class: List<Person> persons;

And this list can have multiple instances with same PersonIDs, for example:

persons[0] = new Person { PersonID = 1, car = "Ferrari" }; 
persons[1] = new Person { PersonID = 1, car = "BMW"     }; 
persons[2] = new Person { PersonID = 2, car = "Audi"    }; 

Is there a way I can group by PersonID and get the list of all the cars he has?

For example, the expected result would be

class Result { 
   int PersonID;
   List<string> cars; 

So after grouping, I would get:

results[0].PersonID = 1; 
List<string> cars = results[0].cars; 

result[1].PersonID = 2; 
List<string> cars = result[1].cars;

From what I have done so far:

var results = from p in persons
              group p by p.PersonID into g
              select new { PersonID = g.Key, // this is where I am not sure what to do

Could someone please point me in the right direction?

There is another example including Count and Sum here…


Absolutely - you basically want:

var results = from p in persons
              group by p.PersonId into g
              select new { PersonId = g.Key, Cars = g.ToList() };

Or as a non-query expression:

var results = persons.GroupBy(
    p => p.PersonId, 
    p =>,
    (key, g) => new { PersonId = key, Cars = g.ToList() });

Basically the contents of the group (when viewed as an IEnumerable<T>) is a sequence of whatever values were in the projection ( in this case) present for the given key.

For more on how GroupBy works, see my Edulinq post on the topic.

(I've renamed PersonID to PersonId in the above, to follow .NET naming conventions.)

Alternatively, you could use a Lookup:

var carsByPersonId = persons.ToLookup(p => p.PersonId, p =>;

You can then get the cars for each person very easily:

// This will be an empty sequence for any personId not in the lookup
var carsForPerson = carsByPersonId[personId];

@jon Skeet what if i want to add another property like name
@Mohammad: Then you include that in the anonymous type.
@user123456 here's a good explanation of group by, it also includes an example of grouping by a composite key: How to: Group Query Results (C# Programming Guide)
@Mohammad you can do something like .GroupBy(p => new {p.Id, p.Name}, p => p, (key, g) => new { PersonId = key.Id, PersonName = key.Name, PersonCount = g.Count()}) and you will get all the people that occur with an Id, Name, and a number of occurrences for each person.
@kame: I was deliberately following .NET naming conventions, fixing the OP's names, basically. Will make that clear in the answer.
Patrick Hofman
var results = from p in persons
              group p by p.PersonID into g
              select new { PersonID = g.Key,
                           /**/car = g.Select(g=>**/}


You can also Try this:

var results= persons.GroupBy(n => new { n.PersonId,})
                .Select(g => new {

It is wrong returns the same list does not group by
It's work,i think something is missing that's why it's doesn't work in your code.
Gilad Green
var results = from p in persons
              group p by p.PersonID into g
              select new { PersonID = g.Key, Cars = g.Select(m => };



persons.GroupBy(x => x.PersonId).Select(x => x)


to check if any person is repeating in your list try

persons.GroupBy(x => x.PersonId).Where(x => x.Count() > 1).Any(x => x)

You can simplify by: persons.GroupBy(x => x.PersonId).Any(x => x.Count() > 1);
Mehmet Recep Yildiz

I have created a working code sample with Query Syntax and Method Syntax. I hope it helps the others :)

You can also run the code on .Net Fiddle here:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Person
    public int PersonId; 
    public string car  ; 

class Result
   public int PersonId;
   public List<string> Cars; 

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        List<Person> persons = new List<Person>()
            new Person { PersonId = 1, car = "Ferrari" },
            new Person { PersonId = 1, car = "BMW" },
            new Person { PersonId = 2, car = "Audi"}

        //With Query Syntax

        List<Result> results1 = (
            from p in persons
            group p by p.PersonId into g
            select new Result()
                    PersonId = g.Key, 
                    Cars = g.Select(c =>

        foreach (Result item in results1)
            foreach(string car in item.Cars)


        //Method Syntax

        List<Result> results2 = persons
            .GroupBy(p => p.PersonId, 
                     (k, c) => new Result()
                                 PersonId = k,
                                 Cars = c.Select(cs =>

        foreach (Result item in results2)
            foreach(string car in item.Cars)

Here is the result:


Please, explain what your code does for sake. This is just a code answer which is nearly a wrong answer.
@recev-yildiz's way actually helped me solve my challenge.
Fer R

First, set your key field. Then include your other fields:

var results = 
    .GroupBy(n => n.PersonId)
    .Select(r => new Result {PersonID = r.Key, Cars = r.ToList() })

Non commented answer/code is not the way how StackOverflow works ...

Try this :

var results= persons.GroupBy(n => n.PersonId)
            .Select(g => new {

But performance-wise the following practice is better and more optimized in memory usage (when our array contains much more items like millions):

var carDic=new Dictionary<int,List<string>>();
for(int i=0;i<persons.length;i++)
   var person=persons[i];
        carDic[person.PersonId]=new List<string>(){};
//returns the list of cars for PersonId 1
var carList=carDic[1];

g.Key.PersonId? g.SelectMany?? You clearly didn't try this.
you're write I edited some codes codes in it and didn't test it. My main point was the second part. But anyway thanks for your consideration. It was too late to edit that code when I realized it's wrong. so g.Key replaces g.Key.PersonId, and Select rather than SelectMany ! so messy sorry :)))
@akazemis: I was actually trying to create (to use terms equivalent to OP's domain) SortedDictionary <PersonIdInt, SortedDictionary <CarNameString, CarInfoClass>>. The closest I could get using LINQ was IEnumerable <IGrouping <PersonIdInt, Dictionary <CarNameString, PersonIdCarNameXrefClass>>>. I ended using your for loop method which, btw, was 2x faster. Also, I would use: a) foreach vs. for and b) TryGetValue vs. ContainsKey (both for DRY principle - in code & runtime).
Reza Jenabi

The following example uses the GroupBy method to return objects that are grouped by PersonID.

var results = persons.GroupBy(x => x.PersonID)
              .Select(x => (PersonID: x.Key, Cars: x.Select(p =>


 var results = persons.GroupBy(
               person => person.PersonID,
               (key, groupPerson) => (PersonID: key, Cars: groupPerson.Select(x =>;


 var results = from person in persons
               group person by person.PersonID into groupPerson
               select (PersonID: groupPerson.Key, Cars: groupPerson.Select(x =>;

Or you can use ToLookup, Basically ToLookup uses EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default to compare keys and do what you should do manually when using group by and to dictionary. i think it's excuted inmemory

 ILookup<int, string> results = persons.ToLookup(
            person => person.PersonID,
            person =>;

Dmitry Stepanov

An alternative way to do this could be select distinct PersonId and group join with persons:

var result = 
    from id in persons.Select(x => x.PersonId).Distinct()
    join p2 in persons on id equals p2.PersonId into gr // apply group join here
    select new 
        PersonId = id,
        Cars = gr.Select(x => x.Car).ToList(),

Or the same with fluent API syntax:

var result = persons.Select(x => x.PersonId).Distinct()
    .GroupJoin(persons, id => id, p => p.PersonId, (id, gr) => new
        PersonId = id,
        Cars = gr.Select(x => x.Car).ToList(),

GroupJoin produces a list of entries in the first list ( list of PersonId in our case), each with a group of joined entries in the second list (list of persons).