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How to make Google Chrome JavaScript console persistent?

Since I'm building a dynamic site, I need to track the changes between pages, ie. Ajax calls, POST, GET stuff and similar stuff.

I'm looking for the same functionality like in Firebug (where you can enable "persistent" and the console is not cleared every time you reload a page or submit a form.

So, my questions is: is there a way to make Google Chrome JavaScript console persistent? (And if yes, how?)

Update: Copying the answer here, if anyone's still looking for this, Chrome 14+ has a setting in Developer Tools > Settings labelled "Console: Preserve log on navigation".

Update 2: the latest versions of Chrome (33+) have this option by right-clicking in the console.

Update 3 (late 2017): The latest versions of Chrome (60+) have this option by opening the console, clicking the gear in the top right corner and selecting "preserve log"

its just "Preserve Log" now. I was being driven nuts and this post saved me a lot of time. thankyou lol


If anyone's still looking for this, I'm on Chrome 15.0.874.58 beta-m and I have a checkbox in Developer Tools > Settings labelled "Console: Preserve log on navigation". Does the job nicely.

For anyone else that didn't no where Developer Tools > Settings are: when you've got the console open there's a cog in the bottom right of the screen, the "Preserve log upon navigation" is on the first tab in the Console section.
As of Chrome 17 right-clicking on console is providing access on that option either.
As of 2019, for settings you click the three little vertically stacked dots in the far right on the Dev Tools menu bar :-)

at Version 67.0.3396.87 (Official Build) (64-bit)


Unfortunately, Chrome doesn't support that functionality yet, although there was talk in December 2010 about adding in the next major release...

This answer is no longer valid

I suspected this. It's the reason why I have to keep Firefox around. Even FireBug Lite doesn't have persistent console.
Turned out I didn't need it bad anough :/
Chrome provides this functionality
@uneakharsh please do not downvote for that. Look at when the answer was written (March 2011). The functionality has been added since this answer was posted...
@uneakharsh Upvoting because this was the correct answer when it was written (Mar 2011). You don't delete answers, period.
Eliran Malka

As of Chrome Version 73.0.3683.86 (Official Build) (64-bit):

Click the ellipsis in top right of Developer Tools Navigate to Settings > Preferences > Console Check Preserve log upon navigation


Try this to enable console on popups


I had the "preserve logs" options enabled and still had the Console losing focus to the Sources tab. If that happens (apparently during debugging), it helps to disable "Focus sources panel when triggering a breakpoint" in "Settings > Preferences > Sources".

Losing focus is a different issue but thanks for making it known.

In Chrome v102

I opened Chrome Dev Tools, I clicked on "gear" icon (Top right corner) Enable "Preserve log" checkbox