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Git says "Warning: Permanently added to the list of known hosts"

Every time I use git to interact with a remote, such as when pulling or pushing, I am shown the following message:

Warning: Permanently added '...' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

How can I prevent this annoying message from displaying? It is only an annoyance—everything functions properly.

Do you really mean every time? Is it giving you a prompt of the form The authenticity of host '...' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is .... Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?, or have you suppressed that? If it is, is it the same fingerprint every time? If it's not, that's really scary. The less scary option would be that somehow it's not actually managing to write to the hosts file, so it tries again every time. Have a look at ~/.ssh/known_hosts?
Yes. Every time. However, I don't see the "Are you sure..." message - maybe I've suppressed it.
Is the host listed in ~/.ssh/known_hosts? (Is it listed 5000 times?) Does ~/.ssh/config exist/contain anything (especially a value for StrictHostKeyChecking)?
The host is listed in that file once, and it is the only entry.
I'm guessing the contents of your known_hosts file are bad. It should be the host key, on one terribly long line. If you only have the host name there (for example) it will not work. I recommend that you remove this file (if indeed it only contains the information for this single host) and allow SSH to create it next time you connect. It should be silent after that.

Rob Bednark

Solution: create a ~/.ssh/config file and insert the line:

UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/known_hosts

You will then see the message the next time you access Github, but after that you'll not see it anymore because the host is added to the known_hosts file. This fixes the issue, rather than just hiding the log message.

This problem was bugging me for quite some time. The problem occurs because the OpenSSH client compiled for Windows doesn't check the known_hosts file in ~/.ssh/known_hosts

ssh -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

debug3: check_host_in_hostfile: filename /dev/null
debug3: check_host_in_hostfile: filename /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
debug3: check_host_in_hostfile: filename /dev/null
debug3: check_host_in_hostfile: filename /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

Yeah, I don't consider suppressing warnings or errors a proper solution to a problem. ;)
Works great! Finally the stupid warning stopped. Btw on Windows, the ~ in ~/.ssh/config is the user's home folder. To open it easily, Press Win-R, type cmd Enter. Command prompt should already open in your home folder. Type cd .ssh Enter, and then start . Enter to open the folder in Windows Explorer. Then you can create the config file in Notepad (no .txt extension when saving). (Pro users can echo directly to a new file in command prompt itself ;)). Run a git command involving remote twice (like git fetch), and you're done.
why do you have 20 v's for ssh?
@bubakazouba The more v's, the more verbose the log gets, check the docs for that. Three would suffice, twenty are an overkill :D
Yeah, holding down v for a second is faster than checking the docs to determine the maximum number of useful v's
Kyle Kloepper

Add the following line to your ssh config file ($HOME/.ssh/config):


If running ssh from the command line add the following option to the command string:

-o LogLevel=quiet

For example, the following prints out the gcc version installed on (and no warning):

ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
    -o LogLevel=quiet \
    -i identity_file \ \
    gcc -dumpversion

Adding "LogLevel=quiet" to the "config" file worked. Thank you.
To maintain security, it would be good to put the "LogLevel=quiet" inside a "Host" section.
LogLevel=quiet is a bad idea, he wants all errors to be displayed, he just want to avoid this specific obnoxious error. Probably because he tricked ssh to use /dev/null as the known_hosts file, probably because he wanted to turn off known_hosts fingerprint checking, but couldn't, because ssh overlords didn't allow him to.
@bukzor loglevel=error still displays "Connection to <server> closed" when the connection is terminated, which is also really annoying for scripting.
I downvoted this as it doesn't really solve the problem. It just hides it.
Elnur Abdurrakhimov

Set LogLevel to ERROR (not QUIET) in ~/.ssh/config file to avoid seeing these errors:

Host *
   StrictHostKeyChecking no
   UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
   LogLevel ERROR

This worked best in my case - or you can specify "-oLogLevel=ERROR" on the command line
I use these settings only for local ips and hosts which are mostly vms where the hostkey changes relatively often: Host 192.* 10.* *.mylocal.domain.
Super smart =)) this one works perfectly and simply: LogLevel ERROR
Jason Carreiro

That message is from SSH, which is warning you that you are connecting to a host which you've never connected to before. I wouldn't recommend turning it off, since it would mean that you might miss a warning about a host key changing, which can indicate a MITM attack on your SSH session.

But I connect to it 10-15 times each day, and still I receive this warning.
@JackB. Look at ~/.ssh/known_hosts and see if your host is in there.
Is the key changing for some reason? Check the fingerprint in the file vs the fingerprint that is output by ssh. Also, is the mode of your .ssh directory set to 0700?
@JasonCarreiro, I'm a big boy, I know no one will pull MITM attack inside my rack, security is a tradeoff, and I want new computers to work out of the box with preshared key, with no need to manage a CA or ssh-keyscan.
Stefan Schmidt

To suppress warning messages for ssh you can add the following lines to ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
LogLevel error

That will disable warnings but not error messages. Like the other settings in ~/.ssh/config you can configure the LogLevel on a per-host basis if you want a more finegrained control.

Larry Cai

It mainly means there are changes for the key for that host ~/.ssh/known_hosts, and it will not automatically UPDATE it. Therefore every time you get this warning message.

This happens often for the connecting to the re-created virtual machines, which changes the key with the same IP address


If you only have one entry, then you can delete the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, and after first connection, that the key will be there, and no warning messages after that.

If you have multiple entries, then you can use command below to remove

$ ssh-keygen -R <hostname>

It works fine for me


add your private key to the ssh-agent with:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa


If you are using a repository from GitHub, consider using the HTTPS version of the URL instead, to sidestep this problem entirely:

If you clone your repository from within the Windows GitHub application, this is what it uses for the remote URL. Maybe they know something we don't know.

Note: If you use private key authentication, you cannot use HTTP(S).

I have the same question, and I found there is not a .ssh file in my ~. So I just create the .ssh directory under ~ path, and the issue solved.


I got into the same issue when I started using a Windows machine. In my case it was because my SSH setup was not done. Github has a very precise documentation on the SSH setup. Once that's taken care, the issue was resolved.


Add ssh key

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

ssh-add ~/.ssh/bitbucket_rsa

crate config file

crate ~/.ssh/config

add below line.

UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Then add pub key and clone your repository... Done.....


In my case, it was because the admin who set up the server set these options in ~/.ssh/config

StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Which worked fine for most cases by not using the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. But for the enterprise gitlab repo, every time it gave the "Warning: Permanently added ... to the list of known hosts."

My solution was to comment out the UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null line, which allowed the creation of ~/.ssh/known_hosts. Then it didn't give any more warnings after that.

You might also have a old/invalid entries in your known_hosts.

# find entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keygen -F <hostname>

# delete entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keygen -R <hostname>

Axel Bregnsbo

I my case I only got the ssh warning when using Gridengine qrsh remote shell login. Whereas a normal ssh would work as expected (warning first time, then quiet subsequent times).

My solution was to manually fill ~/.ssh/known_hosts with all the possible server names that Gridengine could choose (use qhost to list the servers):

for p in server1 server2 server3 server4; do
  ssh-keyscan -H ${p};
  ssh-keyscan -H $(getent hosts $p | perl -lane 'print $F[0]');
done >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts


Gridengine is a job scheduler which can use ssh to select the least loaded server. The reason for the warning is that qrsh seem to always specify a non-standard port for doing the ssh connection, causing known_hosts to be updated with an entry also containing a port number. Next time when qrsh selects the same server there would be a new port-number and known_hosts would get updated with a new port-specific entry. The reason for also adding the raw host IP address is that some hosts used ecdsa-sha2-nistp521. If a raw IP entry is not added I would get the warning:

ECDSA host key for IP address '' not in list of known hosts.

Penny Liu

I had faced the same error in Linux/Cent OS VM and it was because the IP was changing after restart. In order to get around this problem, I defined a static IP in the network and added that entry to /etc/hosts file. For static IP mention a slightly higher range value. For example if your current IP (ipconfig/ifconfig) is, next time after restart this may become So define your static IP in IPV4 settings as which should do the trick.

try to highlight the keywords and be clear with the format it will help to reach out your answer for others
Estevan Martins

you just need this command.

If it is, use GitHub:

ssh -T

If you use GitLab:

ssh -T

Samuel Liew

There is no clean solution for the problem you noted as far as I am aware. The previously suggested /dev/null redirection will still display the warning, it just disables the security feature of storing the remote keys by redirecting the output into /dev/null. So ssh would still think it writes something which is actually discarded.

As I know the only option is to catch the message and remove it from stdout.

ssh/scp..... 2>&1 | grep -v "^Warning: Permanently added"

Here is a complete example that you can use as wrapper to hide such warnings:

remove="^Warning: Permanently added" # message to remove from output


case $cmd in
  echo "unsupported binary ($0)"
$binary "$@" 2>&1 | grep -v "$remove"

To install it all you need to do is add/modify the "case" statement for the actual command you wish to modify. (ssh, scp, git etc). the "ssh)" means the script has to be named "ssh" (or a link to the script is named ssh). The binary=/full/path is the path to the binary the script should wrap. Then put the script with a name of your choice into /bin or somewhere else.

The script also the place where you can use a -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" to the $binary variable, that's a lot better than putting such a security risk into the global ssh configuration which will affect all your ssh sessions and not just those you want to supress the message.

Disadvantages: It's a bit overhead, not a perfectly clean solution and moves stderr into stdout which might not be good in all cases. But it will get rid of any sort of warning messages you don't wish to see and you can use a single script to wrap all binaries you want (by using filesystem links to it)