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Regex Match all characters between two strings

Example: "This is just\na simple sentence".

I want to match every character between "This is" and "sentence". Line breaks should be ignored. I can't figure out the correct syntax.

You might want to indicate what environment you are using Regex in. There may be differences depending on exactly what you mean by "ignore" line breaks.


For example

(?<=This is)(.*)(?=sentence)


I used lookbehind (?<=) and look ahead (?=) so that "This is" and "sentence" is not included in the match, but this is up to your use case, you can also simply write This is(.*)sentence.

The important thing here is that you activate the "dotall" mode of your regex engine, so that the . is matching the newline. But how you do this depends on your regex engine.

The next thing is if you use .* or .*?. The first one is greedy and will match till the last "sentence" in your string, the second one is lazy and will match till the next "sentence" in your string.



This is(?s)(.*)sentence

Where the (?s) turns on the dotall modifier, making the . matching the newline characters.

Update 2:

(?<=is \()(.*?)(?=\s*\))

is matching your example "This is (a simple) sentence". See here on Regexr

@tchrist, sorry I had to look this up. Do I understand this correct and This is(?s)(.*)sentence would be working?
That mostly solved my problem, but how do I include a white space character in my pattern? I tried the following: "(.*?)( ))" to match the " )" at the end of a sequence, but it didn't work.
Just one note - regexr says now that lookbehind is not supported in javascript
Is there a way to deal with repeated instances of this split in a block of text? FOr instance: "This is just\na simple sentence. Here is some additional stuff. This is just\na simple sentence. And here is some more stuff. This is just\na simple sentence. ". Currently it matches the entire string, rather than each instance.
I will tattoo this regex to my body

Lazy Quantifier Needed

Resurrecting this question because the regex in the accepted answer doesn't seem quite correct to me. Why? Because

(?<=This is)(.*)(?=sentence)

will match my first sentence. This is my second in This is my first sentence. This is my second sentence.

See demo.

You need a lazy quantifier between the two lookarounds. Adding a ? makes the star lazy.

This matches what you want:

(?<=This is).*?(?=sentence)

See demo. I removed the capture group, which was not needed.

DOTALL Mode to Match Across Line Breaks

Note that in the demo the "dot matches line breaks mode" (a.k.a.) dot-all is set (see how to turn on DOTALL in various languages). In many regex flavors, you can set it with the online modifier (?s), turning the expression into:

(?s)(?<=This is).*?(?=sentence)


The Many Degrees of Regex Greed

Repetition with Star and Plus

You are correct about the capturing group. Don't know why I have done this. But the difference between .* and .*? is also explained in my answer (the paragraph before "Update"). So I don't think my answer is incorrect.
@stema Sorry about the nitpicking, while cruising through some of your answers yesterday that is the only one that made me twitch. :) I softened the first line from is incorrect to doesn't seem quite correct to me... Hope that doesn't make you twitch, probably just a difference of perception about what the regex for such a high-traffic answer should be.
Wiktor Stribiżew

Try This is[\s\S]*?sentence, works in javascript

how to perform a lazy lookup in this way?
@AwQiruiGuo same as above. [\s\S]*? (also called: non-greedy wildcard)
Riyafa Abdul Hameed


This is (.*?) sentence

works in javascript.

I like the simplicity, but it was not sufficient for me. What I mean is, "This is just\na simple sentence".match(/This is (.*?) sentence/) returned null. "This is just\na simple sentence".match(/This is (.*?) sentence/s) returned a helpful result. The difference is the DOTALL s after the final slash.

use this: (?<=beginningstringname)(.*\n?)(?=endstringname)

Don't know why all the up votes, this allows for 0-1 line breaks, and the line break must be immediately before endstringname
I found it useful to remove the beginning of log lines (timestamp etc). I used new line for the beginning string and "at" for the end string.
Roshna Omer

This worked for me (I'm using VS Code):

for: This is just\na simple sentence

Use: This .+ sentence


You can simply use this: \This is .*? \sentence

#<Inventory:.*? id: nil, batch_code: this is my final regex in vscode it extract the #<Inventory:0x000055c8a2966b60 id: nil, batch_code: "10324" and leave just the "10324"
Alexander Golovinov

RegEx to match everything between two strings using the Java approach.

List<String> results = new ArrayList<>(); //For storing results
String example = "Code will save the world";

Let's use Pattern and Matcher objects to use RegEx (.?)*.

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("Code "(.*?)" world");   //java.util.regex.Pattern;
Matcher m = p.matcher(example);                      //java.util.regex.Matcher;

Since Matcher might contain more than one match, we need to loop over the results and store it.

while(m.find()){   //Loop through all matches
   results.add(; //Get value and store in collection.

This example will contain only "will save the" word, but in the bigger text it will probably find more matches.


In case anyone is looking for an example of this within a Jenkins context. It parses the build.log and if it finds a match it fails the build with the match.

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

        def file = readFile 'build.log'

        def regex = ~"(?s)(firstStringToUse(.*)secondStringToUse)"
        Matcher match = regex.matcher(file)
        match.find() {
            capturedText =


I landed here on my search for regex to convert this print syntax between print "string", in Python2 in old scripts with: print("string"), for Python3. Works well, otherwise use for additional conversions. Here is my solution for others:

Try it out on (doesn't work in NP++ for some reason):

find:     (?<=print)( ')(.*)(')
replace: ('$2')

for variables:

(?<=print)( )(.*)(\n)

for label and variable:

(?<=print)( ')(.*)(',)(.*)(\n)

How to replace all print "string" in Python2 with print("string") for Python3?

Yahya Hassani

There is a way to deal with repeated instances of this split in a block of text? FOr instance: "This is just\na simple sentence. Here is some additional stuff. This is just\na simple sentence. And here is some more stuff. This is just\na simple sentence. ". to matches each instance instead of the entire string, use below code:

data = "This is just\na simple sentence. Here is some additional stuff. This is just\na simple sentence. And here is some more stuff. This is just\na simple sentence."

pattern = re.compile('This is (?s).*? sentence')

for match_instance in re.finditer(pattern, data):

What if I want to get text between two consecutive This is just\na simple sentence. Patterns?
The fourth bird

In case of JavaScript you can use [^] to match any character including newlines.

Using the /s flag with a dot . to match any character also works, but is applied to the whole pattern and JavaScript does not support inline modifiers to turn on/off the flag.

To match as least as possible characters, you can make the quantifier non greedy by appending a question mark, and use a capture group to extract the part in between.

This is([^]*?)sentence

See a regex101 demo.

As a side note, to not match partial words you can use word boundaries like \bThis and sentence\b

const s = "This is just\na simple sentence"; const regex = /This is([^]*?)sentence/; const m = s.match(regex); if (m) { console.log(m[1]); }

The lookaround variant in JavaScript is (?<=This is)[^]*?(?=sentence) and you could check Lookbehind in JS regular expressions for the support.

Also see Important Notes About Lookbehind.

const s = "This is just\na simple sentence"; const regex = /(?<=This is)[^]*?(?=sentence)/; const m = s.match(regex); if (m) { console.log(m[0]); }


Here is how I did it: This was easier for me than trying to figure out the specific regex necessary.

int indexPictureData = result.IndexOf("-PictureData:");
int indexIdentity = result.IndexOf("-Identity:");
string returnValue = result.Remove(indexPictureData + 13);
returnValue = returnValue + " [bytecoderemoved] " + result.Remove(0, indexIdentity); ` 


for a quick search in VIM, you could use at Vim Control prompt: /This is.*\_.*sentence


Sublime Text 3x

In sublime text, you simply write the two word you are interested in keeping for example in your case it is

"This is" and "sentence"

and you write .* in between

i.e. This is .* sentence

and this should do you well

Not sure the question is about how to do this in Sublime Text but mostly works in Sublime Text. It does not work when there happens to be a linebreak between "This is" and "sentence". Also, sublime text also selects "This is" and "Sentence" rather than only the text between those two strings.