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Reset identity seed after deleting records in SQL Server

I have inserted records into a SQL Server database table. The table had a primary key defined and the auto increment identity seed is set to “Yes”. This is done primarily because in SQL Azure, each table has to have a primary key and identity defined.

But since I have to delete some records from the table, the identity seed for those tables will be disturbed and the index column (which is auto-generated with an increment of 1) will get disturbed.

How can I reset the identity column after I deleted the records so that the column has sequence in ascending numerical order?

The identity column is not used as a foreign key anywhere in database.

"in SQL Azure" - "each table has to have an primary key" - true - "and Identity Defined" - false. Identity and primary key are orthogonal concepts. An identity column doesn't have to be the PK of a table. A primary key doesn't have to be an identity column.
OK. My concept could be wrong. But now I have defined the table structure with PK and Identity Seed. If I have to delete some rows, how could I reset Identity Seed in a correct numerical ascending order
I would always argue that if you care about the actual numerical values generated in an identity column, you're misusing them. All you should care about with an identity column is that it automatically generates unique values (yay!) and that you can store these values in a numerical column (this bit is only relevant for declaring columns to hold these values). You shouldn't be showing them to anyone, so it shouldn't matter what values they take on.
you can use dbcc check identify as other mentioned but please note that primary key is not mandatory for sql db v12
@Damien_The_Unbeliever just because one wants to reset id column doesn't mean that they are showing it to end user. if it wasn't needed, it wouldn't be possible to do it anyways.

Petr Abdulin

The DBCC CHECKIDENT management command is used to reset identity counter. The command syntax is:

DBCC CHECKIDENT (table_name [, { NORESEED | { RESEED [, new_reseed_value ]}}])



It was not supported in previous versions of the Azure SQL Database but is supported now.

Thanks to Solomon Rutzky the docs for the command are now fixed.

Syntax would be... DBCC CHECKIDENT ('[TestTable]', RESEED, 0) GO
It appears that DBCC CHECKIDENT is supported as of the upcoming release (V12 / Sterling):… Though, for this particular situation, I would still recommend TRUNCATE TABLE :)
It didn't work for me until the "GO" was in another line.
Worked perfectly for me. It's worth pointing out that when re-seeding a table, if you want to reseed so that your first record is ID 1 then the reseed command must reseed to 0, so that the next record is ID 1.
@DavidA.Gray , Petr, and others: Yes, the documentation was both misleading (due to missing a key scenario) and incorrect (due to there actually not being any variation in behavior between versions). I wrote a post about what the documentation said, showed the actual behavior via some tests, and updated the actual doc (now that we can due to it being on GitHub): How Does DBCC CHECKIDENT Really Work When Resetting the Identity Seed (RESEED)?. I also fixed a typo in Example C.
Serj Sagan

Where 0 is identity Start value

If the table is empty, such as if you just called TRUNCATE, then the new seed value should be the value to next use (i.e. 1 not 0). If the table is not empty it will use the new_reseed_value + 1. MSDN
@kjbartel , Anil, and others: it's not as simple as just "if the table is empty". The documentation was missing the case for when the table is empty due to DELETE, not TRUNCATE, in which case it is also new_reseed+value + 1. I wrote a post about this, showing the actual behavior via some tests, and updated the actual doc (now that we can due to it being on GitHub): How Does DBCC CHECKIDENT Really Work When Resetting the Identity Seed (RESEED)?.
Mike G

Although most answers are suggesting RESEED to 0, many times we need to just reseed to next Id available

declare @max int
select @max=max([Id]) from [TestTable]
if @max IS NULL   --check when max is returned as null
  SET @max = 0
DBCC CHECKIDENT ('[TestTable]', RESEED, @max)

This will check the table and reset to the next ID.

This is the only answer which works 100% of the time
A little bit shorter: declare @max int select @max=ISNULL(max([Id]),0) from [TestTable]; DBCC CHECKIDENT ('[TestTable]', RESEED, @max );
As reported in the doc the same result can be achieved using only CHECKIDENT: Execute DBCC CHECKIDENT (table_name, RESEED,new_reseed_value) with new_reseed_value set to a very low value, and then run DBCC CHECKIDENT (table_name, RESEED) to correct the value.
Solomon Rutzky

It should be noted that IF all of the data is being removed from the table via the DELETE (i.e. no WHERE clause), then as long as a) permissions allow for it, and b) there are no FKs referencing the table (which appears to be the case here), using TRUNCATE TABLE would be preferred as it does a more efficient DELETE and resets the IDENTITY seed at the same time. The following details are taken from the MSDN page for TRUNCATE TABLE:

Compared to the DELETE statement, TRUNCATE TABLE has the following advantages: Less transaction log space is used. The DELETE statement removes rows one at a time and records an entry in the transaction log for each deleted row. TRUNCATE TABLE removes the data by deallocating the data pages used to store the table data and records only the page deallocations in the transaction log. Fewer locks are typically used. When the DELETE statement is executed using a row lock, each row in the table is locked for deletion. TRUNCATE TABLE always locks the table (including a schema (SCH-M) lock) and page but not each row. Without exception, zero pages are left in the table. After a DELETE statement is executed, the table can still contain empty pages. For example, empty pages in a heap cannot be deallocated without at least an exclusive (LCK_M_X) table lock. If the delete operation does not use a table lock, the table (heap) will contain many empty pages. For indexes, the delete operation can leave empty pages behind, although these pages will be deallocated quickly by a background cleanup process. If the table contains an identity column, the counter for that column is reset to the seed value defined for the column. If no seed was defined, the default value 1 is used. To retain the identity counter, use DELETE instead.

So the following:


Becomes just:


Please see the TRUNCATE TABLE documentation (linked above) for additional information on restrictions, etc.

While more efficient under the correct circumstances, this is not always an option. Truncate will not execute on a table that has a FK defined against it. Even when there are no dependent records, truncate will fail if the constraint exists. Also truncate requires ALTER permissions where Delete only needs DELETE.
@Rozwel True, but I had already qualified my answer stating that proper permissions need to be in place. Also, the question specifically states that there are no FKs. However, for the sake of clarity, I updated to specify the "no FK" restriction. Thanks for pointing that out.
only quibble is that any FK will block truncate. It is possible (though unusual) to have a FK against a unique constraint that is not part of the PK or identity columns.
@Rozwel Again true, but it seems reasonable to assume from the question that there are no unique constraints given that the PK only exists due to the O.P.'s understanding (correct or not) that it is required by Azure SQL Database. Regardless, I am all for reducing ambiguity so I have updated again. Thanks.
It's not all that unusual to have a foreign key on a table, and the presence of ANY foreign key prohibits TRUNCATE TABLE. I just discovered this the hard way earlier today when I tried to run TRUNCATE TABLE on a table that has a foreign key that is enforced against two other columns in the table and a unique index in the foreign table.
Samuel Rondeau-Millaire

I tried @anil shahs answer and it reset the identity. But when a new row was inserted it got the identity = 2. So instead I changed the syntax to:



Then the first row will get the identity = 1.


Although most answers are suggesting RESEED to 0, and while some see this as a flaw for TRUNCATED tables, Microsoft has a solution that excludes the ID


This will check the table and reset to the next ID. This has been available since MS SQL 2005 to current.

Unfortunately that's not true. Just checked that for MS SQL 2014 server.
Actually, it is true for SQL 2014. I have just tested it and it worked for me.
This works inconsistently for me on SQL 2012. Sometimes it uses the next available one as I would have expected, sometimes it seems to get stuck on an old value from the table. Specifying the seed alwasy works.
Doesn't work for me on SQL 2016 - it just leaves the identity seed as-is. It may have worked correctly for me one time, but it might also have been my finger trouble. Can't get it to work again
The message indicates success, Checking identity information: current identity value '[incorrect seed]', current column value '[correct seed]'., but upon new inserts it's still using the incorrect seed.
Rich Benner

issuing 2 command can do the trick


the first reset the identity to zero , and the next will set it to the next available value -- jacob

DBCC CHECKIDENT ('[TestTable]', RESEED) is not reseeding to next available value
This is the method used by RedGate Data Compare when the option "Reseed identity columns" is turned on. I've tested it extensively (I mean in SQL code, not in the RedGate tool), and it works reliably. (I have no relation to RedGate other than being an occasional user of their trial versions)
Mario Varchmin

I have just used DBCC CHECKIDENT successfully

Things to note:

when referencing table name square brackets are not accepted

DBCC CHECKIDENT('TableName',RESEED,n) will reset back to n+1 e.g. DBCC CHECKIDENT('tablename',RESEED,27) will start at 28

e.g. DBCC CHECKIDENT('tablename',RESEED,27) will start at 28

if you are having issues with not setting the new starting id - noting this you could fix this by:

    DECLARE @NewId as INT  
    SET @NewId =  (SELECT MAX('TableName')-1  AS ID FROM TableName)




Worked for me, I just had to clear all entries first from the table, then added the above in a trigger point after delete. Now whenever i delete an entry is taken from there.

DBCC CHECKIDENT is only functional after deletion. You might as well use truncate. However if you need the rest of the data dont use it. Also truncate does not give a record count of records deleted.

Truncate table is preferred because it clears the records, resets the counter and reclaims the disk space.

Delete and CheckIdent should be used only where foreign keys prevent you from truncating.


Reset identity column with new id...



Chris Mack

I use the following script to do this. There's only one scenario in which it will produce an "error", which is if you have deleted all rows from the table, and IDENT_CURRENT is currently set to 1, i.e. there was only one row in the table to begin with.

DECLARE @maxID int = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM dbo.Tbl)

    IF (SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('dbo.Tbl')) > 1
        DBCC CHECKIDENT ('dbo.Tbl', RESEED, 0)
        DBCC CHECKIDENT ('dbo.Tbl', RESEED, 1)
    DBCC CHECKIDENT ('dbo.Tbl', RESEED, @maxID)

Ben Thul

This is a common question and the answer is always the same: don't do it. Identity values should be treated as arbitrary and, as such, there is no "correct" order.

That's true for a production environment, but while developing I like to remember that certain entities have a certain Id, which are populated from a seeding script. It makes it much easier to navigate through the database while in development.
Answers such as this are completely theoretical and rarely do they comply with real world needs. How about instead of brainwashing people with your dogma, you answer the OP question...
Cool story, bro. My contention is this: if you want to specify the value for a column, don't choose a property on the column that makes doing that difficult. The code smell is this: if every time you insert a record into a table you specify a value for the identity column, you don't have an identity column. The whole point of identity is to have the server create a value for you. So if you override that ever time, you've gained nothing for a non-zero cost. Also, good work on the ad hominem argument.
I certainly agree with your contention. Looking at face value, the OP is certainly doing it wrong, but perhaps there is a deeper need not stated in the post that the OP did not think was relevant to get his question answered. Hence answer the question, and give "do's and don'ts" advice as part of the answer. By the way, I never attacked your character... ad hominem means I called you stupid or something...
While certainly true in most cases, there exist circumstances in which it is legitimate to re-seed a table. For example, I am working on a greenfield project that must start from a point certain to account for existing rows in the predecessor that it is replacing. Reseeding during development is a legitimate use case, IMO.
Matthew Baic

Run this script to reset the identity column. You will need to make two changes. Replace tableXYZ with whatever table you need to update. Also, the name of the identity column needs dropped from the temp table. This was instantaneous on a table with 35,000 rows & 3 columns. Obviously, backup the table and first try this in a test environment.

select * 
into #temp
From tableXYZ

set identity_insert tableXYZ ON

truncate table tableXYZ

alter table #temp drop column (nameOfIdentityColumn)

set identity_insert tableXYZ OFF

insert into tableXYZ
select * from #temp

This is not entirely correct: the SET IDENTITY_INSERT is in the wrong place. It doesn't go around the TRUNCATE, it goes around the INSERT INTO (hence the identity_INSERT). Also, this is to be used only when data needs to be kept, else it is very inefficient compared to just running the single TRUNCATE statement.

I've been trying to get this done for a large number of tables during development, and this works as a charm.

DBCC CHECKIDENT('www.newsType', RESEED, 1);

So, you first force it to be set to 1, then you set it to the highest index of the rows present in the table. Quick and easy rest of the idex.

DBCC CHECKIDENT (<TableName>, reseed, 0)

This will set the current identity value to 0.

On inserting the next value, the identity value get incremented to 1.


Use this stored procedure:

IF (object_id('[dbo].[pResetIdentityField]') IS NULL)
    EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pResetIdentityField] AS SELECT 1 FROM DUMMY');


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pResetIdentityField]
  @pSchemaName NVARCHAR(1000)
, @pTableName NVARCHAR(1000) AS
DECLARE @fullTableName   NVARCHAR(2000) = @pSchemaName + '.' + @pTableName;

DECLARE @identityColumn   NVARCHAR(1000);

SELECT @identityColumn = c.[name]
FROM sys.tables t
     INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
     INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON c.[object_id] = t.[object_id]
WHERE     c.is_identity = 1
      AND = @pTableName
      AND s.[name] = @pSchemaName

IF @identityColumn IS NULL
      'One of the following is true: 1. the table you specified doesn''t have an identity field, 2. you specified an invalid schema, 3. you specified an invalid table'
    , 16
    , 1);

DECLARE @sqlString   NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'SELECT @maxOut = max(' + @identityColumn + ') FROM ' + @fullTableName;

EXECUTE sp_executesql @stmt = @sqlString, @params = N'@maxOut int OUTPUT', @maxOut = @max OUTPUT

  SET @max = 0


DBCC CHECKIDENT (@fullTableName, RESEED, @max)

--exec pResetIdentityField 'dbo', 'Table'

Just revisiting my answer. I came across a weird behaviour in sql server 2008 r2 that you should be aware of.

drop table test01

create table test01 (Id int identity(1,1), descr nvarchar(10))

execute pResetIdentityField 'dbo', 'test01'

insert into test01 (descr) values('Item 1')

select * from test01

delete from test01

execute pResetIdentityField 'dbo', 'test01'

insert into test01 (descr) values('Item 1')

select * from test01

The first select produces 0, Item 1.

The second one produces 1, Item 1. If you execute the reset right after the table is created the next value is 0. Honestly, I am not surprised Microsoft cannot get this stuff right. I discovered it because I have a script file that populates reference tables that I sometimes run after I re-create tables and sometimes when the tables are already created.


For a complete DELETE rows and reset the IDENTITY count, I use this (SQL Server 2008 R2)

USE mydb

-- ##################################################################################################################
-- ##################################################################################################################

  db_cursor CURSOR FOR
       AND TABLE_CATALOG = 'mydb'

DECLARE @tblname VARCHAR(50)
SET @tblname = ''

OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @tblname

  IF CHARINDEX('mycommonwordforalltablesIwanttodothisto', @tblname) > 0
      EXEC('DELETE FROM ' + @tblname)
      DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tblname, RESEED, 0)

  FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @tblname

CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

Ali Sufyan

Reseeding to 0 is not very practical unless you are cleaning up the table as a whole.

other wise the answer given by Anthony Raymond is perfect. Get the max of identity column first, then seed it with max.

Abdul Hannan Ijaz

Its always better to use TRUNCATE when possible instead of deleting all records as it doesn't use log space also.

In case we need delete and need to reset the seed, always remember that if table was never populated and you used DBCC CHECKIDENT('tablenem',RESEED,0) then first record will get identity = 0 as stated on msdn documentation

In your case only rebuild the index and don't worry about losing the series of identity as this is a common scenario.

Sounds to me like the idea is to only delete some records.
This is just plain wrong - It is not ALWAYS better to use truncate and, in fact, is only better in some, very limited and specific scenarios. Heaven forbid someone were to follow your advice and then need to rollback.
@Thronk Why are you implying that TRUNCATE would prevent ROLLBACK from behaving as expected? ROLLBACK still rolls-back. Even if the DB is set to BULK_LOGGED.
TRUNCATE is DDL operation and it is not logged in log file. Unless it is part of transaction (not mentioned anywhere in the question or in this answer). Whenever anyone says something is ALWAYS true, it's a pretty safe bet they are wrong.
This is the only answer that notes there is a difference in the RESEED behaviour depending on whether the sequence was previously used or not. A reseed of the same value across multiple empty tables, where some tables were previously populated, will result in different initial values for the first record inserted into each table.

First : Identity Specification Just : "No" >> Save Database Execute Project

After then : Identity Specification Just : "YES" >> Save Database Execute Project

Your Database ID, PK Start from 1 >>