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Is there a way to get version from package.json in nodejs code?

Is there a way to get the version set in package.json in a nodejs app? I would want something like this

var port = process.env.PORT || 3000
app.listen port
console.log "Express server listening on port %d in %s mode %s", app.address().port, app.settings.env, app.VERSION
Is it more important to get the version of Node or the version declared in package.json? If the form, this will give you the running version: console.log(process.version)

Audwin Oyong

I found that the following code fragment worked best for me. Since it uses require to load the package.json, it works regardless of the current working directory.

var pjson = require('./package.json');

A warning, courtesy of @Pathogen:

Doing this with Browserify has security implications. Be careful not to expose your package.json to the client, as it means that all your dependency version numbers, build and test commands and more are sent to the client. If you're building server and client in the same project, you expose your server-side version numbers too. Such specific data can be used by an attacker to better fit the attack on your server.

if you keep getting burned by trying to grab this from different places (as I was), you can do require('root-require')('package.json').version
Not working for my script with shebang installed globally. Error: Cannot find module 'package.json'.
shorter - require('./package').version
Warning! Doing this with browserify has security implications: package.json in your bundle means that all your dependency version numbers, build and test commands and more are sent to the client. If you're building server and client in the same project, you expose your serverside version numbers too.
@Pathogen genversion solves the issue on client side. It's a tool that reads the version from package.json and generates an importable module from it. Disclaimer: I'm a maintainer.

If your application is launched with npm start, you can simply use:


See package.json vars for more details.

this is probably the best answer since most of the information in package.json is attached to the process runtime variable
Yeap, I'm agree. This should be the right answer, using the process variable you don't need to open and read again the package.json file.
And outside of node (e.g., shell scripts executed via npm run …) the version will be in the environment variable $npm_package_version.
When called from scripts of another package, this incorrectly reports the version of the calling package and not the called package.
It works within an electron app started with npm start, but not within a built electron app: for that, you can find it in app.getVersion.
Patrick Lee Scott

Using ES6 modules you can do the following:

import {version} from './package.json';

I thought these were not supported in node:
No es6 modules are not yet directly supported but commonly used anyway, enabled using Babel
@Sornii no, the entire package.json will be in the client. I used webpack's definePlugin to pass only selected info from node environment to browser.
Any security implication like as specified in ?
Yes, same security issues. The entire package.json will be included in the client bundle.

Or in plain old shell:

$ node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version);"

This can be shortened to

$ node -p "require('./package.json').version"

That's not within the nodeJS app itself though, as requested.
I used this but it stopped working for Node 16 telling me SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.' - any ideas?
Arian Acosta

There are two ways of retrieving the version:

Requiring package.json and getting the version:

const { version } = require('./package.json');

Using the environment variables:

const version = process.env.npm_package_version;

Please don't use JSON.parse, fs.readFile, fs.readFileSync and don't use another npm modules it's not necessary for this question.

Thank you for this code snippet, which might provide some limited, immediate help. A proper explanation would greatly improve its long-term value by showing why this is a good solution to the problem, and would make it more useful to future readers with other, similar questions. Please edit your answer to add some explanation, including the assumptions you've made.
Then npm_* environment values are only available if your script was started by NPM, e.g. npm start. If you are doing node app.js or similar, they will not be present.
@Nate So it is better to use version from package.json?
You can also add a script "start": "node app.js" to your package.json and start your app using npm start—that'll give your the npm env vars
Evan Moran

Here is how to read the version out of package.json:

fs = require('fs')
json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8'))
version = json.version

EDIT: Wow, this answer was originally from 2012! There are several better answers now. Probably the cleanest is:

const { version } = require('./package.json');

I've seen this a bunch, and I do like it - do you/anyone know the considerations that require() introduces? (for instance, does require()`not support utf8 reading? as your snippet may suggest)
require() caches the file, which in this case should not make a difference.
@jlee is there a reason people commonly do JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8')) instead of delete require.cache[require.resolve('package.json')]; require('package.json') when they want to reload?
const { version } = require('./package.json');
Akseli Palén

For those who look for a safe client-side solution that also works on server-side, there is genversion. It is a command-line tool that reads the version from the nearest package.json and generates an importable CommonJS module file that exports the version. Disclaimer: I'm a maintainer.

$ genversion lib/version.js

I acknowledge the client-side safety was not OP's primary intention, but as discussed in answers by Mark Wallace and aug, it is highly relevant and also the reason I found this Q&A.

This is THE answer, and it needs more votes to get above the deeply problematic answer on top right now.
Some people might be alarmed by the fact that this is a command line tool. Do not worry! The tool's readme describes how to (easily) integrate the call on build into package.json, so that you can forget about the existence of the tool and always will have the most recent version number.
This should be the correct answer. Thanks @Akseli.
YES!!! This is the right answer. Nobody should be shipping their package.json file with their app.
@EricJorgensen Brilliantly put, thank you :) May I quote your comment on the genversion repository

There is another way of fetching certain information from your package.json file namely using pkginfo module.

Usage of this module is very simple. You can get all package variables using:


Or only certain details (version in this case)

require('pkginfo')(module, 'version');

And your package variables will be set to module.exports (so version number will be accessible via module.exports.version).

You could use the following code snippet:

require('pkginfo')(module, 'version');
console.log "Express server listening on port %d in %s mode %s", app.address().port, app.settings.env, module.exports.version

This module has very nice feature - it can be used in any file in your project (e.g. in subfolders) and it will automatically fetch information from your package.json. So you do not have to worry where you package.json is.

I hope that will help.

what is module here?
@chovy, module is not this specific example variable; it is a variable representing the current module in node.js. You can read more about node.js modules here:
I'm trying to get the version of other modules required by my module... and I'm having a hard time figuring out if pkginfo makes this possible.

Option 1

Best practice is to version from package.json using npm environment variables.


more information on:

This will work only when you start your service using NPM command.

Quick Info: you can read any values in pacakge.json using process.env.npm_package_[keyname]

Option 2

Setting version in environment variable using as .env file and reading it as process.env.version

Nice and clean. Thank you!
it's undefined for me.
@Boris - You are trying option 1 or 2?
Option 1 on Node 14, using ES modules. Maybe it's because I'm running my code with node index.js. How do I run a "bin": "my-bin.js" through npm?

NPM one liner:

From npm v7.20.0:

npm pkg get version

Prior to npm v7.20.0:

npm -s run env echo '$npm_package_version'

Note the output is slightly different between these two methods: the former outputs the version number surrounded by quotes (i.e. "1.0.0"), the latter without (i.e. 1.0.0).


Just adding an answer because I came to this question to see the best way to include the version from package.json in my web application.

I know this question is targetted for Node.js however, if you are using Webpack to bundle your app just a reminder the recommended way is to use the DefinePlugin to declare a global version in the config and reference that. So you could do in your webpack.config.json

const pkg = require('../../package.json');


plugins : [
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
      AppVersion: JSON.stringify(pkg.version),

And then AppVersion is now a global that is available for you to use. Also make sure in your .eslintrc you ignore this via the globals prop


You can use ES6 to import package.json to retrieve version number and output the version on console.

import {name as app_name, version as app_version}  from './path/to/package.json';

console.log(`App ---- ${app_name}\nVersion ---- ${app_version}`);

This works as long as you set "resolveJsonModule" to "true" in tsconfig.json.
Laurenz Albe

To determine the package version in node code, you can use the following:

const version = require('./package.json').version; for < ES6 versions import {version} from './package.json'; for ES6 version const version = process.env.npm_package_version; if application has been started using npm start, all npm_* environment variables become available. You can use following npm packages as well - root-require, pkginfo, project-version.


If you are looking for module (package.json: "type": "module") (ES6 import) support, e.g. coming from refactoring commonJS, you should (at the time of writing) do either:

import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';

const pkg = JSON.parse(await readFile(new URL('./package.json', import.meta.url)));


or, run the node process with node --experimental-json-modules index.js to do:

import pkg from './package.json'

You will however get a warning, until json modules will become generally available.

If you get Syntax or (top level) async errors, you are likely in a an older node version. Update to at least node@14.


A safe option is to add an npm script that generates a separate version file:

"scripts": {
    "build": "yarn version:output && blitz build",
    "version:output": "echo 'export const Version = { version: \"'$npm_package_version.$(date +%s)'\" }' > version.js"

This outputs version.js with the contents:

export const Version = { version: "" }


You can use the project-version package.

$ npm install --save project-version


const version = require('project-version');

//=>  '1.0.0'

It uses process.env.npm_package_version but fallback on the version written in the package.json in case the env var is missing for some reason.

For example if the js file was started not from npm?
Gianluca Cirone

Why don't use the require resolve...

const packageJson = path.dirname(require.resolve('package-name')) + '/package.json';
const { version } = require(packageJson);
console.log('version', version)

With this approach work for all sub paths :)

Long Nguyen

In case you want to get version of the target package.

import { version } from 'TARGET_PACKAGE/package.json';


import { version } from 'react/package.json';

Patrick Lee Scott

I know this isn't the intent of the OP, but I just had to do this, so hope it helps the next person.

If you're using docker-compose for your CI/CD process, you can get it this way!

  image: node:7-alpine
    - .:/usr/src/service/
  working_dir: /usr/src/service/
  command: ash -c "node -p \"require('./package.json').version.replace('\n', '')\""

for the image, you can use any node image. I use alpine because it is the smallest.


I do this with findup-sync:

var findup = require('findup-sync');
var packagejson = require(findup('package.json'));
console.log(packagejson.version); // => '0.0.1' 

findup starts with cwd, so in most cases it would just get the top level package.json, similar to process.env.npm_package_version besides not requiring it to be started via npm. So trying to get your library version would actually get the caller's version. A simple require('./package.json') would avoid this.

The leanest way I found:

const { version } = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json'))


const { version } = require("./package.json"); console.log(version); const v = require("./package.json").version; console.log(v);


I am using gitlab ci and want to automatically use the different versions to tag my docker images and push them. Now their default docker image does not include node so my version to do this in shell only is this


BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
cat $BASEDIR/../package.json | grep '"version"' | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g; s/,//g'

Now what this does is

Print your package json Search for the lines with "version" Take only the first result Replace " and ,

Please not that i have my scripts in a subfolder with the according name in my repository. So if you don't change $BASEDIR/../package.json to $BASEDIR/package.json

Or if you want to be able to get major, minor and patch version I use this


BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
VERSION=$(cat $BASEDIR/../package.json | grep '"version"' | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g; s/,//g')

if [ $VERSION_TYPE = "major" ]; then
  echo $(echo $VERSION | awk -F "." '{print $1}' )
elif [ $VERSION_TYPE = "minor" ]; then
  echo $(echo $VERSION | awk -F "." '{print $1"."$2}' )
  echo $VERSION

this way if your version was 1.2.3. Your output would look like this

$ > sh ./ major

$> sh ./ minor

$> sh ./

Now the only thing you will have to make sure is that your package version will be the first time in package.json that key is used otherwise you'll end up with the wrong version

Appurist - Paul W

I've actually been through most of the solutions here and they either did not work on both Windows and Linux/OSX, or didn't work at all, or relied on Unix shell tools like grep/awk/sed.

The accepted answer works technically, but it sucks your whole package.json into your build and that's a Bad Thing that only the desperate should use temporarily to get unblocked, and in general should be avoided, at least for production code. The alternative is to use that method only to write the version to a single constant that can be used instead of the whole file.

So for anyone else looking for a cross-platform solution (not reliant on Unix shell commands) and local (without external dependencies):

Since it can be assumed that Node.js is installed, and it's already cross-platform for this, I just created a make_version.js file with:

const PACKAGE_VERSION = require("./package.json").version;
console.log(`export const PACKAGE_VERSION = "${PACKAGE_VERSION}";`);
console.error("package.json version:", PACKAGE_VERSION);

and added a version command to package.json:

scripts: {
    "version": "node make_version.js > src/version.js",

and then added:

    "prebuild": "npm run version",
    "prestart": "npm run version",

and it creates a new src/versions.js on every start or build. Of course this can be easily tuned in the version script to be a different location, or in the make_version.js file to output different syntax and constant name, etc.


I made a useful code to get the parent module's package.json

function loadParentPackageJson() {
    if (!module.parent || !module.parent.filename) return null
    let dir = path.dirname(module.parent.filename)
    let maxDepth = 5
    let packageJson = null
    while (maxDepth > 0) {
        const packageJsonPath = `${dir}/package.json`
        const exists = existsSync(packageJsonPath)
        if (exists) {
            packageJson = require(packageJsonPath)
        dir = path.resolve(dir, '../')
    return packageJson


If using rollup, the rollup-plugin-replace plugin can be used to add the version without exposing package.json to the client.

// rollup.config.js

import pkg from './package.json';
import { terser } from "rollup-plugin-terser";
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
import commonJS from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'
import replace from 'rollup-plugin-replace';

export default {
  plugins: [
      exclude: 'node_modules/**',
      'MY_PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION': pkg.version, // will replace 'MY_PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION' with package.json version throughout source code

Then, in the source code, anywhere where you want to have the package.json version, you would use the string 'MY_PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION'.

// src/index.js
export const packageVersion = 'MY_PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION' // replaced with actual version number in rollup.config.js

Aravind S

Import your package.json file into your server.js or app.js and then access package.json properties into server file.

var package = require('./package.json');

package variable contains all the data in package.json.


Used to version web-components like this:

const { version } = require('../package.json')

class Widget extends HTMLElement {

  constructor() {
    this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })

  public connectedCallback(): void {

  public renderWidget = (): void => {
    this.setAttribute('version', version)