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Running one specific Laravel migration (single file)

I don't want to run All Outstanding Migrations on laravel 4. I have 5 migrations. Now I just want to run one migration. instead of doing : php artisan migrate I would like to run one specific migration like : php artisan migrate MY_MIGRATION_TO_RUN

I also have the same use case. There should be such an option. I need to run a migration, then a large etl script, then run the second half of the migration. It makes no sense that the second file should not be in my code base, until the etl script is run.

Antonio Carlos Ribeiro

Looks like you're doing it wrong.

Migrations were made to be executed by Laravel one by one, in the exact order they were created, so it can keep track of execution and order of execution. That way Laravel will be able to SAFELY rollback a batch of migrations, without risking breaking your database.

Giving the user the power to execute them manually, make it impossible to know (for sure) how to rollback changes in your database.

If your really need to execute something in your database, you better create a DDL script and manually execute it on your webserver.

Or just create a new migration and execute it using artisan.


If you need to run it first, you need to create it first.

If you just need to reorder them, rename the file to be the first. Migrations are created with a timestemp:


To create a new migration before this one you can name it


YEs, so clear whta you say, but at the end of your comment I see : "Or just create a new migration and execute it using artisan." I created a new migration and I would like to run it. If I do : artisan migrate, this comman will run all my migration not the new one I created.
I am not seeking to reorder my migrations. I create five migrations at the begining of the project. Weeks after, I see I need a new table, so I create a new migration. I want to run this to add the new table and its structure. I don't understand why I should re-run migrations I already excecuted and not juste the new one I created ?
If you migrate the database, then add new migrations, simply run the artisan migrate command again. It will migrate all of the non migrated migrations left in the order they were created.
-1 because of "Looks like you're doing it wrong". IMHO the Laravel is doing it wrong. Development <> Production. The two environments demand different types of guarantees and safety measures and it is completely legitimate if they follow different disciplines. Development requires flexibility above all and it just might happen that a developer needs to tweak the migration mechanism to his needs. I am myself missing this flexibility dearly and resort to direct database manipulation in order to get what I want which would NEVER happen in production but often enough in development.
@ashy_32bit I disagree with you, because Laravel is not doing anything wrong. The rule is "Never edit migrations that were executed in production". But you can edit local migrations in any way you see fit.

You can put migrations in more folders and run something like:

php artisan migrate --path=/app/database/migrations/my_migrations

To me this looks like a better solution than editing migration timestamps although it also works
Pradyumna Challa

Just move the already run migrations out of the app/config/database/migrations/ folder . Then run the command php artisan migrate . Worked like a charm for me .

tried this and it is a good one but I don't if I will encounter a problem when I rollback though
yes @Diamond, like for plugin based module when need to uninstall then it might be a big problem to roll back..
Erik Aybar

A nice little snippet to ease any fears when running Laravel 4 migrations php artisan migrate --pretend . This will only output the SQL that would have been run if you ran the actual migration.

It sounds like your initial 4 migrations have already been run. I would guess that when you php artisan migrate it will only run the new, recent migration.

Word of advice: makes sure all of your up() and down() work how you expect them to. I like to run up(), down(), up() when I run my migrations, just to test them. It would be awful for you to get 5-6 migrations in and realize you can't roll them back without hassle, because you didn't match the down() with the up() 100% percent.

Just my two cents! Hope the --pretend helps.

The --pretend has a drawback. In both up and down methods, if you query the database, it will return no records.
@BinarWeb I've run into this issue. For others here, if you need to query the database via select to get a foreign key for an insert into another table or something, no results will be returned. If you were trying to return an object, eg. a User, and you were trying to update a field on it, you might get an error like Creating default object from empty value. All queries in a migration are run in something like a transaction that's rolled back, although maybe not literally.

The only way to re run a migrattion is a dirty one. You need to open your database and delete the line in the migrations table that represents your migration.

Then run php artisan migrate again.

Also you can set the "batch" field - laravel runs (and rolls back) migrations one batch at a time, so you can just change the batch number to allow rolling back a single migration.
we can not do this to migrations table This table does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available.
Well i say it may depends on the db engine you use. In my case it worked well that way. As long as you can execute SQL commands manually you can do a select then a delete.
In most cases, yes. But it depends on the complexity of the migration you want to re-do. If it's adding a table and no other migrations rely on altering the same table, yes, just drop the table manually, delete the row in the migrations table corresponding to the migration you want to run. This is how I use the migration feature while designing the table. Since it's the last/latest/newest migration, it's a snap to do it this way and works perfectly.

You can create a separate directory for your migrations from your terminal as follows:

mkdir /database/migrations/my_migrations

And then move the specific migration you want to run to that directory and run this command:

php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/my_migrations

Hope this helps!


If you want to run(single file) migration in Laravel you would do the following:

php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/migrations_file_name


C:\xampp\htdocs\laravelv3s>php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/2020_02_14_102647_create_blogs_table.php

This work for me remove the dash in beginning of path php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/migrations_file_name
I run php artisan migrate --path=/myblog/migrations/2022_03_03_104000_create_posts_table.php, where myblog is the database name. I get a Nothing to migrate. message from the VS Code terminal. It's a Laravel 8 app. What am I doing wrong?

I gave this answer on another post, but you can do this: run artisan migrate to run all the migrations, then the following SQL commands to update the migrations table, making it look like the migrations were run one at a time:

SET @a = 0;  
UPDATE migrations SET batch = @a:=@a+1;

That will change the batch column to 1, 2, 3, 4 .. etc. Add a WHERE batch>=... condition on there (and update the initial value of @a) if you only want to affect certain migrations.

After this, you can artisan migrate:rollback as much as is required, and it'll step through the migrations one at a time.

This is by far the best solution. I think the query above is a bit overkill, but the underlying principle is fantastic, and incredibly simple. To keep effort minimal, just bump the migrations table record you want to run alone to the "top" ie. alter its batch column number to be the highest in the table. Roll it back (especially if you want to test your down() method) and re-run php artisan migrate.
Ami Hollander

You can use below solution:

create your migration. check your migration status like: php artisan migrate:status. copy the full name of new migration and do this like: php artisan migrate:rollback --path:2018_07_13_070910_table_tests. and then do this php artisan migrate.

finally, you migrate specific table. Goodluck.


If you want to run your latest migration file you would do the following:

php artisan migrate

You can also revert back to before you added the migration with:

php artisan migrate: rollback

Ahmed Mabrouk

There is one easy way I know to do this can only be available for you on just local host

Modify your migration file as needed open your phpMyAdmin or whatever you use to see your database table find the desired table and drop it find migrations table and open it in this table under migration field find your desired table name and delete its row finally run the command php artisan migrate from your command line or terminal. this will only migrate that tables which not exists in the migrations table in database.

This way is completely safe and will not make any errors or problems while it looks like un-professional way but it still works perfectly.

good luck

Jan Schuermann

If it's just for testing purposes, this is how i do it:

For my case, i have several migrations, one of them contains App-Settings.

While I'm testing the App and not all of the migrations are already setup i simply move them into a new folder "future". This folde won't be touched by artisan and it will only execute the migration you want.

Dirty workaround, but it works...

حضور و غیاب با نرم افزار

I have same problem. Copy table creation codes in first migration file something like below:

  public function up()
        Schema::create('posts', function(Blueprint $table){
            // Other columns...
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
            // Other columns...

Also you can change(decrease) batch column number in migrations table ;)

And then run php artisan migrate.

Yevgeniy Afanasyev

Throw an exception in a migration, if you don't want to apply it, and it would stop the whole process of migration.

Using this approach you can split your bunch of migrations into steps.

musllim boy

so simple...! just go to your migration folder. move all migration files into another folder. then return all migration one by one into migration folder and run migration for one of them(php artisan). when you insert bad migration file into master migration folder and run php artisan migrate in command prompt will be error.

Alaksandar Jesus Gene

I used return on line 1 so the previous dbs are retained as it is.


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateUsersTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        return;  // This Line
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->string('name', 50);
            $table->string('slug', 50)->unique();
            $table->string('email', 50)->unique();
            $table->string('mobile', 10)->unique();

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
        return;// This Line


This is a bad approach of which I use.. I'll delete other migration files except the specific file I want to migrate then run PHP artisan migrate after migration is completed I'll goto my trash bin and restore the deleted files


For anybody still interested in this, Laravel 5 update: Laravel has implemented the option to run one migration file at a time (in version 5.7).

You can now run this: php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/my_migration.php (as answered here)

Because the Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator::getMigrationFiles() now contains this code: return Str::endsWith($path, '.php') ? [$path] : $this->files->glob($path.'/*_*.php'); (see the source code.)

But in my usecase, I actually wanted to run a set of migrations at the same time, not just one, or all.

So I went the Laravel way and registered a different implementation of the Migrator, which decides which files to use:

 * A migrator that can run multiple specifically chosen migrations.
class MigrationsSetEnabledMigrator extends Migrator
     * @param Migrator $migrator
    public function __construct(Migrator $migrator)
        parent::__construct($migrator->repository, $migrator->resolver, $migrator->files);

        // Compatibility with versions >= 5.8
        if (isset($migrator->events)) {
            $this->events = $migrator->events;

     * Get all of the migration files in a given path.
     * @param  string|array $paths
     * @return array
    public function getMigrationFiles($paths)
        return Collection::make($paths)->flatMap(function ($path) {
            return Str::endsWith($path, ']') ? $this->parseArrayOfPaths($path) :
                (Str::endsWith($path, '.php') ? [$path] : $this->files->glob($path . '/*_*.php'));
        })->filter()->sortBy(function ($file) {
            return $this->getMigrationName($file);
        })->values()->keyBy(function ($file) {
            return $this->getMigrationName($file);

    public function parseArrayOfPaths($path)
        $prefix = explode('[', $path)[0];
        $filePaths = explode('[', $path)[1];
        $filePaths = rtrim($filePaths, ']');

        return Collection::make(explode(',', $filePaths))->map(function ($filePath) use ($prefix) {
            return $prefix . $filePath;

We have to register it into the container as 'migrator' (to be accessible as $app['migrator']), because that is how Migrate command accesses it when itself is being registered into the IoC. To do so, we put this code into a service provider (in my case, it is a DatabaseServiceProvider):

    public function register()
        $this->app->extend('migrator', function ($migrator, $app) {
            return new MultipleSpecificMigrationsEnabledMigrator($migrator);

        // We reset the command.migrate bind, which uses the migrator - to 
        // force refresh of the migrator instance.
        $this->app->instance('command.migrate', null);

Then you can run this:

php artisan migrate --path=[database/migrations/my_migration.php,database/migrations/another_migration.php]

Notice the multiple migration files, separated by a comma.

It is tested and working in Laravel 5.4 and should be Laravel 5.8 compatible.


For anyone interested: the usecase is updating the version of database along with it's data.

Imagine, for example, that you wanted to merge the street and house number of all users into new column, let's call it street_and_house. And imagine you wanted to do that on multiple installations in a safe and tested way - you would probably create a script for that (in my case, I create data versioning commands - artisan commands).

To do such an operation, you first have to load the users into memory; then run the migrations to remove the old columns and add the new one; and then for each user assign the street_and_house=$street . " " . $house_no and save the users. (I am simplifying here, but you can surely imagine other scenarios)

And I do not want to rely on the fact that I can run all the migrations at any given time. Imagine that you wanted to update it from let's say 1.0.0 to 1.2.0 and there were multiple batches of such updates – performing any more migrations could break your data, because those migrations must be handled by their own dedicated update command. Therefore, I want to only run the selected known migrations which this update knows how to work with, then perform operations on the data, and then possibly run the next update data command. (I want to be as defensive as possible).

To achieve this, I need the aforementioned mechanism and define a fixed set of migrations to be run for such a command to work.

Note: I would have preferred to use a simple decorator utilizing the magic __call method and avoid inheritance (a similar mechanism that Laravel uses in the \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder to wrap the \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder), but the MigrateCommand, sadly, requires an instance of Migrator in it's constructor.

Final note: I wanted to post this answer to the question How can I run specific migration in laravel , as it is Laravel 5 - specific. But I can not - since that question is marked as a duplicate of this one (although this one is tagged as Laravel 4).

Pavel Nuñez Deschamps

You may type the following command:

php artisan migrate --help


--path[=PATH] The path(s) to the migrations files to be executed (multiple values allowed)


If it does show an option called "--path" (like the upper example) that means your Laravel version supports this parameter. If so, you're in luck can then you can type something like:

php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/v1.0.0/

Where "v.1.0.0" is a directory that exists under your "/database/migrations" directory that holds those migrations you want to run for a certain version.

If not, then you can check in your migrations table to see which migrations have already been run, like this:

SELECT * FROM migrations;

And then move out of your "/database/migrations" folder those which were executed. By creating another folder "/databases/executed-migrations" and moving your executed migrations there.

After this you should be able to execute:

php artisan migrate

Without any danger to override any existing table in your schema/database.


(*) example for Windows: php artisan migrate --path=database\migrations\2021_05_18_121604_create_service_type_table.php