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What is the (best) way to manage permissions for Docker shared volumes?

I've been playing around with Docker for a while and keep on finding the same issue when dealing with persistent data.

I create my Dockerfile and expose a volume or use --volumes-from to mount a host folder inside my container.

What permissions should I apply to the shared volume on the host?

I can think of two options:

So far I've given everyone read/write access, so I can write to the folder from the Docker container.

Map the users from host into the container, so I can assign more granular permissions. Not sure this is possible though and haven't found much about it. So far, all I can do is run the container as some user: docker run -i -t -user="myuser" postgres, but this user has a different UID than my host myuser, so permissions do not work. Also, I'm unsure if mapping the users will pose some security risks.

Are there other alternatives?

How are you guys/gals dealing with this issue?

You might also be interested in this thread which discusses this topic in some detail:!msg/docker-user/cVov44ZFg_c/…
At the moment, the Docker team is not planning to implement a native solution to mounting host-directories as a volume with specified uid/gid. See my comment and replies on this issue:


UPDATE 2016-03-02: As of Docker 1.9.0, Docker has named volumes which replace data-only containers. The answer below, as well as my linked blog post, still has value in the sense of how to think about data inside docker but consider using named volumes to implement the pattern described below rather than data containers.

I believe the canonical way to solve this is by using data-only containers. With this approach, all access to the volume data is via containers that use -volumes-from the data container, so the host uid/gid doesn't matter.

For example, one use case given in the documentation is backing up a data volume. To do this another container is used to do the backup via tar, and it too uses -volumes-from in order to mount the volume. So I think the key point to grok is: rather than thinking about how to get access to the data on the host with the proper permissions, think about how to do whatever you need -- backups, browsing, etc. -- via another container. The containers themselves need to use consistent uid/gids, but they don't need to map to anything on the host, thereby remaining portable.

This is relatively new for me as well but if you have a particular use case feel free to comment and I'll try to expand on the answer.

UPDATE: For the given use case in the comments, you might have an image some/graphite to run graphite, and an image some/graphitedata as the data container. So, ignoring ports and such, the Dockerfile of image some/graphitedata is something like:

FROM debian:jessie
# add our user and group first to make sure their IDs get assigned consistently, regardless of other deps added later
RUN groupadd -r graphite \
  && useradd -r -g graphite graphite
RUN mkdir -p /data/graphite \
  && chown -R graphite:graphite /data/graphite
VOLUME /data/graphite
USER graphite
CMD ["echo", "Data container for graphite"]

Build and create the data container:

docker build -t some/graphitedata Dockerfile
docker run --name graphitedata some/graphitedata

The some/graphite Dockerfile should also get the same uid/gids, therefore it might look something like this:

FROM debian:jessie
# add our user and group first to make sure their IDs get assigned consistently, regardless of other deps added later
RUN groupadd -r graphite \
  && useradd -r -g graphite graphite
# ... graphite installation ...
VOLUME /data/graphite
USER graphite
CMD ["/bin/graphite"]

And it would be run as follows:

docker run --volumes-from=graphitedata some/graphite

Ok, now that gives us our graphite container and associated data-only container with the correct user/group (note you could re-use the some/graphite container for the data container as well, overriding the entrypoing/cmd when running it, but having them as separate images IMO is clearer).

Now, lets say you want to edit something in the data folder. So rather than bind mounting the volume to the host and editing it there, create a new container to do that job. Lets call it some/graphitetools. Lets also create the appropriate user/group, just like the some/graphite image.

FROM debian:jessie
# add our user and group first to make sure their IDs get assigned consistently, regardless of other deps added later
RUN groupadd -r graphite \
  && useradd -r -g graphite graphite
VOLUME /data/graphite
USER graphite
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

You could make this DRY by inheriting from some/graphite or some/graphitedata in the Dockerfile, or instead of creating a new image just re-use one of the existing ones (overriding entrypoint/cmd as necessary).

Now, you simply run:

docker run -ti --rm --volumes-from=graphitedata some/graphitetools

and then vi /data/graphite/whatever.txt. This works perfectly because all the containers have the same graphite user with matching uid/gid.

Since you never mount /data/graphite from the host, you don't care how the host uid/gid maps to the uid/gid defined inside the graphite and graphitetools containers. Those containers can now be deployed to any host, and they will continue to work perfectly.

The neat thing about this is that graphitetools could have all sorts of useful utilities and scripts, that you can now also deploy in a portable manner.

UPDATE 2: After writing this answer, I decided to write a more complete blog post about this approach. I hope it helps.

UPDATE 3: I corrected this answer and added more specifics. It previously contained some incorrect assumptions about ownership and perms -- the ownership is usually assigned at volume creation time i.e. in the data container, because that is when the volume is created. See this blog. This is not a requirement though -- you can just use the data container as a "reference/handle" and set the ownership/perms in another container via chown in an entrypoint, which ends with gosu to run the command as the correct user. If anyone is interested in this approach, please comment and I can provide links to a sample using this approach.

I'm afraid this is not a solution since you'll have the same issue with the data-only containers. At the end of the day, this containers will be using volumes shared from the host, so you'll still need to manage permissions on those shared folders.
Bear in mind that I may need to edit the data folder from my host (ie: delete a test graphite key, delete my JIRA test home folder or update it with the latest production backup...). As far as I understand from your comment, I should be doing things like updating JIRA data via a 3rd container. In any case, what permissions would you apply to a new data folder /data/newcontainer? I assume you run docker as root (is it possible not to do so?) Also, is there any difference in those permissions if the data is mounted directly in the main container or through a data-only container?
Thanks for your elaborate reply. Will test this as soon as I have the chance. Also, nice references both your blog post and the one about using minimal images for data containers.
The only problem with this approach is its very easy to delete a container by mistake. Imagine if it happens to be your data container. I think (CMIIW) the data will still be in /var/lib/docker somewhere but still a huge pain
"you can just use the data container as a "reference/handle" and set the ownership/perms in another container via chown in an entrypoint"... @Raman: This is the section which finally saved me after having numerous permission issues not figured out. Using an entrypoint script and setting permissions in this works for me. Thanks for your elaborate explanation. It is the best I found on the web so far.

A very elegant solution can be seen on the official redis image and in general in all official images.

Described in step-by-step process:

Create redis user/group before anything else

As seen on Dockerfile comments:

add our user and group first to make sure their IDs get assigned consistently, regardless of whatever dependencies get added

Install gosu with Dockerfile

gosu is an alternative of su / sudo for easy step-down from root user. (Redis is always run with redis user)

Configure /data volume and set it as workdir

By configuring the /data volume with the VOLUME /data command we now have a separate volume that can either be docker volume or bind-mounted to a host dir.

Configuring it as the workdir (WORKDIR /data) makes it be the default directory where commands are executed from.

Add docker-entrypoint file and set it as ENTRYPOINT with default CMD redis-server

This means that all container executions will run through the docker-entrypoint script, and by default the command to be run is redis-server.

docker-entrypoint is a script that does a simple function: Change ownership of current directory (/data) and step-down from root to redis user to run redis-server. (If the executed command is not redis-server, it will run the command directly.)

This has the following effect

If the /data directory is bind-mounted to the host, the docker-entrypoint will prepare the user permissions before running redis-server under redis user.

This gives you the ease-of-mind that there is zero-setup in order to run the container under any volume configuration.

Of course if you need to share the volume between different images you need to make sure they use the same userid/groupid otherwise the latest container will hijack the user permissions from the previous one.

The accepted answer is informative, but it only led me down a weeklong path of frustrations with permissions to finding this answer that actually provides a canonical way to solve the problem.
So? How do I make volume writable from inside docker? chown it inside ENTRYPOINT script?
2 revs

This is arguably not the best way for most circumstances, but it's not been mentioned yet so perhaps it will help someone.

Bind mount host volume Host folder FOOBAR is mounted in container /volume/FOOBAR Modify your container's startup script to find GID of the volume you're interested in $ TARGET_GID=$(stat -c "%g" /volume/FOOBAR) Ensure your user belongs to a group with this GID (you may have to create a new group). For this example I'll pretend my software runs as the nobody user when inside the container, so I want to ensure nobody belongs to a group with a group id equal to TARGET_GID

  EXISTS=$(cat /etc/group | grep $TARGET_GID | wc -l)

  # Create new group using target GID and add nobody user
  if [ $EXISTS == "0" ]; then
    groupadd -g $TARGET_GID tempgroup
    usermod -a -G tempgroup nobody
    # GID exists, find group name and add
    GROUP=$(getent group $TARGET_GID | cut -d: -f1)
    usermod -a -G $GROUP nobody

I like this because I can easily modify group permissions on my host volumes and know that those updated permissions apply inside the docker container. This happens without any permission or ownership modifications to my host folders/files, which makes me happy.

I don't like this because it assumes there's no danger in adding yourself to an arbitrary groups inside the container that happen to be using a GID you want. It cannot be used with a USER clause in a Dockerfile (unless that user has root privileges I suppose). Also, it screams hack job ;-)

If you want to be hardcore you can obviously extend this in many ways - e.g. search for all groups on any subfiles, multiple volumes, etc.

Is this targeted at reading files from the mounted volume? I'm looking for a solution for writing files without them being owned by another user than they who created the docker container.
I'm using this approach since Aug'15 . Everything was OK. Just the permissions of the files created inside the container were distinct. Both, users (inside and outside the container) have the ownerships of their files but both had read access them because they did belong to the same group created by this solution. The problem started when a use case did impose write access to common files. Greater problem was that the shared volumed had git files (its a volume to test dev source files in the same production context). Git started to warn about access problem to the shared code.
I think a better grep for $TARGET_GID would be to use grep ':$TARGET_GID:', otherwise if the container has, e.g. gid 10001 and your host is 1000, this check will pass but it shouldn't.
This solution is ok also for writing. – You eventually need to run chmod g+w -R in the git repository OR on the mounted volume, so that tempgroup can still write from inside the container.
Only downside with the approach of my comment is, depending on your OS (like on macOS), you might have umask 022 set, rather than umask 002, so every file you create on the host side (e.g. from the IDE) will need to run the same chmod g+w command, for any file that needs to be writeable in the container. But most of the times this is not the case, for source code files created via the IDE. 🙃

Try to add a command to Dockerfile

RUN usermod -u 1000 www-data

credits goes to

Alex Myznikov

The same as you, I was looking for a way to map users/groups from host to docker containers and this is the shortest way I've found so far:

  version: "3"
          # take uid/gid lists from host
          - /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro
          - /etc/group:/etc/group:ro
          # mount config folder
          - path-to-my-configs/my-service:/etc/my-service:ro

This is an extract from my docker-compose.yml.

The idea is to mount (in read-only mode) users/groups lists from the host to the container thus after the container starts up it will have the same uid->username (as well as for groups) matchings with the host. Now you can configure user/group settings for your service inside the container as if it was working on your host system.

When you decide to move your container to another host you just need to change user name in service config file to what you have on that host.

This is a great answer, very simple if you want to run containers that handle files on a base system, without exposing the rest of the system.
This is my favorite answer. Also, I saw a similar recommendation elsewhere with the docker run command where you pass in your current username/groups via -u $( id -u $USER ):$( id -g $USER ) and you no longer have to worry about the user name. This works well for local dev environments where you want to generate files (binaries for example) which you have read/write access to by default.
This is honestly the expected end-user behavior. Discovering that my docker container's user has the uid/gid of the host but that same uid isn't in the other gid's that I explicitly setup prior to the docker run command baffled me. end user was not being considered when docker came up with their default behavior

Ok, this is now being tracked at docker issue #7198

For now, I'm dealing with this using your second option:

Map the users from host into the container


# Users
# TODO: Idk how to fix hardcoding uid & gid, specifics to docker host machine
RUN (adduser --system --uid=1000 --gid=1000 \
        --home /home/myguestuser --shell /bin/bash myguestuser)


# DIR_HOST and DIR_GUEST belongs to uid:gid 1000:1000
docker run -d -v ${DIR_HOST}:${DIR_GUEST} elgalu/myservice:latest

UPDATE I'm currently more inclined to Hamy answer

use the command id -u <username>, id -g <username>, id -G <username> to get the user id and group id of a specific user instead
This destroys container portability across hosts.
Docker issue #7198 has come to the conclusion they will not be implementing a native solution for this. See my comment an replies at
Anton Krug

My approach is to detect the current UID/GID, then create such user/group inside the container and execute the script under him. As a result, all files he will create will match the user on the host:

# get the location of this script no matter what your current folder is, this might break between shells so make sure you run bash
LOCAL_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

# get current IDs
USER_ID=$(id -u)
GROUP_ID=$(id -g)

echo "Mount $LOCAL_DIR into docker, and match the host IDs ($USER_ID:$GROUP_ID) inside the container."

docker run -v $LOCAL_DIR:/host_mount -i debian:9.4-slim bash -c "set -euo pipefail && groupadd -r -g $GROUP_ID lowprivgroup && useradd -u $USER_ID lowprivuser -g $GROUP_ID && cd /host_mount && su -c ./ lowprivuser"


Here's an approach that still uses a data-only container but doesn't require it to be synced with the application container (in terms of having the same uid/gid).

Presumably, you want to run some app in the container as a non-root $USER without a login shell.

In the Dockerfile:

RUN useradd -s /bin/false myuser

# Set environment variables
ENV USER myuser



Then, in

su -s /bin/bash - $USER -c "cd $repo/build; $@"


For secure and change root for docker container an docker host try use --uidmap and --private-uids options

Also you may remove several capabilities (--cap-drop) in docker container for security

UPDATE support should come in docker > 1.7.0

UPDATE Version 1.10.0 (2016-02-04) add --userns-remap flag

I'm running docker 1.3.2 build 39fa2fa (latest) and see no traces of the --uidmap nor the --private-uids options. Looks like the PR didn't make it and wasn't merged.
It's not merge in core, if you want you may use it how patch. Now only possible restrict some capabilities and run you application in container from non root user.
June 2015 and I don't see this merged in docker 1.6.2 is your answer still valid?
Issue still open. Developer should add support in 1.7 version. (--root option)
It seems the developers once again moved the release with this functionality. Docker developer "icecrime" say "We apparently do have so some of conflicting designs between libnetwork and user namespaces ... and something we'd like to get in for 1.8.0. So don't think we're dropping this, we're definitely going to take a break after all these, and see how we need to reconsider the current design and integration of libnetwork to make this possible. Thanks!" So I think we should wait next stable version.

Base Image

Use this image:


Important: this destroys container portability across hosts.



if ! getent passwd $DOCKDEV_USER_NAME > /dev/null
    useradd --system --uid=$DOCKDEV_USER_ID --gid=$DOCKDEV_GROUP_ID \
        --home-dir /home --password $DOCKDEV_USER_NAME $DOCKDEV_USER_NAME
    usermod -a -G sudo $DOCKDEV_USER_NAME

sudo -u $DOCKDEV_USER_NAME bash

2) Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:latest
# Volumes
    VOLUME ["/home/data"]
# Copy Files
    COPY /home/data/ /home
# Init
    RUN chmod a+x /home/




cmd="docker run"

if [ ! -z "${DOCKDEV_VARIABLES}" ]; then
  for v in ${DOCKDEV_VARIABLES[@]}; do
    cmd="${cmd} -e ${v}"

# /home/usr/data contains
$cmd -v /home/usr/data:/home/data -i -t my-image /home/

4) Build with docker

4) Run!



In my specific case, I was trying to build my node package with the node docker image so that I wouldn't have to install npm on the deployment server. It worked well until, outside out the container and on the host machine, I tried to move a file into the node_modules directory that the node docker image had created, to which I was denied permissions because it was owned by root. I realized that I could work around this by copying the directory out of the container onto the host machine. Via docker docs...

Files copied to the local machine are created with the UID:GID of the user which invoked the docker cp command.

This is the bash code I used to change ownership of the directory created by and within the docker container.

docker run -v $(pwd)/build:/build -w="/build" --name $NODE_IMAGE node:6-slim npm i --production
# node_modules is owned by root, so we need to copy it out 
docker cp $NODE_IMAGE:/build/node_modules build/lambda 
# you might have issues trying to remove the directory "node_modules" within the shared volume "build", because it is owned by root, so remove the image and its volumes
docker rm -vf $NODE_IMAGE || true

If needed, you can remove the directory with a second docker container.

docker run -v $(pwd)/build:/build -w="/build" --name $RMR_IMAGE node:6-slim rm -r node_modules

Alexander Mills

To share folder between docker host and docker container, try below command

$ docker run -v "$(pwd):$(pwd)" -i -t ubuntu

The -v flag mounts the current working directory into the container. When the host directory of a bind-mounted volume doesn’t exist, Docker will automatically create this directory on the host for you,

However, there are 2 problems we have here:

You cannot write to the volume mounted if you were non-root user because the shared file will be owned by other user in host, You shouldn't run the process inside your containers as root but even if you run as some hard-coded user it still won't match the user on your laptop/Jenkins,


Container: create a user say 'testuser', by default user id will be starting from 1000,

Host: create a group say 'testgroup' with group id 1000, and chown the directory to the new group(testgroup


If you are doing this for development, a good solution is to use bindfs:

Keep the source code owned by the container user. (If possible, let the container clone the source code.) Use bindfs and map the folder for the host user.

Here is how my docker-compose setup looks now:

  web/src # Container clones it using init scripts.
  __web__/src # Host user uses this. It's just bindfs mirror.

I have thought about this problem for over a year, and bindfs is the easiest option I have come across. There are no runtime costs apart from cloning.

Renato Alencar

If you using Docker Compose, start the container in previleged mode:

    image: wordpress:4.5.3
    restart: always
      - 8084:80
    privileged: true

This might make it easier to mount volumes but .. Wordpress launched in priviledge mode? That's a horrible idea - that is asking to get compromised.