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Get an OutputStream into a String

What's the best way to pipe the output from an to a String in Java?

Say I have the method:

  writeToStream(Object o, OutputStream out)

Which writes certain data from the object to the given stream. However, I want to get this output into a String as easily as possible.

I'm considering writing a class like this (untested):

class StringOutputStream extends OutputStream {

  StringBuilder mBuf;

  public void write(int byte) throws IOException {
    mBuf.append((char) byte);

  public String getString() {
    return mBuf.toString();

But is there a better way? I only want to run a test!

Do you have only ASCII bytes? DO you need no Codepage?
In this case, yes. However, good point - I hadn't thought about it.


I would use a ByteArrayOutputStream. And on finish you can call:

new String( baos.toByteArray(), codepage );

or better:

baos.toString( codepage );

For the String constructor, the codepage can be a String or an instance of java.nio.charset.Charset. A possible value is java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8.

The method toString() accepts only a String as a codepage parameter (stand Java 8).

ByteArrayOutputStream has no toArray() method; it does have toByteArray() though. Can you fix the answer? Also, why not use baos.toString(String charsetName) which would be slightly simpler.
A bytearray is just binary data. As (unicode) text can be encoded binary in many different ways, the ByteArrayOutputStream needs to know what encoding was used to encode the bytes, so it can use the same encoding to decode the bytes to a string again. Simply using toString without an argument is not wise as you just ignore the problem instead of tackling it; Java will use the platform encoding which could be correct...or not. It's random basically. You need to find out what encoding was used to write the text to bytes and pass that encoding to toString.
Just a clarification on the codepage referenced here: in Java you can use Charset.defaultCharset() or Charset.forName("specific charset"); What worked for me was: new String(baos.toByteArray(), Charset.defaultCharset());
@WallaceBrown using defaultCharset is no better than ignoring the charset altogether - you need to find out what it is before you use toString
StandardCharsets.UTF_8 is a Charset, not a String. Moreover the parameter is called charsetName, not codepage.

I like the Apache Commons IO library. Take a look at its version of ByteArrayOutputStream, which has a toString(String enc) method as well as toByteArray(). Using existing and trusted components like the Commons project lets your code be smaller and easier to extend and repurpose.

Save yourself a year of your life and read through all the common's APIs so when you encounter a problem, you can unleash a fully tested and community owned solution.
Hmm, I'm an avid Apache Commons user, but in this case I fail to see why you should use Commons IO's ByteArrayOutputStream instead of JDK's own The latter also provides toString(String charsetName) and toByteArray() methods. Care to elaborate?
Yeah, since the original context was a better way to stream and extract content, I included the Commons IO example since it included a 'write(InputStream)' method for a then-undefined/questionable mechanism for populating the OutputStream. I'd go with the JDK, too.
Miss Chanandler Bong

This worked nicely

OutputStream output = new OutputStream() {
    private StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder();

    public void write(int b) throws IOException {
        this.string.append((char) b );

    //Netbeans IDE automatically overrides this toString()
    public String toString() {
        return this.string.toString();

method call =>> marshaller.marshal( (Object) toWrite , (OutputStream) output);

then to print the string or get it just reference the "output" stream itself As an example, to print the string out to console =>> System.out.println(output);

FYI: my method call marshaller.marshal(Object,Outputstream) is for working with XML. It is irrelevant to this topic.

This is highly wasteful for productional use, there is a way too many conversion and it is a bit loose. This was just coded to prove to you that it is totally possible to create a custom OuputStream and output a string. But just go Horcrux7 way and all is good with merely two method calls.

And the world lives on another day....

Just casting a byte to char will only work on ascii. Use ByteArrayOutputStream like Horcrux7
Agreed with Dave Ray. You can't assume that your byte is an ASCII character. You need to interpret the bytes using an encoding. Use byteArrayOutputStream.toString("UTF-8") or new String(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(), "UTF-8").
Adrian Mouat

Here's what I ended up doing:

Obj.writeToStream(toWrite, os);
try {
    String out = new String(os.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncondingException e) {
    fail("Caught exception: " + e.getMessage());

Where os is a ByteArrayOutputStream.

@JavaJigs I clarified this at the bottom of my answer nearly 5 years ago :)
Consider replacing "UTF-8" with StandardCharsets.UTF_8.

Converts the buffer's contents into a string by decoding the bytes using the named charset.

Java 17 -