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Using cURL with a username and password?

I want to access a URL which requires a username/password. I'd like to try accessing it with curl. Right now I'm doing something like:


I get an error. I guess I need to specify a username and password along with the above command.

How can I do that?

the Tin Man

Use the -u flag to include a username, and curl will prompt for a password:

curl -u username

You can also include the password in the command, but then your password will be visible in bash history:

curl -u username:password

Note that if you do this from the console the password will remain in the history which is ... wrong. You should specify just -u user and CURL will ask you for the password in no-echo mode.
@CristianVrabie Technically correct, but incorrect if you're running it from an automated script that doesn't allow prompts. Would be curious about a solution to that problem.
@OmarOthman if you're running curl from a script, the credentials (obviously) won't end up in your history, but they'll be visible in ps(1). fix: print -- '-u username:password' > somewhere && curl -K somewhere http://...
@Jay Environment variables will be evaluated before command execution. Password will be still visible in ps output.
Not to belabor the point but I believe my answer ( i.e. using --netrc-file) is more secure. It keeps the password out of history, ps, your script, etc. That is the only form I use in all my scripts and for all authenticated usages of curl.
Trenton McKinney

It is safer to do:

curl --netrc-file my-password-file passing a plain user/password string on the command line, is a bad idea.

The format of the password file is (as per man curl):

machine <> login <username> password <password>


Machine name must not include https:// or similar! Just the hostname. The words 'machine', 'login', and 'password' are just keywords; the actual information is the stuff after those keywords.

Yeah, that keeps the password out of the process listing and command history. Far preferable way to do this, and only a little more work :)
This should definitely be the accepted answer; passwords on the command-line are a horrible practice. (And this is a widely known fact.)
You can also use the flag -K <file> or --config <file> to receive curl flags via file or standard input. (Warning: not to be confused with -k or --insecure!)
This curl method keeps credentials out of the history and process status, but leaves username and password in cleartext in the my-password-file creating another attack vector - worse than than having info in the history file: bash, for example, automatically restricts permissions of the history file. A similar problem arises if using environment variables with e.g. a script to set the username/password. If the script isn't secure, neither are the credentials.
@SteventheEasilyAmused I disagree, it's much better to use a cleartext .netrc file with appropriately strict permissions, so only your user can read it, than other mechanisms (e.g. command line args) that let other users read the information.
Daniel Magnusson

Or the same thing but different syntax


I use that syntax, because can be used in a lot of more situations. Like from a Windows cmd with no cURL and no wGet, using start "" "". It can be launched from anywhere. That also applies to ftp logins ;D
You need to URL encode the username & password to use funny characters
I know that most people know not to send passwords (or even user names) in the URL like this example as it is easy to sniff. With that said; I don't unrecommend it but use only when you know what you are doing.
Unfortunately, this leaves the password visible in the process list.
@MarkRibau it does not show in the process list if you use the -u argument. neat trick from curl :-). see How does curl protect a password from appearing in ps output?

You can also just send the user name by writing:

curl -u USERNAME http://server.example

Curl will then ask you for the password, and the password will not be visible on the screen (or if you need to copy/paste the command).

Matt Fleming

To securely pass the password in a script (i.e. prevent it from showing up with ps auxf or logs) you can do it with the -K- flag (read config from stdin) and a heredoc:

curl --url url -K- <<< "--user user:password"

Thanks for the reference to the --config option (-K)... possibly a better solution would be to put "--user user:password" into a file and simply -K the file so you have only one copy of the password rather a copy in every script. Much easier to secure a single file.
Similar option, where only the password is in the file: cat "${password_filepath}" | sed -e "s/^/-u ${username}:/" | curl --url "${url}" -K-. I had to put -K- before the url for old macOS bash, YMMV.
This looks like the idea solution for use with Jenkins.
No need to use sed if the password is in a file: echo "-u user:$(cat passwordfile)"|curl -K- url
Touseef Murtaza

Usually CURL command refer to as

curl\?param\=ParamValue -u USERNAME:PASSWORD

if you don't have any password or want to skip command prompt to demand for password simple leave the password section blank.

i.e. curl\?param\=ParamValue -u USERNAME:

NOTE: Password would be visible in shell history and process list.
curl -X GET -u username:password  {{ }} -O

NOTE: Password would be visible in shell history and process list.

pretty easy, do the below:

curl -X GET/POST/PUT <URL> -u username:password

There is no requirement of security on the question
NOTE: Password would be visible in shell history and process list
Brian Davis

Other answers have suggested netrc to specify username and password, based on what I've read, I agree. Here are some syntax details:

Like other answers, I would like to stress the need to pay attention to security regarding this question.

Although I am not an expert, I found these links insightful:

To summarize:

Using the encrypted versions of the protocols (HTTPS vs HTTP) (FTPS vs FTP) can help avoid Network Leakage.

Using netrc can help avoid Command Line Leakage.

To go a step further, it seems you can also encrypt the netrc files using gpg

With this your credentials are not "at rest" (stored) as plain text.

Links are broken

To let the password least not pop up in your .bash_history:

curl -u user:$(cat .password-file) http://example-domain.tld

In this case, the password will still end up in the process list, e.g. it is visible to somebody doing ps auxw |grep curl at the right time. Similarly, the password will be logged if run via sudo
With this method the password is then present in a file (.password-file) which may be more insecure than the .bash history. The good part about this, is that it is only the password - the URL and username are not leaked in the .password-file.

I had the same need in bash (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) and the commands provided in the answers failed to work in my case. I had to use:

curl -X POST -F 'username="$USER"' -F 'password="$PASS"' ""

Double quotes in the -F arguments are only needed if you're using variables, thus from the command line ... -F 'username=myuser' ... will be fine.

Relevant Security Notice: as Mr. Mark Ribau points in comments this command shows the password ($PASS variable, expanded) in the processlist!

Looks like this still shows the value of $PASS in the process list?
Yes, unfortunately it does.
I am getting curl: option -F: is badly used here. curl 7.58. What is your version?
Deepak R

You can use command like,

curl -u user-name -p > new-file-name.ext

Then HTTP password will be triggered.


link is broken.
-p stands for --proxytunnel - misleading, but otherwise correct: "-u ... If you simply specify the user name, curl will prompt for a password."
Benjamin W.

Plain and simply put the most secure way would be to use environment variables to store/retrieve your credentials. Thus a curl command like:

curl -Lk -XGET -u "${API_USER}:${API_HASH}" -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -- ""

Would then call your restful api and pass the http WWW_Authentication header with the Base64 encoded values of API_USER and API_HASH. The -Lk just tells curl to follow http 30x redirects and to use insecure tls handling (ie ignore ssl errors). While the double -- is just bash syntax sugar to stop processing command line flags. Furthermore, the -b cookies.txt and -c cookies.txt flags handle cookies with -b sending cookies and -c storing cookies locally.

The manual has more examples of authentication methods.

Bear in mind that using "-Lk" can open you up to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, so use caution with that option.
This doesn't work... since bash expands those variables for you, the expansion appears in the process listing.

The safest way to pass credentials to curl is to be prompted to insert them. This is what happens when passing the username as suggested earlier (-u USERNAME).

But what if you can't pass the username that way? For instance the username might need to be part of the url and only the password be part of a json payload.

tl;dr: This is how to use curl safely in this case:

read -p "Username: " U; read -sp "Password: " P; curl --request POST -d "{\"password\":\"${P}\"}"${U}; unset P U

read will prompt for both username and password from the command line, and store the submitted values in two variables that can be references in subsequent commands and finally unset.

I'm gonna elaborate on why the other solutions are not ideal.

Why are environment variables unsafe

Access and exposure mode of the content of an environment variable, can not be tracked (ps -eww ) since the environment is implicitly available to a process Often apps grab the whole environment and log it for debugging or monitoring purposes (sometimes on log files plaintext on disk, especially after an app crashes) Environment variables are passed down to child processes (therefore breaking the principle of least privilege) Maintaining them is an issue: new engineers don't know they are there, and are not aware of requirements around them - e.g., not to pass them to sub-processes - since they're not enforced or documented.

Why is it unsafe to type it into a command on the command line directly Because your secret then ends up being visible by any other user running ps -aux since that lists commands submitted for each currently running process. Also because your secrte then ends up in the bash history (once the shell terminates).

Why is it unsafe to include it in a local file Strict POSIX access restriction on the file can mitigate the risk in this scenario. However, it is still a file on your file system, unencrypted at rest.

It seems that this method would still show the password in the process list?
The other answer also miss to use the "read" command. That hits the essence I landed on this page. Why not add the follwoing line to your post: "read -p "Username: " U; curl -u "$U" ; unset U"
hamid bayat

In some API maybe it does not work (like rabbitmq).

there is alternative:



also the above format is usable in browsers.


You can use gpg encrypted netrc file with curl like so:

curl --netrc-file <(gpg -d $netrc_file) https://...

Mark Ribau

This is MUCH more than the OP asked for, but since this is a top result for securely passing passwords to curl, I'm adding these solutions here for others who arrive here searching for that.

NOTE: -s arg for read command is not POSIX, and so is not available everywhere, so it won't be used below. We will use stty -echo and stty echo instead.

NOTE: All bash variables below could instead be declared as locals if in a function, rather than unsetting.

NOTE: perl is pretty generally available on all systems I've tried due to it being a dependency for many things, whereas ruby and python are not, so using perl here. If you can guarantee ruby/python where you're doing this, you can replace the perl command with their equivalent.

NOTE: Tested in bash 3.2.57 on macOS 10.14.4. Some small translation may be required for other shells/installs.

Securely prompt a user for a (reusable) password to pass to curl. Particularly useful if you need to call curl multiple times.

For modern shells, where echo is a built-in (check via which echo):

printf "Username: "
read username
printf "Password: "
stty -echo  # disables echoing user input, POSIX equivalent for 'read -s'
read pass
printf "\n" # we need to move the line ahead
stty echo   # re-enable echoing user input
echo ${pass} | sed -e "s/^/-u ${username}:/" | curl --url "${url}" -K-
unset username
unset pass

For older shells, where echo is something like /bin/echo (where whatever it echos can be seen in the process list):

printf "Username: "
read username
printf "Password: "
stty -echo  # disables echoing user input, POSIX equivalent for 'read -s'
perl -e '
    my $val=<STDIN>;
    chomp $val;
    print STDERR "\n";  # we need to move the line ahead, but not send a newline down the pipe
    print $val;
' | sed -e "s/^/-u ${username}:/" | curl --url "${url}" -K-
stty echo   # re-enable echoing user input
unset username

If you happen to need to store the password temporarily to a file, to re-use it for multiple commands before clearing it (say because you're using functions for code re-use and don't want to repeat code and can't pass the value around via echo). (Yes, these are a little contrived looking in this form not being functions in different libraries; I tried to reduce them to the minimum code needed to show it.)

When echo is built-in (this is especially contrived, since echo is a built-in, but provided for completeness):

filepath="$(mktemp)"  # random path, only readable by current user
printf "Username: "
read username
printf "Password: "
stty -echo  # disables echoing user input, POSIX equivalent for 'read -s'
read pass
echo "${pass}" > "${filepath}"
unset pass
printf "\n" # we need to move the line ahead
stty echo   # re-enable echoing user input

cat "${filepath}" | sed -e "s/^/-u ${username}:/" | curl --url "${url}" -K-

rm "${filepath}"  # don't forget to delete the file when done!!
unset username

When echo is something like /bin/echo:

filepath="$(mktemp)"  # random path, only readable by current user
printf "Username: "
read username
printf "Password: "
stty -echo  # disables echoing user input, POSIX equivalent for 'read -s'
$(perl -e '
    my $val=<STDIN>;
    chomp $val;
    open(my $fh, ">", $ARGV[0]) or die "Could not open file \"$ARGV[0]\" $\!";
    print $fh $val;
    close $fh;
' "$filepath")
printf "\n" # we need to move the line ahead
stty echo   # re-enable echoing user input

cat "${filepath}" | sed -e "s/^/-u ${username}:/" | curl --url "${url}" -K-

rm "${filepath}"  # don't forget to delete the file when done!!
unset username

Eliot Blennerhassett

If you are on a system that has Gnome keyring app a solution that avoids exposing the password directly is to use to extract the password from the keyring:
pass=$( -k login -tnetwork -p user=$user,server=$server -1)

curl -u $user:$pass ftps://$server/$file -O

NOTE: Password would be visible in process list. (And history if this isn't part of a script.)

In my case I needed a prompt where the user can enter their credentials.

The most simplistic way to get a prompt for username and password would be the following one-liner:

read -p "Username: " U ; curl -u "$U" <URL> ; unset U

The read command prompts for the username. The -u "$U" parameter tells curl to try to authenticate with the username $U and prompt for the password.

As a bonus the password will only be visible to curl and won't end up in any log or history.

The man page of curl has more details about different authentication modes:

I also like the approach the user "iammyr" takes. It can cover cases where the authentication algorithm of cURL fails:


If your server supports Basic auth, you could do:

printf 'header="Authorization: Basic %s"' "$(base64 --wrap=0 credentials)"|
curl --config -

credentials would be the file where you store the username and password in the form username:password.

Benefits of this solution:

No escaping of special characters necessary

Works with any password, even when it contains spaces, quotation marks, backslashes or other special characters, therefore it can also be used securely in scripts where you don’t control the input

In shells with builtin printf, the login data does not show up in the process list

If your shell does not have printf as a builtin command, you could do something like this to avoid the login data appearing in the process list:

{ printf 'header="Authorization: Basic '; base64 --wrap=0 credentials; printf '"'; }|
curl --config -


You should make sure what is the authentication type.

If it is digest authentication , http header is:

GET /xxxxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="admin@51200304-49-test", nonce="5.1722929000077545", uri="/xxxxxxxxxxx", response="52d30eba90820f2c4fa4d3292a4a7bbc", cnonce="f11900fe0906e3899e0cc431146512bb", qop=auth, nc=00000001
Accept-Encoding: gzip

you can use --digest option :

    curl  --digest -u 'username:password' 'http://xxxxxxxxxxx'

Can you add why you would need the --digest option?