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How to read from a file or standard input in Bash

The following Perl script ( can read from either the file in the command line arguments or from standard input (STDIN):

while (<>) {

perl will read from standard input, while perl a.txt will read from a.txt. This is very handy.

Is there an equivalent in Bash?

Peter Mortensen

The following solution reads from a file if the script is called with a file name as the first parameter $1 and otherwise from standard input.

while read line
  echo "$line"
done < "${1:-/dev/stdin}"

The substitution ${1:-...} takes $1 if defined. Otherwise, the file name of the standard input of the own process is used.

Nice, it works. Another question is why you add a quote for it? "${1:-/proc/${$}/fd/0}"
The filename you supply on the command line could have blanks.
Is there any difference between using /proc/$$/fd/0 and /dev/stdin? I noticed the latter seems to be more common and looks more straightforward.
Better to add -r to your read command, so that it doesn't accidentally eat \ chars; use while IFS= read -r line to preserve leading and trailing whitespace.
In a vast majority of cases, you should avoid this. If all you want to do is echo the input back to output, cat does that already. Very often the processing could take place in an Awk script and the shell while read loop just complicates matters. Obviously, there are situations where you do need to process a line at a time from a file in a shell loop, but if you just found this answer in Google, you should be aware that this is a common newbie antipattern.
Peter Mortensen

Perhaps the simplest solution is to redirect standard input with a merging redirect operator:

less <&0

Standard input is file descriptor zero. The above sends the input piped to your bash script into less's standard input.

Read more about file descriptor redirection.

I wish I had more upvotes to give you, I've been looking for this for years.
There is no benefit to using <&0 in this situation - your example will work the same with or without it - seemingly, tools you invoke from within a bash script by default see the same stdin as the script itself (unless the script consumes it first).
@mkelement0 So if a tool reads half the input buffer, will the next tool I invoke get the rest?
"Missing filename ("less --help" for help)" when I do this... Ubuntu 16.04
where is the "or from file" part in this answer?

Here is the simplest way:

cat -


$ echo test | sh

To assign stdin to the variable, you may use: STDIN=$(cat -) or just simply STDIN=$(cat) as operator is not necessary (as per @mklement0 comment).

To parse each line from the standard input, try the following script:

while IFS= read -r line; do
  printf '%s\n' "$line"

To read from the file or stdin (if argument is not present), you can extend it to:

file=${1--} # POSIX-compliant; ${1:--} can be used either.
while IFS= read -r line; do
  printf '%s\n' "$line" # Or: env POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 echo "$line"
done < <(cat -- "$file")

Notes: - read -r - Do not treat a backslash character in any special way. Consider each backslash to be part of the input line. - Without setting IFS, by default the sequences of Space and Tab at the beginning and end of the lines are ignored (trimmed). - Use printf instead of echo to avoid printing empty lines when the line consists of a single -e, -n or -E. However there is a workaround by using env POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 echo "$line" which executes your external GNU echo which supports it. See: How do I echo "-e"?

See: How to read stdin when no arguments are passed? at stackoverflow SE

You could simplify [ "$1" ] && FILE=$1 || FILE="-" to FILE=${1:--}. (Quibble: better to avoid all-uppercase shell variables to avoid name collisions with environment variables.)
My pleasure; actually, ${1:--} is POSIX-compliant, so it should work in all POSIX-like shells. What won't work in all such shells is process substitution (<(...)); it'll work in bash, ksh, zsh, but not in dash, for instance. Also, better to add -r to your read command, so that it doesn't accidentally eat \ chars; prepend IFS= to preserve leading and trailing whitespace.
In fact your code still breaks because of echo: if a line consists of -e, -n or -E, it won't be shown. To fix this, you must use printf: printf '%s\n' "$line". I didn't include it in my previous edit… too often my edits are rollbacked when I fix this error :(.
Nope it doesn't fail. And the -- is useless if first argument is '%s\n'
Your answer's fine by me (I mean there are no bugs or unwanted features I'm aware of anymore)—though it doesn't treat multiple arguments as Perl does. In fact, if you want to handle multiple arguments, you'll end up writing Jonathan Leffler's excellent answer—in fact yours would be better since you'd use IFS= with read and printf instead of echo. :).
Peter Mortensen

I think this is the straightforward way:

$ cat
while read line; do
  echo "reading: ${line}"
done < /dev/stdin


$ cat
for i in {0..5}; do
  echo "line ${i}"


$ ./ | ./
reading: line 0
reading: line 1
reading: line 2
reading: line 3
reading: line 4
reading: line 5

This doesn't fit the requirement by the poster for reading from either stdin or a file argument, this just reads from stdin.
Leaving @nash's valid objection aside: read reads from stdin by default, so there's no need for < /dev/stdin.

The echo solution adds new lines whenever IFS breaks the input stream. @fgm's answer can be modified a bit:

cat "${1:-/dev/stdin}" > "${2:-/dev/stdout}"

Could you please explain what you mean by "echo solution adds new lines whenever IFS breaks the input stream"? In case you were referring to read's behavior: while read does potentially split into multiple tokens by the chars. contained in $IFS, it only returns a single token if you only specify a single variable name (but trims and leading and trailing whitespace by default).
@mklement0 I agree 100% with you on the behavior of read and $IFS - echo itself adds new lines without the -n flag. "The echo utility writes any specified operands, separated by single blank (` ') characters and followed by a newline (`\n') character, to the standard output."
Got it. However, to emulate the Perl loop you need the trailing \n added by echo: Perl's $_ includes the line ending \n from the line read, while bash's read does not. (However, as @gniourf_gniourf points out elsewhere, the more robust approach is to use printf '%s\n' in lieu of echo).
Jonathan Leffler

The Perl loop in the question reads from all the file name arguments on the command line, or from standard input if no files are specified. The answers I see all seem to process a single file or standard input if there is no file specified.

Although often derided accurately as UUOC (Useless Use of cat), there are times when cat is the best tool for the job, and it is arguable that this is one of them:

cat "$@" |
while read -r line
    echo "$line"

The only downside to this is that it creates a pipeline running in a sub-shell, so things like variable assignments in the while loop are not accessible outside the pipeline. The bash way around that is Process Substitution:

while read -r line
    echo "$line"
done < <(cat "$@")

This leaves the while loop running in the main shell, so variables set in the loop are accessible outside the loop.

Excellent point about multiple files. I don't know what the resource and performance implications would be, but if you're not on bash, ksh, or zsh and therefore can't use process substitution, you could try a here-doc with command substitution (spread across 3 lines) >>EOF\n$(cat "$@")\nEOF. Finally, a quibble: while IFS= read -r line is a better approximation of what while (<>) does in Perl (preserves leading and trailing whitespace - though Perl also keeps the trailing \n).

Perl's behavior, with the code given in the OP can take none or several arguments, and if an argument is a single hyphen - this is understood as stdin. Moreover, it's always possible to have the filename with $ARGV. None of the answers given so far really mimic Perl's behavior in these respects. Here's a pure Bash possibility. The trick is to use exec appropriately.


(($#)) || set -- -
while (($#)); do
   { [[ $1 = - ]] || exec < "$1"; } &&
   while read -r; do
      printf '%s\n' "$REPLY"

Filename's available in $1.

If no arguments are given, we artificially set - as the first positional parameter. We then loop on the parameters. If a parameter is not -, we redirect standard input from filename with exec. If this redirection succeeds we loop with a while loop. I'm using the standard REPLY variable, and in this case you don't need to reset IFS. If you want another name, you must reset IFS like so (unless, of course, you don't want that and know what you're doing):

while IFS= read -r line; do
    printf '%s\n' "$line"

This is right answer - I recently learned how to use exec to re-route stdout to a designated file, I should have known it could be used to route a file to stdin. Thanks for sharing your answer, sorry its not getting the love it deserves !

More accurately...

while IFS= read -r line ; do
    printf "%s\n" "$line"
done < file

I assume this is essentially a comment on, not an answer. To make the comment explicit: adding IFS= and -r to the read command ensures that each line is read unmodified (including leading and trailing whitespace).

Please try the following code:

while IFS= read -r line; do
    echo "$line"
done < file

Note that even as amended, this won't read from standard input, or from multiple files, so it isn't a complete answer to the question. (It is also surprising to see two edits in a matter of minutes more than 3 years after the answer was first submitted.)
@JonathanLeffler sorry for editing such an old (and not really good) answer… but I couldn't stand seeing this poor read without IFS= and -r, and the poor $line without its healthy quotes.
@gniourf_gniourf: I dislike the read -r notation. IMO, POSIX got that wrong; the option should enable the special meaning for trailing backslashes, not disable it — so that existing scripts (from before POSIX existed) would not break because the -r was omitted. I observe, however, that it was part of IEEE 1003.2 1992, which was the earliest version of the POSIX shell and utilities standard, but it was marked as an addition even then, so this is bitching about long-gone opportunities. I've never run into trouble because my code does not use -r; I must be lucky. Ignore me on this.
@JonathanLeffler I really agree that -r should be standard. I agree that it's unlikely to be in cases where not using it leads to trouble. Though, broken code is broken code. My edit was first triggered by that poor $line variable that badly missed its quotes. I fixed the read while I was at it. I didn't fix the echo because that's the kind of edit that gets rolled back. :(.
How does it work? What is that IFS= thing? Why is it necessary? There is some information in a comment.
Peter Mortensen

I combined all of the above answers and created a shell function that would suit my needs. This is from a Cygwin terminal of my two Windows 10 machines where I had a shared folder between them. I need to be able to handle the following:

cat file.cpp | tx

tx < file.cpp

tx file.cpp

Where a specific filename is specified, I need to used the same filename during copy. Where input data stream has been piped through, then I need to generate a temporary filename having the hour minute and seconds. The shared mainfolder has subfolders of the days of the week. This is for organizational purposes.

Behold, the ultimate script for my needs:

tx ()
  if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    local TMP=/tmp/tx.$(date +'%H%M%S')
    while IFS= read -r line; do
        echo "$line"
    done < /dev/stdin > $TMP
    cp $TMP //$OTHER/stargate/$(date +'%a')/
    rm -f $TMP
    [ -r $1 ] && cp $1 //$OTHER/stargate/$(date +'%a')/ || echo "cannot read file"

If there is any way that you can see to further optimize this, I would like to know.

Peter Mortensen

if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then
       #for FILE in "$@" /dev/stdin
    for FILE in /dev/stdin
        while IFS= read -r LINE
            echo "$@" "$LINE"   #print line argument and stdin
        done < "$FILE"
    printf "[ -p /dev/stdin ] is false\n"


echo var var2 | bash


var var2


bash < <(cat /etc/passwd)




Two principle ways:

Either pipe the argument files and stdin into a single stream and process that like stdin (stream approach)

Or redirect stdin (and argument files) into a named pipe and process that like a file (file approach)

Stream approach

Minor revisions to earlier answers:

Use cat, not less. It's faster and you don't need pagination.

Use $1 to read from first argument file (if present) or $* to read from all files (if present). If these variables are empty, read from stdin (like cat does) #!/bin/bash cat $* | ...

File approach

Writing into a named pipe is a bit more complicated, but this allows you to treat stdin (or files) like a single file:

Create pipe with mkfifo.

Parallelize the writing process. If the named pipe is not read from, it may block otherwise.

For redirecting stdin into a subprocess (as necessary in this case), use <&0 (unlike what others have been commenting, this is not optional here). #!/bin/bash mkfifo /tmp/myStream cat $* <&0 > /tmp/myStream & # separate subprocess (!) AddYourCommandHere /tmp/myStream # process input like a file, rm /tmp/myStream # cleaning up

File approach: Variation

Create named pipe only if no arguments are given. This may be more stable for reading from files as named pipes can occasionally block.

if echo $FILES | egrep -v . >&/dev/null; then # if $FILES is empty
   mkfifo /tmp/myStream
   cat <&0 > /tmp/myStream &
AddYourCommandHere $FILES     # do something ;)
if [ -e /tmp/myStream ]; then
   rm /tmp/myStream

Also, it allows you to iterate over files and stdin rather than concatenate all into a single stream:

for file in $FILES; do
    AddYourCommandHere $file

Peter Mortensen

The code ${1:-/dev/stdin} will just understand the first argument, so you can use this:

if [ -z "$*" ]; then
eval "cat -- $ARGS" | while read line
   echo "$line"

Marinos An

Reading from stdin into a variable or from a file into a variable.

Most examples in the existing answers use loops that immediately echo each of line as it is read from stdin. This might not be what you really want to do.

In many cases you need to write a script that calls a command which only accepts a file argument. But in your script you may want to support stdin also. In this case you need to first read full stdin and then provide it as a file.

Let's see an example. The script below prints the certificate details of a certificate (in PEM format) that is passed either as a file or via stdin.

# print-cert script

while read line
done < "${1:-/dev/stdin}"
# Remove the last newline appended in the above loop

# Keytool accepts certificate only via a file, but in our script we fix this.
keytool -printcert -v -file <(echo -e $content)

# Read from file

cert-print mycert.crt

# Owner: CN=....
# Issuer: ....
# ....

# Or read from stdin (by pasting)

#..paste the cert here and press enter
# Ctl-D

# Owner: CN=....
# Issuer: ....
# ....

# Or read from stdin by piping to another command (which just prints the cert(s) ). In this case we use openssl to fetch directly from a site and then print its info.

echo "" | openssl s_client -connect -prexit 2>/dev/null \
| cert-print

# Owner: CN=....
# Issuer: ....
# ....


This one is easy to use on the terminal:

$ echo '1\n2\n3\n' | while read -r; do echo $REPLY; done

Peter Mortensen

The following works with standard sh (tested with Dash on Debian) and is quite readable, but that's a matter of taste:

if [ -n "$1" ]; then
    cat "$1"
fi | commands_and_transformations

Details: If the first parameter is non-empty then cat that file, else cat standard input. Then the output of the whole if statement is processed by the commands_and_transformations.

IMHO the best answer so because it points to the true solution: cat "${1:--}" | any_command. Reading to shell variables and echoing them may work for small files but does not scale so well.
The [ -n "$1" ] can be simplified to [ "$1" ].
Peter Mortensen

I don't find any of these answers acceptable. In particular, the accepted answer only handles the first command line parameter and ignores the rest. The Perl program that it is trying to emulate handles all the command line parameters. So the accepted answer doesn't even answer the question.

Other answers use Bash extensions, add unnecessary 'cat' commands, only work for the simple case of echoing input to output, or are just unnecessarily complicated.

However, I have to give them some credit, because they gave me some ideas. Here is the complete answer:


if [ $# = 0 ]

# Iterates over all parameters or /dev/stdin
        while IFS= read -r LINE
                # Do whatever you want with LINE here.
                echo $LINE
        done < "$FILE"

Peter Mortensen

As a workaround, you can use the stdin device in the /dev directory:

....| for item in `cat /dev/stdin` ; do echo $item ;done

Peter Mortensen


while read line
    echo "$line"
done < "${1:-/dev/stdin}"

I got the following output:

Ignored 1265 characters from standard input. Use "-stdin" or "-" to tell how to handle piped input.

Then decided with for:

Lnl=$(cat file.txt | wc -l)
echo "Last line: $Lnl"

for num in `seq $nl +1 $Lnl`;
    echo "Number line: $nl"
    line=$(cat file.txt | head -n $nl | tail -n 1)
    echo "Read line: $line"

Peter Mortensen


for line in `cat`; do

The output of cat will be placed into the command line. The command line has a maximum size. Also this will not read line by line, but word by word.