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Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow

I installed the latest version of Python (3.6.4 64-bit) and the latest version of PyCharm (2017.3.3 64-bit). Then I installed some modules in PyCharm (Numpy, Pandas, etc), but when I tried installing Tensorflow it didn't install, and I got the error message:

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement TensorFlow (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for TensorFlow.

Then I tried installing TensorFlow from the command prompt and I got the same error message. I did however successfully install tflearn.

I also installed Python 2.7, but I got the same error message again. I googled the error and tried some of the things which were suggested to other people, but nothing worked (this included installing Flask).

How can I install Tensorflow? Thanks.

what is your OS ?
@TheTechGuy Windows 10
@FlyingTeller the newest version
Try The process I have answered. I am assuming you already have Pip and Configured python in the ecosystem
I am on Windows 10 with python 3.8.0 installed. Getting the same error message.


As of October 2020:

Tensorflow only supports the 64-bit version of Python

Tensorflow only supports Python 3.5 to 3.8

So, if you're using an out-of-range version of Python (older or newer) or a 32-bit version, then you'll need to use a different version.

Could you please provide some references of where you have retrieved this information / date ?
on the official site, they still refer both 3.5.x and 3.6.x
v3.6.8 raises the same exception
Python v3.6.8 does not raise the exception for me; v3.7 did
@AER, I had this problem as well. I was running py3.6.8 32 bit... but tensorflow only works with 64 bit

There are a few important rules to install Tensorflow:

You have to install Python x64. It doesn't work with x86/32b and it gives the same error as yours.

It doesn't support Python versions later than 3.8 and Python 3.8 requires TensorFlow 2.2 or later.

For example, you can install Python3.8.6-64bit and it works like a charm.

You can check your architecture using python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" or python -c "import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P')*8)"
I have Python 3.8.5, the 64-bit version, and I get the error when trying to install tensorflow>=1.15,<1.16.
@nbro Python 3.8 requires TensorFlow 2.2 or later
@krenerd You should ask TensorFlow. They probably need to spend some time to make it compatible.
Anil Sah

I installed it successfully by pip install

If you find conflict with use of tensorflow and python3, this page has advice on editing the reserved word 'async' in a file
@Anil Sah what it will be for windows... I'm having the same problem
it installed successfully! yes, but, won't run correctly. why?
this installed for me in january 2020 <3
It work correctly, I could install tensorflow.

if you are using anaconda, python 3.7 is installed by default, so you have to downgrade it to 3.6:

conda install python=3.6


pip install tensorflow

it worked for me in Ubuntu.

This was my problem. Needed to rollback the python version. Took half a day to figure out. The internet is full of guides that say nothing about this. And Conda can't give a meaningful error message? How many man hours are getting wasted globally on this python package crap.,FFS.
ramazan polat

I am giving it for Windows

If you are using python-3

Upgrade pip to the latest version using py -m pip install --upgrade pip Install package using py -m pip install

If you are using python-2

Upgrade pip to the latest version using py -2 -m pip install --upgrade pip Install package using py -2 -m pip install

It worked for me

You have writen "python-2" twice, I guess the first one should be python 3.
Worked for me, too
doesn't work for me :( I just installed the latest Python 3.7 too
@Raksha see my answer. It'll help you.
this fix worked for me with python3 on ubuntu

Tensorflow 2.2.0 supports Python3.8

First, make sure to install Python 3.8 64bit. For some reason, the official site defaults to 32bit. Verify this using python -VV (two capital V, not W). Then continue as usual:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install wheel  # not necessary
python -m pip install tensorflow

As usual, make sure you have CUDA 10.1 and CuDNN installed.

Are you sure this would install a release candidate (in this case 2.2.0rc3)?
Yes, I am sure, I just did it. assert tensorflow.__version__ == '2.2.0-rc3' passes. Why the downvote?
I'm suprised. I get 2.1.0. Is there maybe a --pre in a pip configuration file somewhere?
Ah, that could explain it. If the only release compatible with the Python interpreter is a release candidate, then pip might want to pick it anyway (I was testing with a different Python version <3.8). Still surprising to me.
Updated: no longer RC
Martin W

Tensorflow isn't available for python 3.8 (as of Dec 4th 2019) according to their documentation page. You will have to downgrade to python 3.7.

It is available with python 3.8.2-64 bit version now (as of March 22 2020)
Jop Knoppers

I am using python 3.6.8, on ubunu 18.04, for me the solution was to just upgrade pip

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install tensorflow==2.1.0

Martin W

Uninstalling Python and then reinstalling solved my issue and I was able to successfully install TensorFlow.


Python version is not supported Uninstall python

You should check and use the exact version in install page.

python 3.6.2 or python 3.5.2 solved this issue for me

Gregg Harrington

(as of Jan 1st, 2021)

Any over version 3.9.x there is no support for TensorFlow 2. If you are installing packages via pip with 3.9, you simply get a "package doesn't exist" message. After reverting to the latest 3.8.x. Thought I would drop this here, I will update when 3.9.x is working with Tensorflow 2.x

Rahul Sattar

Looks like the problem is with Python 3.8. Use Python 3.7 instead. Steps I took to solve this.

Created a python 3.7 environment with conda

List item Installed rasa using pip install rasa within the environment.

Worked for me.

as of 2-2020, this may be the most likely answer. It was for me.

So here's the message that I got on a M1 Pro while I was executing

python -m pip install tensorflow-macos

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow

I then re-installed python from the official source:

(Yes, as stupid as it seems.)

I then followed the Apple tutorial for Monterey:

Everything was solved by then.

Save my day, thumbs up
You welcome, happy to know i helped someone today :)
Thanks, I was able to run this without having to re-install python, by running the script in the instructions an env is created with python 3.9.13. I was originally using python 3.10 with home-brew and everything ran just fine.
Happy to hear this! I needed both steps in my situation.

Running this before the tensorflow installation solved it for me:

pip install "pip>=19"

As the tensorflow's system requirements states:

pip 19.0 or later

Trake Vital

For version TensorFlow 2.2:

Make sure you have python 3.8

try: python --version

or python3 --version

or py --version

Upgrade the pip of the python which has version 3.8

try: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

or python -m pip install --upgrade pip

or py -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install TensorFlow:

try: python3 -m pip install TensorFlow

or python -m pip install TensorFlow

or py -m pip install TensorFlow

Make sure to run the file with the correct python:

try: python3

or python

or py

This works. Try to find the combination that matches your system
mukesh yadav

1.Go to website and look if the version you are using support the Tensorflow. some latest version does not support Tesnsorflow. until Tensorflow releases its latest version for that Python version.

you must have 64 bit python installed have latest version of pip installed pip install --upgrade pip


using pip install tensorflow --user did it for me


Tensorflow seems to need special versions of tools and libs. Pip only takes care of python version.

To handle this in a professional way (means it save tremendos time for me and others) you have to set a special environment for each software like this.

An advanced tool for this is conda.

I installed Tensorflow with this commands:

sudo apt install python3

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1

sudo apt install python3-pip

sudo apt-get install curl

curl >



source ~/.bashrc

installs its own phyton etc

nano .bashrc

maybe insert here your proxies etc.

conda create --name your_name python=3

conda activate your_name

conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow

check everything went well

python -c "import tensorflow as tf; tf.enable_eager_execution(); print(tf.reduce_sum(tf.random_normal([1000, 1000])))"

PS: some commands that may be helpful conda search tensorflow

uses virtualenv. Conda is more capable. Miniconda ist sufficient; the full conda is not necessary

Jasbin Karki

use python version 3.6 or 3.7 but the important thing is you should install the python version of 64-bit.


In case you are using Docker, make sure you have

FROM python:x.y.z

instead of

FROM python:x.y.z-alpine.


This issue also happens with other libraries such as matplotlib(which doesn't support Python > 3.9 for some functions) let's just use COLAB.

Michael Ribbons

Slightly different issue for me but I will still post an answer here. tensorflow package is working, but not tflite-runtime.

pip install --extra-index-url tflite-runtime==2.5.0


I solved the same problem with python 3.7 by installing one by one all the packages required

Here are the steps:

Install the package See the error message: couldn't find a version that satisfies the requirement -- the name of the module required Install the module required. Very often, installation of the required module requires the installation of another module, and another module - a couple of the others and so on.

This way I installed more than 30 packages and it helped. Now I have tensorflow of the latest version in Python 3.7 and didn't have to downgrade the kernel.